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San Jacinto Pangasinan, 2431


Name:______________________________________________ Score:___________

I. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the landforms far above sea level?

A. Highland
B. Lowland
C. Summit
D. Peak
2. Which of the following is not a landform?
A. Arctic Ocean
B. Baguio City and La Trinidad
C. Chocolate Hills
D. Banaue Rice Terraces
3. Which of these landforms is suitable for planting rice?
A. Mountain
B. Hill
C. Plains
D. Volcano
4. What is the tallest mountain in the Philippines?
A. Mount Everest
B. Mount Apo
C. Mount Olympus
D. Mount Arayat
5. What is the tallest mountain in the world?
A. Mount Everest
B. Mount Apo
C. Mount Olympus
D. Mount Arayat
6. Most hot springs are likely to be found near?
A. Volcano
B. Mountain
C. Plains
D. Hills
7. Which of these landforms can grow plants in cold places
A. Mountain
B. Hill
C. Plains
D. Volcano
8. What do you call the plain between two mountains?
A. Mountain
B. Hill
C. Valley
D. Volcano
9. Which of the following is not true about volcanoes?
A. Geothermal power plants are located near volcanoes.
B. A volcano emits molten rocks when erupts.
C. A volcano is a form of highland.
D. None of the above
10. Which of these landforms is the natural habitat of the Philippine Eagle?
A. Mount Apo
B. Taal Volcano
C. Chocolate Hills
D. Amazon Rainforest
11. The peak of the mountain is also called?
A. Summit
B. Top
C. High Point
D. Heaven
12. This mountain range has Mount Everest and is located in Nepal, China, and India.
A. Sierra Madre
B. Himalayas
C. Baguio City
D. Cordillera
13. It is a path of flowing freshwater that usually leads to the sea.
A. Lake
B. Pond
C. Ocean
D. River
14. Largest body of water in our planet?
A. Ocean
B. Sea
C. River
D. Lake
15. This is a body of freshwater that is surrounded by land.
A. Lake
B. River
C. Ocean
D. Sea
II. Direction: Identify whether each given landform is a highland or lowland. Write H for
Highland and L for Lowland.

1. Mountain 4. Valley

2. Hill 5. Plains

3. Plateau

III. Direction: Put a Check if the activity is appropriate to the landform. Put a Cross if it is

1. Hiking in a mountain. 4. Growing strawberries in the


2. Building houses near a 5. Planting rice in hills.


3. Raising farm animals in


IV. Direction: Identify whether each given body of water is freshwater or saltwater.

1. Pond 4. River

2. Ocean 5. Sea

3. Lake

V. Direction: Write T is the statement is correct. Write F if it is not.

1. Our body is made up of mostly water.

2. Freshwater contains dissolved salts from rocks.
3. The largest body of water is the sea.
4. Ponds are smaller than lakes.
5. Lanao Agus River provides a hydroelectric power plant.

IV. Direction: Put the following words into the right column.

Celebes West Philippine Indian Southern Ocean

Pacific Artic Philippine

Atlantic Sulu


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