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Họ và tên của nhóm trưởng (mã số SV):

Họ và tên thành viên (mã số SV):

Ngày kiểm tra:


1. Provide information on the journal name, place of publication,

year of publication and journal ranking. (1pt)

- Journal name: System

- Place of publication: United Kingdom

- Year of publication: 2024

- Journal ranking: Q1

2. What is the article title? (1pt)

Understanding growth mindset, self-regulated vocabulary

learning, and vocabulary knowledge.

3. Who are the authors? (1pt) (in-text citation, references)

- In-text citation: (Mark Feng Teng et al., 2024).

- References:

4. What are the statements of the problem? (2 pts)

However, vocabulary acquisition often presents a formidable challenge,

appearing as an overwhelming, seemingly endless task for many learners.

5. What are the research questions? (1 pt) (WRITE THE PURPOSE


This study aims to fill this gap by examining the influence of a growth
mindset on both self-regulatory capacity and vocabulary knowledge. We
hypothesize that a growth mindset positively influences self-regulated
learning, which in turn enhances vocabulary knowledge. Understanding
this relationship promises to offer valuable insights into the interplay
between mindset, self-regulation, and vocabulary learning.

6. Did the author provide information on ethics statements? If yes,

what are they? (1 pt)


7. Provide a short summary of the article. (3pts) (no more than 500

Ensure that you cover the authors’ names, year, research objectives,
participants (number,age, major, nationality, educational institution),
research setting (country), research design
(survey/qualitative/quantitative/observation), instrument
(questionnaire(name of questionnaire, how many items, from what
authors?) /interview questions (how many questions?) , results and
discussion (main findings, how are these findings similar or
different,what are the most interesting findings), limitations (main
limitations), suggestions for further studies (main suggestions for
further studies).

Mark Feng Teng et al., (2024) conducted a mixed-methods study to

investigate the understanding growth mindset, self-regulated vocabulary

learning, and vocabulary knowledge among first-year students at a

university located in southern China. The participants were 259
participants between the ages of 18 and 19 years old. There were 128
male and 131 female participants out of the 259 total. Education,
marketing, linguistics, and international trade were among the several
majors they were pursuing. The study used Growth Mindset Scale in
Vocabulary Learning (GMSVL) questionnaire including 17 items by
Teng and Mizumoto. In addition, the scale for self-regulated vocabulary
learning included five indicators by Tseng et al. (2006), the 100-item
Vocabulary Size Test (VST) by Nation and Beglar (2007), and a 50-item
collocation test by Gyllstad (2007) that was employed in this

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