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Fourth Wing – Rebecca Yarros

First thought: firstly I thought that the book was, yes a romance, but that the fantasy was very
little, I have read it with a audio book and it sure helped me a lot took in total of 2 weeks to
finish it and I was expecting that I would take way more time than what I did.

Final thoughts: I have loved it a lot ever since the first chapter until the very end I wanted to
buy the next book as soon as I finished and, also with the writing I love how specific she was
with the characters and how the development is shown with so little interactions (also the fact
I have been simping for xaden up till now I love him so much, dain, liam and imogen too but
don’t put anyone else on top of xaden).

The book initially starts with Mira and Violet, Mira preparing Violet to go to the rider quadrant,
but violet she wanted to be like her father, a scribe, and was cursed to become aa rider by her
mother, General Sorrengail, her husband was a memorable scribe, he had a lot of knowledge
and wrote a lot abundantly about forbidden creatures such as Wyverns and Venins but always
hidden from the higher roles of this world, same fate for their brother Brennan (that
apparently was alive by the end of the book). Going on, Mira didn’t want Violet to go to the
rider quadrant ever since everyone was most likely to die and ever since Violet was fragile and
“weak” and did not have a strong mind by the time she was afraid of loosing her sister to a
quadrant that violet did not want to live in, but she did not have a choice because of their
mother, violet ends up making it as her mother said, to enter the quadrant they need ot pass a
parapet that was 2200 meters from the ground, that’s where she meets Rhiamon and Dylam,
who was first to die on the parapet, Ri and Vi both swich a left boot due to vi’s having dragon
scales that help grip to wet stones, and on that parapet she meets Xaden Riorson, they had a
rivality because of vi’s mother and so on, she had a very…well..i hate you but I would ride you
mixed feelings right at this start, she heads onto the parapet and there she meets jack barloe
«a fucker from the depts of hell»

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