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Improvement in Student Performance and Perceptions

through a Flipped Anatomy Classroom: Shifting from Passive
Traditional to Active Blended Learning
Abir El Sadik, * Waleed Al Abdulmonem3
Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Department of Anatomy and Embryology, College of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

One of the major challenges facing anatomy educators is delivering the anatomy materi-
als in fewer hours with a reduction of anatomy courses in the integrated curricula. The
flipped classroom modality may be an innovative solution. However, its effectiveness
remains under debate due to a lack of outcome-based research and the mixed results of
students’ performance. The present study aimed to determine the outcome of the flipped
classroom based upon the level of student cognition. The study investigated performance
on 17 multiple-choice anatomy questions as a part of the final examination of the muscu-
loskeletal system module. The results were compared between the first-year female students
of Qassim Medical College, specifically the flipped classroom group (46 students) of the
academic year (2018–2019) and the traditional group (49 students) of the academic year
(2017–2018). The mean differences in the students’ grades on the anatomy questions at
the level of knowledge, application, and analysis using Cohen’s d test were 0.43, 1.41, and
1.01, respectively. These results suggest the positive impact of flipping the students’ class-
rooms on improving their levels of thinking according to Bloom’s taxonomy. Perception
surveys also revealed students’ enthusiasm for the pre-class activities, leading to a better
performance in the class with more engagement with their peers and teachers. The present
study suggested that the flipped classroom modality can be performed to compensate for
the reduction of anatomy educational hours. However, further studies are recommended to
investigate the best practices of the flipped classroom that fit with the students’ needs and
workloads. Anat Sci Educ 0: 1–9. © 2020 American Association for Anatomy.

Key words: Gross anatomy education; flipped classroom; blended learning; students’
engagement; students’ performance; pre-class; online uploading; Blackboard learning
management system

INTRODUCTION (Khan, 2007; Topping, 2014; Yaqinuddin et al., 2016). In addi-

tion, the adoption of integrated curricula has led to shrinking of
Recently, many medical schools have opted to reduce the anat- traditional basic science courses, including the gross anatomy
omy curriculum, partly as a result of the expansion of scientific lectures and cadaveric laboratories (Waterston and Stewart,
knowledge and the introduction of new medical technologies 2005; Bergman et al., 2011; Kemeir, 2012). However, both clini-
*Correspondence to: Prof. Abir El Sadik, Department of Anatomy and
cians and anatomists believe that adequate and precise knowl-
Histology, College of Medicine, Qassim University, P.O. Box 6655, edge of human anatomy is of utmost importance for safe clinical
Buraidah 51452, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. E-mail: abeer.ouaida@ practice (Dangerfield et al., 2000; Fasel et al., 2005). Given this alarming situation, anatomy educators have begun to endorse
Additional supporting information can be viewed in the online version new educational strategies in which students can actively par-
of this article. ticipate and apply the important factual and clinical anatomi-
Received 12 February 2020; Revised 4 August 2020; Accepted cal information within the reduced timeframe (Estai and Bunt,
27 August 2020. 2016; Morton and Colbert-Getz, 2017; Day, 2018; Fleagle et
Published online ## ### ## in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary. al., 2018). It has been demonstrated that learning time is much
com). DOI 10.1002/ase.2015 decreased when promoting students to become more active
© 2020 American Association for Anatomy participants in their education (Ferrer-Torregrosa et al., 2016).

Anatomical Sciences Education ## 2020 Anat Sci Educ 0:1–9 (2020)

Active, student-centered learning has been documented to be et al., 2016). The College of Medicine at Qassim University was
more effective than passive, teacher-centered traditional lec- the first in Saudi Arabia to introduce the problem-based learn-
tures, as active learning gives students more opportunities ing (PBL) approach as its principal educational strategy since it
to problem solve and think critically (Moravec et al., 2010; was established in 2001 (Alamro and Schofield, 2012; Alamro,
Andrews et al., 2011; Pierce and Fox, 2012; Prober and 2019). The PBL represents the core educational approach and
Heath, 2012; Freeman et al., 2014). Among new pedagogical covers the objectives of the modules, while the lectures, labora-
approaches, the flipped classroom is an innovative teaching tories, and other educational activities are planned to facilitate
methods that fosters student engagement (Mazur, 2009; Prober students’ understanding of the problems designed in the PBL
and Khan, 2013; Moffett and Mill, 2014; Bates et al., 2017; sessions (Saqr and Alamro, 2019). The college program lasts for
Kellesarian, 2018; Zheng and Zhang, 2020). six years and is divided into three phases. The first phase, the
The flipped classroom is an inverted, blended teaching preparatory year, is considered the premedical year. The second
model where the interaction in the classroom and the home- phase consists of the first, second, and third basic years, which
work are swapped (McLaughlin et al., 2014; Hurtubise et al., comprise the integrated modular body systems. The third phase
2015; Moffett, 2015; O’Flaherty and Philips, 2015; Sharma is clinical, comprising the fourth and fifth years. Each mod-
et al., 2015; Prasad Kuppili and Venkatachelam, 2017; Hew ule in the first three basic years involves integration between
and Lo, 2018). The students are asked to read from textbooks multiple disciplines (gross anatomy, histology, embryology,
and watch lecture presentations and prerecorded video tuto- physiology, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, health in
rials as self-directed learning (SDL) before classroom atten- the community, and clinical skills) (Alrebish et al., 2020). The
dance (Prober and Heath, 2012; Critz and Knight, 2013; Roehl module materials, including the anatomy topics, are delivered
et al., 2013; Bouwmeester et al., 2016; Shin and Brock, 2017; via multiple methods, such as large group lectures which out-
McLean and Attardi, 2018; Kraut et al., 2019). A keystone that line the broad frame of the subject area. The laboratory ses-
promotes these pre-class activities is the systematic facilities sions for cadaver dissection, prosection, and demonstration on
provided by modern technologies (Strayer, 2012; Asef-Vazini, the plastic and the plastinated specimens follow the lectures,
2015; Bakr et al., 2016b; Boeve et al., 2017; Han and Klein, allowing for more understanding and hands-on practical expe-
2019). During classroom sessions, the students are encouraged rience. The students practice active learning methods through
to engage with more difficult comprehensive levels and deeper PBL, team-based learning (TBL), seminars and panel discussion
learning through case studies analysis and problem-solving in small groups (Yaqinuddin et al., 2016). Variable methods are
exercises (Baeten et al., 2010; Strayer, 2012; Freeman et al., used for the assessment of students in the three basic years. The
2014; Hussey et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2014; Watson, 2015). theoretical examination consists of integrated multidisciplinary
One of the benefits of this student-driven learning is provid- questions in the form of multiple-choice questions (MCQs),
ing the teacher with ample time to recognize the knowledge modified essay questions (MEQs), and short-answer essay
gap of the students and their level of understanding (Moravec questions (SEQs). In addition, tutors evaluate the students’ per-
et al., 2010; Prober and Khan, 2013; Moraros et al., 2015; formance in the PBL sessions and seminar presentations. At the
Chen et al., 2017; Roe et al., 2019). After the class, the students end of each module, an integrated, multidisciplinary, objective
are asked to merge and integrate their knowledge through structured practical examination (OSPE) is held for practical
extra readings, completion of tasks, and peer-sharing discus- evaluation (Saqr and Alamro, 2019).
sion, providing them more flexibility with the deeper learning The aim of the present study was to explore the effect of the
process (Abeysekera and Dawson, 2015; Hwang et al., 2015; flipped classroom on students’ performance in anatomy and
Sharma et al., 2015; Ding et al., 2019). Several researchers perceptions of their educational experience in the female sec-
have recorded the efficacy of the flipped classroom on students’ tion of the College of Medicine at Qassim University, Kingdom
performance and perceptions over the traditional lectures in of Saudi Arabia. The flipped classroom is designed to give
multiple disciplines, such as anatomy and histology (Topping, the teacher more time and opportunity to assist the students
2014; Veeramani et al., 2015; Bakr et al., 2016a; Cheng et al., in applying, analyzing, and evaluating the anatomy materi-
2017; Morton and Colbert-Getz, 2017; Day, 2018; Fleagle als. Therefore, the assessment of a higher level of cognition in
et al., 2018), physiology (Tune et al., 2013; Street et al., 2015; Bloom’s taxonomy (application and analysis) (Anderson et al.,
Gopalan and Klann, 2017; Megaw and Zimanyi, 2019), bio- 2001) is recommended to evaluate the impact of the flipped
chemistry (Ojennus, 2016; Taylor et al., 2017; Williams et al., classroom.
2018), radiology (Belfli et al., 2015; O’Connor et al., 2016),
and emergency medicine (Heitz et al., 2015; Lew, 2016; Kraut
et al., 2019). Moreover, this educational methodology has been MATERIALS AND METHODS
shown to improve learning outcomes in other nonmedical dis- Participants and Study Design
ciplines including dentistry (Park and Howell, 2015; Bakr et al.,
2016a; Kellesarian, 2018), pharmacy (Pierce and Fox, 2012; Participants were first-year students from the female section
McLaughlin et al., 2014; Koo et al., 2016; Kugler et al., 2019), of the College of Medicine, Qassim University in the academic
nursing (Critz and Knight, 2013; Woodruff et al., 2014; Della years 2017 to 2018 (n = 49) and 2018 to 2019 (n = 46) regis-
Ratta, 2015; McCutcheon et al., 2015; Betihavas et al., 2016; tered in an integrated module called the musculoskeletal system
Hanson, 2016), physics (Deslaureiers et al., 2011; Cagande and (MSK). The MSK module (11 weeks in both academic years)
Jugar, 2018), engineering (Mason et al., 2013; Priyaadharshini provided a broad spectrum of the anatomy of different regions
and Sundaram, 2018; Castedo et al., 2019; Lo and Hew, 2019), (bones, muscles, and joints), which constituted a considerable
and mathematics (Freeman et al., 2014; Grypp and Luebeck, proportion of the body structure and function. The gross anat-
2015; Sun et al., 2018; Sun and Xie, 2020). omy discipline in this module was integrated with other disci-
In Saudi Arabia, 40% of medical schools utilize traditional plines such as histology, embryology, physiology, biochemistry,
educational curricula. The other 60% have switched to more microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and community and
interactive, problem-based curricula (Omar, 2009; Yaqinuddin clinical skills. The MSK module materials were instructed as

2 El Sadik and Al Abdulmonem

follows: 31% large group lectures, 41% laboratory sessions, The posttest questions included MCQs, fill in the text blank,
20% PBL sessions, 3.3% TBL sessions, 1.7% seminar presen- and fill in the labeled blank illustrations incorporated in the
tations, and 3% panel discussion. The anatomy materials in the video tutorials. Post-class activities included assigned online
MSK module consisted of 16 hours of large group lectures; all interactions with the teacher and peers in the form of open-
of them were delivered as traditional lectures in the academic ended questions in the discussion board on the Blackboard. All
year (2017–2018), while eight lectures were delivered as flipped students were required to share in the discussion. Formative
classrooms in the following academic year (2018–2019), with quizzes in the form of MCQs, matching, extended matching,
34 hours of laboratory sessions in both years. The experimen- and fill in the labeled blank illustrations were uploaded on the
tal protocol was approved by the ethical research committee of Blackboard to be solved in a requested time. Both the flipped
the College of Medicine at Qassim University with a reference and traditional classes had the same learning objectives,
number QS 20180840. duration of classes, and other laboratory activities (cadaver
A between-subjects design was planned to detect the dif- dissection, prosections, plastic, and plastinated models demon-
ference between students’ performance in the objectives of the strations). Student orientation sessions about flipped class-
8 hours of the flipped and the traditional classrooms. Results rooms were done before conducting the classes to prepare
of the 17 questions concerning the study objectives out of the them for both pre-class study and in-class sharing activities as
35 anatomy MCQs of the final summative examination of the well as to clarify expected outcomes. An awareness session for
MSK module, classified according to Bloom’s taxonomy, were the anatomy staff about the technique and possible benefits
used as the principal study outcome to compare between the of the flipped classroom was done to prepare them for future
students’ results of the flipped lectures of the academic year implementation. Further orientation sessions were requested
(2018–2019) and those of the traditional lectures of the aca- and conducted for faculty members of other departments of
demic year (2017–2018). the college of medicine to share this active learning method.

Flipped and Traditional Anatomy Classrooms Assessment Materials

The anatomy objectives of the selected eight lectures (8 hours) All first-year students of both academic years finished the
delivered to all 46 students as a flipped classroom in the aca- MSK system module final summative MCQs examinations (see
demic year (2018–2019) were the same as the eight traditional Supporting Information file). All disciplines were assessed in
lectures (8 hours) delivered to all 49 students in the previous 100 questions with 35 (35%) anatomy questions. The exam-
academic year (2017–2018). The traditional lectures con- inations were constructed with a blueprint which determined
sisted of an explanation of the objectives of each class, with the accurate sampling of the content areas. The questions
some oral interactive teacher–students’ questions in between were constructed by each department sharing in the module,
the instruction. For the eight flipped classrooms, the anat- and then, revised by the module committee and organizer.
omy materials of the pre-class activities were constructed Seventeen anatomy questions were postulated based on the
as video tutorials. PowerPoint® Microsoft Office 365®, same objectives of the traditional and flipped classrooms
(Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA) was used to create slides of both years and constructed by the same anatomy profes-
presentations with animations. Adobe Illustrator©, Creative sor to ensure content validity evidence for the examinations
Cloud (CC) software, (Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose, CA) and (Cook and Beckman, 2006; Morton and Colbert-Getz, 2017).
Adobe Photoshop©, CS software, (Adobe Systems Inc., San Item analysis was performed for both examinations for diffi-
Jose, CA) were used to produce anatomy drawings and illus- culty and discrimination, and no items were found with poor
trations created by the anatomy faculty, and were added to discrimination (less than 50% of students). Cohen’s d test
their explanations in the PowerPoint presentations during the was determined by calculating the mean difference between the
recorded video tutorials using “Record Slideshow.” Twenty- two groups of students, the first one taught through flipping
eight video tutorials (with three to four assigned for pre-class the anatomy classrooms of the academic year (2018–2019), the
activity before every lecture) were prepared, averaging 8 min- second one taught through a traditional manner in the previous
utes in length, and covering the basic anatomical theoretical academic year (2017–2018), and then, dividing by the pooled
knowledge to prepare the students before coming to the class. standard deviation of the data (Cohen, 1992). It was applied
Instructions about the learning objectives nominated pages to compare the strength of the relationship between the two
in the required and essential anatomy textbooks, as well as groups regarding the students’ age and their results in anat-
educational web links of anatomy materials provided in the omy questions at the level of knowledge, applying, and analysis
Saudi Digital Library (SDL; Ministry of Education, Riyadh, as well as their total scores in the final examinations of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), to be visited and studied before MSK system module. These data were subjected to statistical
each flipped class, were added to the video tutorials. These analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
materials were uploaded on the Blackboard learning manage- software, version 22 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). Results were
ment system, version 9.1 (Blackboard Inc., Washington, DC), considered significant when the P-value was less than 0.05.
keeping in consideration a sufficient time for pre-class study, Two different surveys were designed to collect students’
around 1 week before the class. In-class activities included and teachers’ perceptions of the flipped classroom method
large group discussions with an average of eight problem sets as a new educational strategy. They consisted of five closed-
for each lecture. The class was designed to engage the students ended questions using a five-point Likert scale (see Supporting
through teacher–student interaction and peer-tutoring to stim- Information files). The students and staff were asked to rank
ulate student interest, problem solving, and reasoning skills. A their feedback: 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (disagree), 3 (neu-
quiz was developed at the end of each class (posttest), cover- tral), 4 (agree), and 5 (strongly agree). The responses were
ing the learning objectives in that period in the form of small measured as a percentage based on the numbers of stu-
group discussions to encourage every student to participate. dents and teachers who selected a score of four and above.

Anatomical Sciences Education ## 20203

vThe students were also requested to write narrative open- respectively. A significant mean difference was revealed con-
ended comments regarding the flipped classroom experience. cerning the results of the questions at the three levels: 2.118
The survey results were collected and reviewed. Cronbach’s (P-value = 0.037), 6.873 (P-value = 0.001), and 4.902
alpha test was used for all items of the students’ and staff (P-value = 0.001), respectively. The mean difference in the age
surveys to assess the internal consistency and reliability and final examination results of the students taught through
(Taber, 2018). The Kendall’s tau B coefficient was used as flipped and traditional classrooms using Cohen’s d test were
a nonparametric measure of the strength and direction of 0.07 and 0.12, respectively. Concerning the students’ grades
association existing between two variables and to assess the on the anatomy questions, recorded during the assessment con-
validity of the surveys (Abdi, 2007). The average points on ducted during both types of classrooms at the level of knowl-
the Likert scale responses for each item were expressed as the edge, application, and analysis, they were 0.43, 1.41, and 1.01,
mean ± standard deviation (±SD). respectively using Cohen’s d test.
The qualitative, open-ended comments were analyzed by
two independent investigators using open coding, then, cate-
gorized into key concept groups. Each comment was labeled Analysis of Students’ and Staff Perceptions
as related to the following three themes: pre-class resources, Regarding students’ perceptions, 39 students (84.78%) com-
in-class activities, and benefits of the flipped classroom (See pleted the survey after the implementation of flipped classroom
Supporting Information file). Comments were classified as (Figs. 1 and 2). The Cronbach’s alpha tests, used for all items
positive, negative, or bearing suggestions for improvement for
of the students’ and staff surveys, were 0.87 and 0.85, respec-
each topic area. A final round of axial coding was implemented
tively. The correlation coefficient was found to range from
to confirm the collection of all important concepts. In order
0.188 to 0.658 and from 0.142 to 0.758 for the students and
to determine the appropriateness of the data to proceed with
staff surveys, respectively, indicating that the items in the sur-
factor analysis, reexamination of the validity of the students’
vey were correlated well. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measures
and staff surveys was done through the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
of sampling adequacy were 0.79 and 0.78, for the students and
Measure (KMO) of sampling adequacy, which indicates the
staff surveys, respectively. Bartlett’s tests of sphericity were
proportion of variance in variables that might be caused by
0.001 and 0.46, for both students and staff surveys, respec-
underlying factors. Bartlett’s test of sphericity was performed
tively, which was considered significant. Regarding the stu-
as an indicator of the strength of the relationship among vari-
dents’ survey, two factors were extracted from the questions by
ables (Chan and Idris, 2017).
factor analysis, covering two main areas: “student preference”
and “evaluation of the flipped classroom experience.” The two
RESULTS factors explained 82.85% of the cumulative variance: 65.6%
for factor 1 and 17.3% for factor 2. In addition, two factors
Seventeen of one hundred MCQs of the final summative exam-
were extracted from the questions in the staff survey by factor
inations covered the anatomy objectives of the flipped class-
analysis, covering two main areas: “staff gain” and “attitude
rooms of the academic year (2018–2019) and those of the
with education methods.” The two factors explained 84.22%
traditional lectures of the academic year (2017–2018). Two
of the cumulative variance: 63.3% for factor 1 and 21.0% for
evaluators from the assessment unit in the College of Medicine
factor 2.
at Qassim University classified these questions according to
Bloom’s taxonomy levels of cognition (recall, understand,
apply, analyze, evaluate, create) (Adams, 2015). The “recall” Qualitative Analysis of Students Perceptions
and “understand” classes were combined into one class called The open-ended comments from the students’ questionnaire
“knowledge,” which was rated as a “low” level of cognition. were qualitatively analyzed and assigned into three themes:
Eight anatomy MCQs were categorized in the knowledge class. Pre-class resources. Twenty-three percent (n = 8) of the
The other nine questions were classified as a “high” level of students reported satisfaction with the uploaded educational
cognition; five needed the students to “apply” and four to materials before the class as they were clear, organized, and
“analyze” the items. appropriate for adequate understanding. They found the
Concerning the ages of the students, the mean and ± SD in recorded video tutorials very informative and convenient,
the flipped classrooms group was 19.1 ± 0.4 and in the tradi- providing them with sufficient preparation for the class. The
tional classrooms was 19.1 ± 0.5. According to the indepen- students commented that the pre-class materials gave them the
dent t test, the mean difference in their ages was nonsignificant, opportunity to learn freely at their own pace. Six percent (n = 2)
0.317 (P-value = 0.752). The mean and ± SD of the results of of the students were worried about studying the materials
the final MSK module examinations was 68.1 ± 9.7 for the individually before the class and suggested that it would have
flipped classrooms group, and 69.4 ± 11.6 for the traditional been more beneficial if they read and studied them in small
group. The mean difference in the results of the final examina- groups as a peer-sharing environment.
tions was nonsignificant, 0.599 (P-value = 0.550). In-class activities. Thirty-one percent (n = 11) of the
students expressed their enthusiasm and interest in the in-
Analysis of Students’ Performance class interaction. They reported that the open discussion of
the problems clarified significant details and emphasized
Regarding the results of the anatomy questions at the levels important anatomical facts. They claimed that active
of knowledge, application, and analysis, the mean and ±SD learning and peer-tutoring encouraged them to do more
were 7.9 ± 1.5 (79.0 ± 15.0%), 3.1 ± 1.0 (77.5 ± 25.0%), critical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. They
and 2.0 ± 0.9 (66.7 ± 30.0%) for the flipped classrooms and found the post-class quizzes very useful, as they provided an
were 7.3 ± 1.3 (73.0 ± 15.0%), 1.8 ± 1.0 (45.0 ± 25.0%), opportunity for self-evaluation and ensured the consolidation
and 1.2 ± 0.8 (40.0 ± 26.7%) for the traditional classrooms, of their knowledge.

4 El Sadik and Al Abdulmonem

Figure 1.
Results of students’ survey regarding their perceptions about flipped classroom experience. Scores are based on a five-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly
agree) and expressed in means (±SD).

Benefits of flipped classroom. Forty percent (n = 14) of DISCUSSION

the students reported that the flipped classroom was a very
interesting learning style, which made them more committed Cohen’s d test revealed a small effect size in comparing the
and attentive in the class and allowed them to be engaged in the mean difference of the age and final examination results of
learning-teaching process. It gave them the ability to achieve the students, as well as their grades in anatomy questions at
better understanding and analysis of the anatomy materials, the level of knowledge. This suggests that such differences
with more opportunity for in and out of class active learning. were trivial, even if statistically significant. On the contrary,
They requested adoption of the flipped classroom in the the students’ results in anatomy questions at both application
educational activities of the other disciplines. and analysis levels demonstrated a large effect size This finding
Examples of students’ perceptions of the flipped class- suggests the remarkable impact of flipping the anatomy class-
room experience are listed in Table 1 and in the Supporting rooms on improving the students’ deeper levels of thinking
Information file. according to Bloom’s taxonomy. This finding was attributed

Figure 2.
Results of staff’s survey regarding their perceptions about flipped classroom experience. Scores are based on a five-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly
agree) and expressed in means (±SD).

Anatomical Sciences Education ## 20205

Table 1.
Themes and Examples of Supporting Students’ Quotes Regarding their Perceptions on Flipped Classroom Experience

Theme Example of Student’s Quote

Pre-class resources • I found that uploading the educational materials, before the class, was accessible and
• I liked watching the educational videos and I could revise the uploaded materials any time
on my pace.
• I didn’t like to read the materials independently before the class as I may misunderstand
some points, so I prefer the traditional way.

In-class activities • I was very interested in practicing the flipped classroom activities as they helped me to
concentrate and to share these experiences with my colleagues.
• I found the in-class discussion and interactions very useful.
• I liked the post-class tests to discover my level of understanding.

Benefits of flipped classroom • Studying needed less effort and time for better understanding and concentration during the
• Flipped classroom gave me the chance for better achievement.
• I prefer flipping of the class in all other disciplines.

to the effect of flipped classroom on students’ learning pro- at higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. This finding was consis-
cess. It reflected higher levels of understanding, application, tent with Shi et al. (2020) who reported that the flipped class-
and analysis, which were significantly higher in flipped than room would improve students’ cognitive learning outcomes,
in the traditional teaching group. Students’ performance was especially with a collaborative environment that enhanced the
enhanced through integration between self-studying of the pre- pedagogic approaches.
class uploaded materials and open discussion during the class. The current work demonstrates multiple benefits of the
This outcome could be explained by the articulation between flipped classroom for students, including the independent
the cognitive domain, in the pre-class work, and psychomotor learning experience gained by digitalization of educational
and attitude domains practiced in the class. The findings of the materials and the availability of multiple online educational
present study were consistent with the results of many authors resources. These materials represent a fast and economical
who recorded that flipped classroom had great impact on the way to enhance blended learning and provide an integration
students’ performance (Handelsman et al., 2004; Tune et al., between teaching and technology which is in agreement with
2013; Jensen et al., 2015; Stockwell et al., 2015; Street et al., Belfli et al. (2015), Bakr et al. (2016a, b), Dooley et al. (2018),
2015; Bakr et al., 2016a; Koo et al., 2016; Ryan and Reid, 2016; Shang and Liu (2018), and Hettiarachchi (2019). The students
Gopalan and Klann, 2017; Dooley et al., 2018; Megaw and who participated in the perception survey were satisfied with
Zimanyi, 2019). Formative in-class assessments provided the the prerecorded video materials, as this pre-class activity pro-
students an immediate self-evaluation of their knowledge gaps vided them multiple chances to review the contents and restudy
(McLaughlin et al., 2014; Park and Howell, 2015). However, them, as was called “homework” before the flipped classroom
Chutinan et al. (2018) detected that flipped classroom pro- (Herreid and Schiller, 2013). These materials allowed the stu-
moted students’ performance in a short-term evaluation, but dents to learn calmly at their own pace without physical setting
did not affect their performance at the final summative exam- constrains and made the full use of the numerous components
ination. They suggested redesign of the new pedagogic strat- of the topics. Topping (2014) suggested that the anatomy vid-
egy to be carefully implemented. Other researchers found no eos were a very useful computer-aided instruction that might
difference in students’ performance in the flipped classroom provide a compensation to the reduction of gross anatomy
study compared to the traditional lectures (Wong et al., 2014; courses. However, some students complained of their fear of
Fautch, 2015; Moraros et al., 2015; Whillier and Lystad, 2015; working independently and of the heavy pre-class workload,
Ojennus, 2016). Another study performed on flipping gross which were also reported by Missildine et al. (2013), Wong et al.
anatomy classrooms detected that the flipped classroom was (2014), and Kugler et al. (2019). This problem could be solved
more beneficial for lower performing students’ knowledge by reassuring and encouraging them to raise their accountabil-
gaining and relocation than for higher performing students ity and sense of responsibility in the students’ awareness ses-
(Day, 2018). Morton and Golbert-Getz (2017) attributed this sions. In addition, recommendations should be highlighted for
difference to the Bloom’s level of cognition. An assessment educators about the key challenges of the pre-class resources
focusing only on the level of recall of information would mostly such as the students’ study load, the length of the videos, the
show no difference in performance between flipped and tradi- dedicated teachers for construction of the videos, and the time
tional classrooms, which was in agreement with the results of required for teachers to prepare them and required for the stu-
the present work. On the contrary, the flipped classroom was dents to study them (Al-Zahrani, 2015; Bakr et al., 2016b;
designed to increase the level of students’ application and anal- Al-Samarraie et al., 2019). The relatively high level of internal
ysis which explained the improvement of the results of these consistency of students and staff survey were based upon the
questions in the flipped classroom group over the traditional Cronbach’s alpha test. All correlation coefficients, utilizing the
group. Thus, this study emphasized the ability of the flipped Kendall’s tau B test on these surveys were positive, reflecting
classroom to increase the students’ efficiency to solve problems their validity and demonstrating that the items in the surveys

6 El Sadik and Al Abdulmonem

were correlated well. Determination of the appropriateness of work, should have special considerations when choosing to
the data obtained from student and staff surveys was needed educate them with flipped classroom (Christopher, 2018). In
to proceed with factor analysis. It was based upon the cur- addition, the role of the educator is to select the topics that
rent results of KMO measure of sampling adequacy (more are appropriate to be read and studied by the student individ-
than 0.6) and the significance of Bartlett’s test. These tests ually in the pre-class activities, and the ones that remain to
indicated that the sample size was large enough to assess the be discussed in-class with the teacher. The present study rein-
factor structure and the strong relationship among items of forced the point that more passive and simple activities could
the surveys. One of the points highlighted in the survey was be moved prior to the class, while difficult concepts could be
the benefit of the flipped classroom in providing the instruc- delivered and practiced in tutorials during classroom activities
tor a sufficient time for face-to-face interaction and in creat- with more active student engagement, which is the basis of the
ing an optimal learning environment for student engagement flipped classroom educational strategy.
after online preparation. Instructors reported that the flipped
classroom could increase their teaching skills and experiences Limitation of the Study
as well as students’ creativity and interaction. This blending
of traditional face-to-face in-class and pre-class online activi- One of the limitations of the study was the low number of the
ties allowed an effective student-centered educational process. anatomy staff participating in the survey, as well as the num-
The flipped classroom also provided a self-directed learning ber of students expressing their reflections in their survey.
experience that promoted long-life learning skills (Hagemeier Accordingly, regression analysis for the relationship between
and Mason, 2011; Belfli et al., 2015; Park and Howell, 2015). the weighted factor scores of the students and their examination
Another advantage of the flipped classroom was the observed scores could not be applied due to incomplete contributions
in the positive attitude of students toward a variety of educa- from the students in the surveys. Another limitation was the low
tional activities. This finding emphasized that the shift from number of questions in the surveys that involved the principal
passive traditional teaching to more active flipped learning component analysis. Finally, staff resistance to the new teach-
promotes students’ engagement, performance, and achieve- ing method of the flipped classroom and their preference for
ment (Jensen et al., 2015; Park and Kim, 2016; Ramnanan and the traditional lectures was considered a limitation of the study,
Pound, 2017; Al-Samarraie et al., 2019; Megaw and Zimanyi, which could be overcome by multiple awareness sessions about
2019). The students revealed their high satisfaction toward the the potential benefits and outcomes of a flipped classroom.
flipped classroom modality, as they were interested in active
learning, class interaction, critical thinking, and problem solv- CONCLUSIONS
ing allowed by this educational strategy, which was in agree-
ment with Pierce and Fox (2012), Critz and Knight (2013), This study adds to the literature that investigates the impact of
McLaughlin et al. (2014), Hanson (2016), McLean and a flipped classroom. It emphasizes its influence on Qassim med-
Attardi (2018), and Strelan et al. (2020). Al-Zahrani (2015) ical students’ performance, specifically in the gross anatomy
detected that flipped classroom significantly promoted stu- classrooms. In order to graduate efficient health-care providers,
dents’ creativity, especially with respect to fluency, flexibility, advanced assessment of performance should be delivered. This
and novelty. However, regular monitoring of the learning goals type of assessment would ensure skills in answering different
and the action plan of students’ achievements should be kept cognitive test levels, which could be provided by the flipped class-
in consideration (Koo et al., 2016). The flipped classroom may room modality. The findings of the present study clarify the ben-
help overcome the problems faced in the traditional classes efits of the flipped classroom, particularly when the assessment
of student hesitation lack of self-confidence, and little peer requires application or analysis. The surveys revealed that most
and teacher interaction. Entezari and Javdan (2016) reported of the students were interested in the pre-class activities, which
that these negative behaviors affected the results of summa- facilitated their engagement and concentration during the class.
tive assessments, which could be one of the major causes of However, further studies are required to determine the best prac-
dropping out from the college. On the contrary, students who tices of flipped classroom that could meet the learning needs of
might lack self-confidence or prefer traditional education the students and provide them a pleasurable learning experience.
deserved specific attention as they needed further support to
be familiar with the flipped class. Surprisingly, some of the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
anatomy staff postulated, in their perception survey, that stu-
dents would not prefer the flipped classroom over the tradi- The authors would like to acknowledge College of Medicine,
tional teaching and were uncertain about students’ response Qassim University for the generous facilitation of the required
to the flipped classroom, which was contrary to the results learning resources. The authors declare that there is no conflict
of students’ satisfaction survey. These teachers claimed that of interests.
although traditional lectures could be boring, some additional
strategies could be utilized to promote students’ engagement NOTES TO CONTRIBUTORS
and active participation as suggested by Pickering and Roberts
(2018). Jambi et al. (2015) detected that staff development is ABIR EL SADIK, M.B.B.Ch. M.Sc., M.D., is a professor of
a key challenge when designing a new educational modality. anatomy and embryology in the Department of Anatomy and
To overcome this challenge, further awareness sessions were Histology at College of Medicine, Qassim University, Qassim,
scheduled for the anatomy staff, coping with their needs to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in the Department of Anatomy
upgrade their educational strategies and motivate them con- and Embryology at College of Medicine, Cairo University,
tinuously, as recommended by Jambi et al. (2015). It is cru- Cairo, Egypt. She is a fellow in Ain Shams University Middle
cial to note that the flipped classroom might not fit for every East North Africa-FAIMER Regional Institute (ASU-MENA-
teacher, course, or student (Strayer, 2012; Hussey et al., 2014). FRI). She teaches anatomy and embryology to basic years
For example, employed students, especially with a full-time

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