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A Peek Behind the Curtain on How Underwriting and Projected Returns Work- Part 1

You have heard us say on numerous occasions, “This deal doesn’t pencil out.”

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During this webinar we will give you an overview of our process, show you why the majority of
deals don’t pencil, and what you should be looking for as an investor in those that do.

Date: Tuesday, May 7th 2024

Time: 7-8 PM (EST), 6-7 PM (CST), 5-6 PM (MST), or 4-5 PM (PST)

Here is what we will cover:

 Underwriting 101 for Limited Partner Investors-

o What is Underwriting?
o Describe the Key Terms
o Returns- Cash on Cash, Internal Rate of Return, Annual Average Return,
Equity Multiple
 Importance of Knowing and Projecting Income and Expenses
 Return Split Structure
 What Assumptions Impact Projected Returns the Most
 What we are Seeing and Why we are Passing on so Many Deals!
A recording will be sent to everyone who registers but we encourage attending live to get all
your questions answered.

Thank you,

Blue Skies Equity Team The By Design Capital Team

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