Maths3Sacred Heart School

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1. The dominant house of the German parliament – The Reichstag of the Weimar
2. For electing a president, elections are held in every seven years.
3. The Rhineland was demilitarized.
4. Head of the German army – Greoner
5. National bank to control the Reichsmark – Reichsbank
6. An international agreement by which states promised not to use war to achieve
foreign policy aims – The Kellogg
7. Adolf Hitler was awarded – Iron Cross (First Class)
8. Founder of German Workers Party – Anton Drexler
9. Scar faced, bull necked soldier – Ernst Rohm
10. Hitler’s autobiography – Mein Kampf
11. Full form of SS – Schutzstaffel
12. The violent thugs – Storm Troopers
13. Place where the Reichstag met since the fire – Kroll Opera House
14. Chancellor of the Weimar Republic from 1930 -1932 – Heinrich Bruning
15. Emblem of the Nazi Party - Swastika
16. Two ways Nazis exerted control in the totalitarian state – Censorship and
17. The black American athlete – Jesse Owens
18. Opposition Youth group – Edelweiss Pirates

Fill in the blanks.

1. Hitler launched the Munich Putsch an uprising against the German government.
2. Joseph Goebbels was the Nazi Party gauleiter for Berlin.
3. Hitler arranged the several senior officers of the SA to be arrested, imprisoned and
shot, this was known as The Night of Long Knives
4. In October 1929, share prices began to fall on the Wall Street stock exchange in New
5. From 1929, the SS was run by Heinrich Himmler
6. The first women camp was opened at Moringen
7. Camps were located in isolated areas.
8. Extreme inflation is called hyperinflation
9. An extreme left-wing movement Communism
10. The Versailles Treaty Germans regarded as Diktat & Dolchstoss
11. Nazi Germany was a police state.
12. Organisations used by Hitler to exert control over Germany SS & The Gestapo
13. Leader of the Gestapo – Reinhard Heydrich
14. The first Nazi concentration camp was opened in Dachau in 1933
15. The first Nazi concentration camp for women was opened at Moringen
16. Mass rally was held every year at Nuremberg
17. The mutiny spread to the base at Kiel
18. Arts were controlled by Goebbels
19. The work of Mendelssohn was banned as he was part Jewish.
20. The Weimar Republic was built on shaky foundation / 9 Nov 1918
21. The Mothers Cross encouraged large families.

True or false.
1. In 1925, Hitler did not set up any new party security group – F
2. Hitler realised the need for new approach to gain power in Germany – T
3. During the depression banks were the major investors in shares and suffered huge
losses – T
4. Reichstag building was destroyed by fire on 27 March 1933 – F (correct ans 27 Feb
5. The SS used judges as their camp inmates. F
6. The camps were secretive places. T
7. Hitler did not take control over the law courts. F
8. Chancellor was the head of the government. T
9. Karl Legion was elected by the assembly as the first president. F (correct ans.
Friedrich Ebert)
10. The president could suspend the constitution and pass laws by decree. T
11. There were 6 concentration camps by 1939. – T
12. The inmates of the prison were not undesirables - F
13. Hitler’s appeal was universal. – F
14. President was the head of the government – F (correct ans: Chancellor)
15. The Lebensborn Programme was a policy that encouraged child birth. T
IV. Define:
1. Inflation
V. Answer the following
1. Explain the SS (Schutzstaffel) and the Gestapo organisation used by Hitler to make
Nazi Germany a police state.
2. What were the causes of the great depression?
3. Explain the effect of enabling act on the democracy of Germany.
4. Write a note on Hitler’s early years.
5. Explain all achievements of Stresemann.
6. What were the effects of Treaty on Germany?
7. What were the causes of Hitler’s new policy?
8. Explain the effects of the enabling act on the democracy of Germany.
9. Causes of the Munich Putsch.
10. Explain Goebells and Nazi propaganda.
11. How did the Nazi’s control education?
12. Nazi society role of women, explain.

 Learn Censorship & Propaganda and Stresemann Era Achievements for ESSAY

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