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Ratio Signifhcance How Expressed Remarks

1. Current Ratio This ratio shows short-term financial soundness of the Pure Ratio Current Assets Current ínvestments +Inventories (Excluding Stores
Current Assets business. Higher ratio means better capacity to meet its and Spares and Loose Tools) + Trade Receivables
Current Liabilities current obligation. The ideal Current Ratio is 2:1, (Net of Provision for Doubtful Debts) + Cash and
Cash Equivalents +Short-term Loans and Advances
+Other Current Assets + Short-term Investments.
Current Liabilities = Short-term Borrowings + Trade Payables + Other
Current Liabilities + Short-term Provisions.

2. Liquid Ratio/Acid Test Ratio! Liquid Ratio is afairly stringent measure of liquidity. It is Pure Ratio Quick Assets =Current Assets -Inventories-Prepaid Expenses.
Quick Ratio based on those current assets which are highly liquid, i.e., Current Liabilities have same meaning as in Currernt Ratio.
Liquid Assets or Quick Assets
can be converted into Cash and Cash Equivalents quickly. Note: Inventories and prepaid expenses are not considered as
Quick Ratio of 1:1 is consideredas ideal. Higherthe Quick Quick Assets.
Current Liabilities
Ratio better the short-term financial position.


1. Debt to Equity Ratio This ratio assesses the long-term financial position and Pure Ratio Debt = Long-term Borrowings, (i.e., debentures, mortgage loans,
Debt soundness of enterprises. In general, lower the Debt to public deposits) + Long-term Provisions.
Equity (Sharehoiders' Funds) Equity Ratio higher the degree of protection enjoyed by Equity (Shareholders' Funds) =Share Capital +Reserves and Surplus.
the lenders.
Non-current Assets (Property, Plant and Equipment + Intangibl Assets
+ Non-current (Trade) Investments + Long-term Loans and Advances) +
Working Capital - Non-current Liabilities (Long-term Borrowings +Long
term Provisions).
Working Capital =Current Assets -Current Liabilities.
2. Total Asset to Debt Ratio This ratio measures the safety margin available to lenders Pure Ratio,
Total Assets = Non-current Assets (Property, Plant and Equipment +
Total Assets of long-term debts. It measures the extent to which debt e.g., 2:1 Intangible Assets + Non-current Investments + Long-term Loans and
Debt is being covered by assets. Advances) +Current Assets (Current Investments +Inventories (including
Loose Tools and Stores and Spares) + Trade Receivables + Cash and Cash
Equivalents +Short-term Loans and Advances +Other Current Assetsl.
Debt =Long-term Borrowings +Long-term Provisions.
3. Proprietary Ratio This ratio shows the extent to which total astots have been Pure Ratio or % Sharehnlders' Funds Share Capital Reseryes and Surplus. 3.94
Shareholders' Funds or fnanced by the proprietor. Higher the ratio, higher the
Proprietors' Funds or Equity safety margin for unsecured lenders and creditors. Total Assets has the same mearing as in Total Assets to Dett Ratio.
Total Assets
4. Interest Coverage Ratio This ratio shows how many times the interest charges are Times Proft hefore Interest and fax = Proft afrer fax + Tax + interest.,
Profit before Interest and Tax covered by the profits available to pay interest. Higher the
Interest on Long-term Debt ratio, more security for the lender is in respect of payment
of interest regularly.
5. Debt to Capital Empioyed Ratio This ratio shows theamount of Long-term Debts inCapital Pure Ratio Debt means Long-term Debts, ie., Non-current Liaities.
Long-term Debt Employed. Low ratio means more security to lenders and CapitalErmployed =Shareholders Funds +Long tern Cetsts.
high ratio means lesser security to lenders.
Capital Employed


1. Inventory Turnover Ratio This ratio measures how fast Inventory is moving and Times Average Inventory
Cost of Revenue from generating sales. Higher the ratio, more efficient
management of inventories and vice versa. Opening Inventory + Closing Inventory
Operations 2
Average Inventory
2. Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio This ratio shows efficiency in the collection of amount due Times Trade Receivables means debtors plus bills receivable.
Credit Revenue from from trade receivables. Higher the ratio, better it is since Provision for Doubtful Debts is not deducted.
Operations it indicates that debts are being collected more quickly.
Average Trade Receivables
Average Trade Receivables (Opening Debtors + Opening Bills Receivable)+
(Closing Debtors + Closing Bills Receivable)
Trade Payables.Turnover Ratio Itshows the number of timesthe creditors are turned over Times Trade Payables means creditors plus bills payable.
Net Credit Purchases in relation to purchases. A high turnover ratio or shorter
payment period shows the availability of less credit or Average Trade Payables
Average Trade Payables
early payments. (Opening Creditors + Opening Bills Payable) +
(Closing Creditors +Closing Bills Payable)
Working Capital Turnover Ratio This ratio shows the number of times working capital has Times
Revenue from Operations been employed in the process of carrying on business. Working Capital =Current Assets-Current Liabilities.
Working Capital Higher the ratio, better the efficiency in the utilisation of
working capital.
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
This ratio shows the efficiency with which the fixed assets Times Revenue from Operations means Gross Revenue less Sales Return, if any.
Revenue from Operations have been used in earning revenue from operations In terms of sales, it means Gross Sales ess Sales Return, ie, Net
Fixed Assets (Net) during the year.A high ratio means efficient utilisation of Net Fixed Assets means Fixed Assets (Cost)- Sales.
fixed assets while lowN ratio means inefficient utilisation
of fixed assets.
NetAssetsorapitalEmployed Tumover Ratio/This ratio shows the number of times Net Assets or Times Revenue from operations means Gross Revenue less Sales
Return.ln terms o sa
Revenue from Operations Capital Employed is rotated or used in generating it means Gross Sales less Sales Return.
Revenue from Operations. Higher turnover ratio means Net Assets =Total Assets -Current Liabilities.
Capital Employed better and efficient utilisation of net assets or capital
employed and thus, higher profitability &liquidity.
1. Gross Profit Ratio This ratio indicates the relationship between gross % Gross Profit = Revenue from Operations-Cost of Revenue from Operations
Gross Profit
x 100
profit and revenue fromoperations (Net sales). igher Cost of Revenue from Operations
Revenue from Operations the Ratio, lower the cost of goods sold. =Openíng Inventory (excluding Stores and Spares and Loose Tools) + NetPur
+ Direct Expenses -Closing Inventory (excluding Stores and Spares and
Tools). Or
Cost of Materials Consumed + Purchases of Stock-in-Trade + Chan
Inventories of Finished Goods, WIP and Stockin-Trade +Direct Expenses.
Ifdirect expenses are not given, assume them to be nil.
This ratio is calculated to assess the operational % Cost of Revenue from Operations
2. Operating Ratio
Cost of Revenue from Operations efficiency of the business. Adecline in the operating Opening Inventory (excluding Stores and Spares and Loose Tools) +Net Puro
+Operating Expenses
ratio, is better because it means higher margin, and +Direct Expenses -Closing Inventory (excluding Stores and Spares and Loose
-x100 thus, more profit. Or
Revenue from Operations Cost of Materials Consumed + Purchases of Stock-in-Trade + Chang
Or Inventories of Finished Goods, WIP and Stock-in-Trade + Direct Expenses.
Operating Cost x100 Revenue from Operations -Gross Profit.
Revenue from Operations IfDirect Expenses are not given, assume them to be nil.
Operating Expenses = Employees Benefit Expenses + Depreciation
Amortisation Expenses + Other Expenses (0ther
Non-operating Expenses).
Revenue from Operations = Sales -Sales Return.
3. Operating Profit Ratio The objective of computing this ratio is to determine % Operating Profit
Operating Profit the operational efficiency of management. = Net Profit (Before Tax) + Non-operating Expenses - Non-operating Inco
x100 Or
Revenue from Operations =Gross Profit +Other Operating Income-Other Operating Expenses.
Non-operating Expenses = Interest on Long-term Borrowings + Loss on Sa
Fixed Assets or Non-current Assets.
Non-operating Income = Interest received on investments +Gain (Profit) on
of Fixed Assets or Non-current Assets.

4, Net Profit Ratio |It indicates overallefficiency of the business. Higher % Net Profit after Tax =Gross Profit +Other Income -Indirect Expenses -Tax.
Net Profit after Tax |the net profit ratio, better the business.
Revenue from Operations
5. Return on Investment or Return on It assesses the overall performance of the enterprise. Capital Employed: Liabilities Side Approach: Share Capital + Reserves and Su
It measures how efficiently the resources entrusted to
+Long-term Borrowings +Long-term Provisions.
Capital Employed
the business are used. Assets Side Approach: Non-Current Assets + Working Capital.
Profit before Interest, Working Capital =Current Assets- Current Liabilities.
Tax and Dividend
x100 (Assume that all Non-current Investments are Trade Investments)
Capital Employed (Interest on Non-trade Investments should be deducted from Profit before lnt

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