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Keno Hare Krsna Nam
Oh Why WhiIe Chanfing Hare Krsna...:`
,rcjran) hcno narc hrsna nam nar boIc
mano pran hanc na
hcno-wly'; narc hrsna nam-ilc namcs Haic Kisna; nar boIc-claniing ilc
namc ol Loid Haii; mano pran-my innci lcaii; hanc na-docs noi wccp.
(refrain) Oh, why does my hearf nof weep from chanfing fhe hoIy names Hare
pahn na jan hon aparanc
muhnc narc hrsna nam boIo na
pahn-ilc biid ol my lcaii; na jan-I do noi lnow; hon aparanc-by somc
ollcnsc; muhnc-wiil ilc mouil; narc hrsna nam-ilc namcs ol Haic Kisna; boIo
na-docs noi clani.
1) The bird of my hearf does nof know whaf pasf sinfuI acfivifies if has
commiffed fo cause fhis inabiIify fo chanf Hare Krsna properIy.
bancr pahn rc narc rahIam nroy manrc
manu mahna c nar nam
pahn rc shnaIc shnc
bancr pahn-a biid ol ilc loicsi; rc-O!; narc-lolding; rahIam-I lavc lcpi;
nroy manrc-in ilc icmplc ol my lcaii; manu mahna-smcaicd wiil loncy;
c-ilis; nar nam-namc ol Loid Haii; pahn rc-O biid!; shnaIc-upon bcing
insiiucicd; shnc-lcains.
2) O foresf bird! I have kepf somefhing for you very carefuIIy wifhin fhe
coffage of my hearf-fhe hoIy name of Lord Hari, which is overfIowing wifh
pure sweef honey. O bird, you couId Iearn fhe chanfing of fhis name if you were
pahn sahaI nam boItc paro
hcno narc hrsna nam boIo na
hcno narc hrsna nam nar boIc mano pran hanc na
pahn-a biid; sahaI nam-all namcs; boItc paro-is ablc io spcal; hcno-wly';
narc hrsna nam-ilc namcs ol Haic Kisna; boIo na-docs noi clani.
3) A bird is easiIy abIe fo speak aII names; why fhen does fhis bird of my hearf
refuse fo chanf Hare Krsna: Oh, why does my hearf nof weep from chanfing fhe
hoIy names Hare Krsna:
cnaIo pahn rupcr csc ja
jc csctc mancr manus asa jaoya na
cnaIo-plcasc go; pahn-O biid!; rupcr csc-io ilc land ol iiuc bcauiy; ja-I go;
jc csctc-ai wlicl placc; mancr manus-ilc mcnially-imagincd man; asa jaoya-
comcs and gocs (as in icpcaicd biiil and dcail); na-noi.
+) O bird! Come, Ief us go fo fhe spirifuaI worId, fhe Iand of frue and
everIasfing beaufy. If is fhe pIace where fhe imaginary man of my mind wiII
never again come and go on fhe revoIving cycIe of birfh and deafh.
pahn rc tor marana haIctc
carab vascr oIatc
orc car janctc hannc horc
Ioyc jabc smasan gnatctc
pahn rc-O biid!; tor-youi; marana haIctc-ai ilc iimc ol dcail; carab-you
will bc placcd; vatcr oIatc-on ilc luncial siiciclci madc liom slips ol bamboo;
orc-ol!; car janctc-by loui pcisons; hannc horc-placing on ilc slouldci;
Ioyc-caiiying; jabc-will piocccd; smasan gnatctc-io ilc cicmaiion landing.
5) O bird! Af fhe fime of deafh, your body wiII simpIy be pIaced upon a
funeraI sfrefcher, Iiffed on fhe shouIders of four persons and carried fo fhe
cremafion grounds.
orc o tor muhnc aguna jnvc tuIc
h horob ta boIo na
orc o-alas!; tor-youi; muhnc-in ilc mouil; aguna-liic; jnvc-ilc ionguc;
tuIc-obliiciaic; h horob-wlai can you do'; ta-ai ilai; boIo na-you do noi
(6) AIas! The cremafion fire wiII fhen enfer your moufh and fofaIIy consume
your fongue. There wiII be nofhing you can do fo save yourseIf, for af fhaf fime
if is foo Iafe-you wiII be unabIe fo speak any more.

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