Bio CH1 F5 Studywithadmin

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1 Organisasi Tisu Tumbuhan

1.2 Tisu Meristem dan Pertumbuhan
1. There are two types of meristematic tissue:
(a) Apical meristem found in the tips of shoot and root .
(b) Lateral meristem found in vascular cambium and cork cambium .
2. The cells in meristem have an ability to divide by mitosis . Hence, the main role of
meristem is to increase
3. the number of cells for growth.
3. The zones of cell growth
Zone of cell division
Zone of cell elongation
Zone of cell differentiation
4. Types of Growth
Primary Growth
Secondary Growth
5. Comparison between Primary Growth and Secondary Growth in Eudicots
1.3 Growth Curves

Annual Plants Biennial Plants Perennial plants

• Stage A: Decreasing dry mass

Annual Plants Food stored in the cotyledon is used for germination
before the leaves emerge to carry out photosynthesis.
• Stage B: Increasing dry mass
The rate of growth increases rapidly. This is
because the plant has carried out photosynthesis.
• Stage C: Constant dry mass
-The rate of growth is zero.
-Plant is matured at this stage.
• Stage D: Decreasing dry mass
Happens slowly because of aging, lower rate of
photosynthesis, shedding of leaves and flowers and seed

Biennial Plants

• First growth season:

-Plants produce leaves, photosynthesis takes place.
-Food is stored in tubers.
• Second growth season:
-The food stored is used to produce flowers and seeds

Tumbuhan Saka

• Every year the growth curve is a sigmoid curve. Growth occurs

throughout the lifespan of the plant.
• The rate of growth is high during spring and summer. High light
intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis.
• The rate of growth decreases in winter.

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