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[Update] HYBE audit discovered ADOR had multiple exit plans + Min Hee Jin reportedly drags BTS,

TWS, RIIZE into the mess IATFB 04/22/2024 K-Entertainment 132 Comments Facebook Twitter Alright,
so I’m sorry for the spam about this HYBE/ADOR thing, especially to those who are not interested in
corporate warfare stuff. However, because this has major potential financial implications and is a
developing story, the significant updates are coming out hot and heavy. The latest news is significant
because it allegedly details findings of the audit and provides at least one piece of evidence that it’s all
legit. Basically, there were reportedly two plans that ADOR execs planned for the company to get out
from under HYBE that the audit team discovered. Either they would sell the company to sovereign wealth
funds, like those of Singapore or Saudi Arabia, or they would form a separate company around NewJeans
after cancelling their contracts. In order to do the first plan, Min Hee Jin would need to make herself
majority shareholder with the help of private equity, getting the ADOR board to vote for paid capital
increase to dilute shares of others. However, this would be contentious and could be blocked, and
financial analysts saw it as a long shot. The second plan was to claim HYBE mistreated NewJeans and to
terminate their contract with them based on that, and it’d be important to get the members to go along
with it. Relevantly, they report that saying ILLIT were plagiarizing was part of that plan. The only other
scenario presented was essentially paying the buyout fee for NewJeans, which would obviously be
gigantic. —— But, of course, the audit could still be as Min Hee Jin claimed previously. Essentially that
this is retribution for her speaking up internally, and HYBE are utilizing all their power to squash her like
a bug. Possible, but reports have said that in the audit HYBE found two documents from an ADOR exec
that were damning as to their plans. A March 23 entry contained the planned sovereign wealth fund plan,
along with the ADOR execs responsible for appealing to investors. The March 29 entry contained “make
us untouchable” and “ultimately escape” under “Goals”. Significantly, they provided a photo as evidence
that the documents exist. The crazy thing is that they also report those documents said that she told others
Bang Si Hyuk copied her for BTS as well, and also dragged TWS and RIIZE into this by accusing them
of also copying NewJeans. Basically, it says she got mad whenever another group (presumably TWS in
particular) was referred to as a male version of NewJeans. Honestly, the primary thing that gives me
pause about concluding these are damning reports is that it all sounds so insane that it’s unbelievable. I
don’t mean to underestimate anybody’s ego or paranoia, but it’s obviously a bit deranged to claim all this,
and my immediate question is, “Somebody had to have made this shit up about her … right?”
Additionally, in terms of who is telling lies to the press or not, HYBE has said that contrary to Min Hee
Jin’s claims that a response to her internal complaint was never received, they claim to have sent one and
she confirmed receipt of it. —— As for myself, I still can’t wrap my head around them taking notes on
this, apparently all on company computers or something? Do it at home, maybe? ====== Update Alright,
well it turns out that the reports of the documents the audit team found are actually legit. However, the
excuse that the unnamed ADOR exec is using when confronted with this was that they were his own
personal thoughts and not shared with anybody else, including Min Hee Jin. Essentially, he’s saying it
was just him jotting down rants amid bitter feelings between ADOR and HYBE, that happened to be on
his work computer and thus was blown up into being an “internal memo”. “The content of the ‘ADOR
internal document’ currently known through the media reflects my own personal concerns. It was written
in response to the long-standing conflict between HYBE and ADOR.” He added, “I deeply regret that this
personal ‘memo,’ which has never been implemented or put into action, is being portrayed in various
articles as an ‘internal document’ leaked to HYBE just because it was stored on the company’s laptop.“
Okay, so that confirms the first scenario with a twist of trying to keep a degree of separation from Min
Hee Jun. Taking notes on a conspiracy it is. [Update] HYBE audit discovered ADOR had multiple exit
plans + Min Hee Jin reportedly drags BTS, TWS, RIIZE into the mess IATFB 04/22/2024 K-
Entertainment 132 Comments Facebook Twitter Alright, so I’m sorry for the spam about this
HYBE/ADOR thing, especially to those who are not interested in corporate warfare stuff. However,
because this has major potential financial implications and is a developing story, the significant updates
are coming out hot and heavy. The latest news is significant because it allegedly details findings of the
audit and provides at least one piece of evidence that it’s all legit. Basically, there were reportedly two
plans that ADOR execs planned for the company to get out from under HYBE that the audit team
discovered. Either they would sell the company to sovereign wealth funds, like those of Singapore or
Saudi Arabia, or they would form a separate company around NewJeans after cancelling their contracts.
In order to do the first plan, Min Hee Jin would need to make herself majority shareholder with the help
of private equity, getting the ADOR board to vote for paid capital increase to dilute shares of others.
However, this would be contentious and could be blocked, and financial analysts saw it as a long shot.
The second plan was to claim HYBE mistreated NewJeans and to terminate their contract with them
based on that, and it’d be important to get the members to go along with it. Relevantly, they report that
saying ILLIT were plagiarizing was part of that plan. The only other scenario presented was essentially
paying the buyout fee for NewJeans, which would obviously be gigantic. —— But, of course, the audit
could still be as Min Hee Jin claimed previously. Essentially that this is retribution for her speaking up
internally, and HYBE are utilizing all their power to squash her like a bug. Possible, but reports have said
that in the audit HYBE found two documents from an ADOR exec that were damning as to their plans. A
March 23 entry contained the planned sovereign wealth fund plan, along with the ADOR execs
responsible for appealing to investors. The March 29 entry contained “make us untouchable” and
“ultimately escape” under “Goals”. Significantly, they provided a photo as evidence that the documents
exist. The crazy thing is that they also report those documents said that she told others Bang Si Hyuk
copied her for BTS as well, and also dragged TWS and RIIZE into this by accusing them of also copying
NewJeans. Basically, it says she got mad whenever another group (presumably TWS in particular) was
referred to as a male version of NewJeans. Honestly, the primary thing that gives me pause about
concluding these are damning reports is that it all sounds so insane that it’s unbelievable. I don’t mean to
underestimate anybody’s ego or paranoia, but it’s obviously a bit deranged to claim all this, and my
immediate question is, “Somebody had to have made this shit up about her … right?” Additionally, in
terms of who is telling lies to the press or not, HYBE has said that contrary to Min Hee Jin’s claims that a
response to her internal complaint was never received, they claim to have sent one and she confirmed
receipt of it. —— As for myself, I still can’t wrap my head around them taking notes on this, apparently
all on company computers or something? Do it at home, maybe? ====== Update Alright, well it turns out
that the reports of the documents the audit team found are actually legit. However, the excuse that the
unnamed ADOR exec is using when confronted with this was that they were his own personal thoughts
and not shared with anybody else, including Min Hee Jin. Essentially, he’s saying it was just him jotting
down rants amid bitter feelings between ADOR and HYBE, that happened to be on his work computer
and thus was blown up into being an “internal memo”. “The content of the ‘ADOR internal document’
currently known through the media reflects my own personal concerns. It was written in response to the
long-standing conflict between HYBE and ADOR.” He added, “I deeply regret that this personal ‘memo,’
which has never been implemented or put into action, is being portrayed in various articles as an ‘internal
document’ leaked to HYBE just because it was stored on the company’s laptop.“ Okay, so that confirms
the first scenario with a twist of trying to keep a degree of separation from Min Hee Jun. Taking notes on
a conspiracy it is. [Update] HYBE audit discovered ADOR had multiple exit plans + Min Hee Jin
reportedly drags BTS, TWS, RIIZE into the mess IATFB 04/22/2024 K-Entertainment 132 Comments
Facebook Twitter Alright, so I’m sorry for the spam about this HYBE/ADOR thing, especially to those
who are not interested in corporate warfare stuff. However, because this has major potential financial
implications and is a developing story, the significant updates are coming out hot and heavy. The latest
news is significant because it allegedly details findings of the audit and provides at least one piece of
evidence that it’s all legit. Basically, there were reportedly two plans that ADOR execs planned for the
company to get out from under HYBE that the audit team discovered. Either they would sell the company
to sovereign wealth funds, like those of Singapore or Saudi Arabia, or they would form a separate
company around NewJeans after cancelling their contracts. In order to do the first plan, Min Hee Jin
would need to make herself majority shareholder with the help of private equity, getting the ADOR board
to vote for paid capital increase to dilute shares of others. However, this would be contentious and could
be blocked, and financial analysts saw it as a long shot. The second plan was to claim HYBE mistreated
NewJeans and to terminate their contract with them based on that, and it’d be important to get the
members to go along with it. Relevantly, they report that saying ILLIT were plagiarizing was part of that
plan. The only other scenario presented was essentially paying the buyout fee for NewJeans, which would
obviously be gigantic. —— But, of course, the audit could still be as Min Hee Jin claimed previously.
Essentially that this is retribution for her speaking up internally, and HYBE are utilizing all their power to
squash her like a bug. Possible, but reports have said that in the audit HYBE found two documents from
an ADOR exec that were damning as to their plans. A March 23 entry contained the planned sovereign
wealth fund plan, along with the ADOR execs responsible for appealing to investors. The March 29 entry
contained “make us untouchable” and “ultimately escape” under “Goals”. Significantly, they provided a
photo as evidence that the documents exist. The crazy thing is that they also report those documents said
that she told others Bang Si Hyuk copied her for BTS as well, and also dragged TWS and RIIZE into this
by accusing them of also copying NewJeans. Basically, it says she got mad whenever another group
(presumably TWS in particular) was referred to as a male version of NewJeans. Honestly, the primary
thing that gives me pause about concluding these are damning reports is that it all sounds so insane that
it’s unbelievable. I don’t mean to underestimate anybody’s ego or paranoia, but it’s obviously a bit
deranged to claim all this, and my immediate question is, “Somebody had to have made this shit up about
her … right?” Additionally, in terms of who is telling lies to the press or not, HYBE has said that contrary
to Min Hee Jin’s claims that a response to her internal complaint was never received, they claim to have
sent one and she confirmed receipt of it. —— As for myself, I still can’t wrap my head around them
taking notes on this, apparently all on company computers or something? Do it at home, maybe? ======
Update Alright, well it turns out that the reports of the documents the audit team found are actually legit.
However, the excuse that the unnamed ADOR exec is using when confronted with this was that they were
his own personal thoughts and not shared with anybody else, including Min Hee Jin. Essentially, he’s
saying it was just him jotting down rants amid bitter feelings between ADOR and HYBE, that happened
to be on his work computer and thus was blown up into being an “internal memo”. “The content of the
‘ADOR internal document’ currently known through the media reflects my own personal concerns. It was
written in response to the long-standing conflict between HYBE and ADOR.” He added, “I deeply regret
that this personal ‘memo,’ which has never been implemented or put into action, is being portrayed in
various articles as an ‘internal document’ leaked to HYBE just because it was stored on the company’s
laptop.“ Okay, so that confirms the first scenario with a twist of trying to keep a degree of separation from
Min Hee Jun. Taking notes on a conspiracy it is.

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