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White Tara (Dolkar) Sadhana

Do not perform this meditation or show it to others without this tantric initiation.

Recite only the portions in bold -

arise the precious mind to be free and feel the enthusiastic
energy. You can do it!

With discrimination, I go for refuge, seeking freedom. I

offer all that I was, am and will be for the precious state
of enlightenment. For that reason, I shall now practice
the sadhana of Dolkar.

(At eye level in front of you visualize the refuge field and take
refuge in the Guru and the three precious gems.)

Prostration with Refuge & Bodhichitta Vows

Sangay cho tang tso kyi chog nam la
Chang chub par du dag nyi kyab su chi
Dag kyi gin sok gyi pay sonam kyi
Drola penchir sangay drup par shog (3x)


With discrimination, I go for refuge, seeking freedom.

I offer all that I was, am and will be for the result that will not decay.
I prostrate with my body speech and mind (3x)

(Dissolve the refuge field into white light, which enters through the top of your head to your heart, thereby
receiving the blessings.)

Four Great Wishes

May all sentient beings experience happiness and the causes of happiness.
May they all be free from suffering and the inner and outer causes of suffering.
May they never be separated from the bliss that is sorrowless.
May they abide in equanimity free from attachment and aversion.

Suchness mantra
Perfectly pure am I, all is without essence.

(With joy and faith one begins to visualize.) Instantly there appears within my heart center a perfect lotus,
covered by a white moon disk cushion. Inseparable from the nature of love and compassion of all the
enlightened beings is seated wish fulfilling Guru Dolkar. On lotus and moon cushion, white in color with one
face and two arms, peaceful and smiling, her long hair is half bound up. Youthful and radiant, with seven eyes,
her right hand grants boons. Her left hand is at her heart holding a white utpala lotus in the mudra of showing
the three jewels. She is beautifully dressed in silks and precious adornments and sits in full lotus posture with a
full moon as a backrest.
At her forehead is white OM, at her throat red AH, at her heart white TAM marked by blue HUM. Light
radiates from the heart of Guru Tara inviting the wisdom beings and empowering deities from within the sphere
of reality. The empowering deities confer blessing. Amitayus Buddha, Boundless Light, adorns her crown.

Seven Limb Prayer

Reverently I prostrate with my body, speech and mind,
and present clouds of every type of offering, both actual and mentally transformed.
I confess all my negative actions accumulated since beginningless time,
and rejoice in the virtues of all holy and ordinary beings.
Please remain until cyclic existence ends, and turn the wheel of dharma for sentient beings.
I dedicate all the virtues of myself and others to the great enlightenment.

Masses of white light go out from the TAM at her heart, restoring my lost energy along with the essence of
inexhaustible vitality and powerful blessings of body, speech and mind. Again white light emanates from her
heart, instantly touching my heart and the hearts of all living beings.

I am within the ocean of compassion and wisdom.

Please grant me long life in order to practice dharma single-mindedly.

Mantra recitation
(Visualize light coming from Guru Tara in the heart sphere of reality, permeating your heart center with white
light. The TAM and the ten-syllable mantra in your heart radiate light to your entire being. You are purified
and rejuvenated. Do the visualization while reciting the long mantra 21 times, and then repeat the shorter
mantra without visualization for the rest of the session.)

21x (om tare tu tare ture, may my life, merits and wisdom increase soha)

OM TARE TU TARE TURE SOHA (for the rest of the round)

By this virtue may I quickly attain the enlightened state of noble Tara and secure every being without
exception in that state.

Domo Geshe Rinpoche

White Conch Monastery & Dharma Center PO Box 14372 | West Allis, WI 53214 | 608-843-3953
Prepared for my students at the Hermitage 8/8/2001 – Revised in CA 9/2004 & 8/2005

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