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Terdapat dua jenis gerak balas dalam tumbuhan:

tropism Nastic
A response of plant in which the A response of plant toward a
direction of response is stimulus but the direction of
determined by the external response is determined by
stimulus plant itself, not the stimulus
Is controlled by phytohormones Is controlled by changes of
turgor pressure

Slow Rapid

Phototropism , geotropism , Photonastic, seismonastic ,

chemotropism, hydrotropism, thermonastic, thigmonastic and
thigmotropism, nyctinasty
and traumatotropism
1. Phytohormones are plant growth regulators . They are produced by plants and
affect the growth and development of plants.
2. Types and functions of phytohormones:

Phytohormone Function
Auxin • Stimulates shoot growth and cell elongation
• Stimulates root growth at low concentration
• Stimulates fruit development after fertilisation
• Inhibits growth of lateral buds
• Inhibits root growth at high concentration
• Delays senescence of fruits and leaves
Gibberellin • Stimulates cell elongation at stem
• Stimulates seed germination
• Stimulates development of certain fruits
Cytokinin • Stimulates cell division in the presence of auxin
• Stimulates growth of lateral buds
• Delays senescence of leaves
Abscisic acid • Stimulates closing of stomata during water stress
• Inhibits seed germination
Ethylene • Stimulates fruit ripening
• Stimulates senescence of fruits and leaves

3. Effects of auxin on the plant growth response can be studied through experiments.
4. The results of research found that the growth factor is auxin.
(a) Auxin is produced at meristem apex of shoot and root.
(b) Auxin can diffuse from the shoot meristem apex downwards.
(c) Auxin is sensitive to light and will diffuse away from light.
(d) Auxin stimulates cell elongation in the zone of cell elongation.
5. Phototropism and geotropism are two main types of tropisms which can be shown
by shoot and root.
(a) Phototropism is the growth of plant parts which can respond toward unilateral
light .
(b) Geotropism is the growth of plant parts which can respond toward gravity

Tropism Stimulus Example of response

Positive phototropism Unilateral light Shoots bend towards light

Negative phototropism Unilateral light Root bends away from the

direction of light

Positive geotropism Gravity The root grows downward,

towards gravitational pull
Negative geotropism Gravity Shoots grow upward, away
from the gravitational pull

The Role of Auxin in Phototropism

The Role of Auxin in Geotropism
1. In agriculture, natural and synthetic phytohormones can be used to
increase quality and quantity of crop yields.

Fitohormon Penggunaan dalam pertanian

Auxin • Application of auxin to flowers without fertilisation stimulates

formation of seedless fruits, a phenomenon known as parthenocarpy
• Application of auxin as rooting powder to stimulate growth of
adventitious roots
• Synthetic auxin. 2,4-D is used as herbicide to kill eudicot weeds
• Natural and synthetic auxin is also used to delay fruits drop
Gibberellin • Stimulates stem elongation of dwarf plants
• Speeds up seed germination
• Stimulates increase in fruit size of grapes
Cytokinin • Stimulates production of shoot and root in tissue culture in the presence
of auxin
• Stimulates growth of branches
• Prolong storage period of green leafy vegetables
Abscisic acid • Prevent seed germination in an appropriate season
Ethylene • Stimulates fruit ripening after import for marketing
• Speeds up flowering in pineapple and watermelons

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