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Name : Muhammad Fahri Widiyanto

NIM : C0119062

I am confident to achieve my dream. I always dream and will continue to dream even though there
are many obstacles that I must overcome to make that dream come true that is not just a mere
fantasy later. Everyone must have a dream to achieve, like me I want to achieve it even though I
have to climb mountains and cross the vast ocean. I know that dream must have a limit and I believe
that the limit is a clear sky. As what I want to achieve in the future is a bright future.

"No human in this world has a bright future without having high dreams," I said

I have a strong mentality. I always try to be better every day, therefore I must have a strong
mentality to rise from adversity. I believe in every failure or deterioration someone must have
something good afterwards, but if we do not want to try to get up and want to change what we have
done then the results will be zero or no results. Therefore I always instill in myself to always get up
and change what I have done before and always strong in facing something that might be difficult to
deal with.

"A person without a strong mental state they will often meet with failure"

I'm simple. Simple here I mean always dress modestly or look conspicuous from others and always
be humble to everyone. In my opinion, a simple person would be easy to get happy not like people
who are more concerned with the arrogant nature and like to show off because people like that will
usually be difficult to get happiness because they are less grateful for what they already have. I think
happiness is as simple as gathering together with friends and joking with one another, eating with
family together and talking with each other. That's how simple according to my life, there is no need
to live in luxury, which is important to always be together with the people we love.

I am a person who always thinks before acting. I have this trait so thankful because it is a good gift
for me. Because someone who always thinks first in acting will achieve greater success than people
who don't want to think first in acting. If we always think before we act will be good for us, it is
because we can be better prepared if we face problems in the middle of the journey we take to
achieve success.

I like all kinds of sports. Sport is not just a game that seeks who wins and who loses, but sport is an
activity that will make us healthier and feel better emotionally. Sports for me are important because
everyone who wants to be healthy must exercise. The sport that I like is badminton because this
sport is not only just hitting suttlekock, but we must always focus and concentrate in this sport
because we are alone and must defend our defense area which is more or less 8 meters long and 5
meters wide. This sport in my opinion trains us in facing obstacles with all our strength even though
we are alone without a friend who helps us to survive and rise.

I AM Empathetic. For me, being empathetic is part of living with an open heart. I feel empathy for
people on a daily basis and I always try to see the positive in situations especially if they are
behaving out of character. I genuinely care about people and this is what motivates a huge part of
my life -- from mentoring my team to supporting the kids in Haiti through Artists for Peace and
Justice -- but it's also something that I apply to all my relationships. I am sensitive and feel things
deeply, and I always try to understand what other people are going through. The way I fit this quality
into my work and life is by listening more and talking less, paying more attention to the people
around me, and trying to understand things from their perspective. This also goes back to having an
open heart and not judging others. Everyone has their own life to lead, their own lessons to learn.
Having empathy is what allows all of us to be more open and understanding of our journey

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