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Safety in the laboratory

Common hazards in the laboratory.

1. Glassware hazards
Broken glass causes cuts, bleeding and infection when:…….
 Cleaning damaged slides and cover glass
 Long pipettes snaps when pushing pipette fillers
 When picking up pieces of glass during breakages
 When glass fragments are left on the floor.
 When sharps are put in a container easily punctured.
 During cutting glass tubes/rods, bending , heating or carrying.
Preventing glassware hazards involves……………
 Avoid purchasing glass-wares classified as disposables
 Never centrifuge cracked tubes or bottles
 Wear protective gloves when cleaning glass-wares
 Avoid spillages & breakages
 Store glass-wares safely
 Flame polish damaged/cracked rims until smooth.

2. Chemical hazards
Chemicals causes’ serious ill health when …………
 Toxic/harmful chemicals are mouth-pipetted
 Fumes from irritant chemicals are inhaled
 Protective gears are not worn
 Chemicals stored near naked flames causes’ fire
 Corrosive chemicals are ingested
 Strong acids/alkali are accidentally knocked from shelves
 Strong heat is produced when diluting strong acids/ alkali.
 Corrosive chemicals comes into contact with the skin.
Preventing chemical hazards involves………….
 Using fume cupboards when working with chemicals
 Wearing protective gears
 Keeping only small amount of flammable chemicals on the bench
 Using water-bath when heating flammable chemicals
 Making sure no one smokes near/ adjacent to the laboratory.

3. Naked flames hazards

Injury is caused by lighted Bunsen burners, spirit burners, tapers, alcohol swabs or matches when……
 Burners placed in direct sunlight making flame difficult to see.
 Fire being lit too close to flammable chemicals
 Light tapers being carried across the laboratory.
Prevention of naked flame hazard involves……….
 Use well ventilated area when preparing reagents/ stains
 Keep away flammable chemicals/ reagents from sources of ignition.

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4. Microbial hazards
Pathogens are accidentally ingested, inoculated or inhaled when……..
 Hands are not properly hand-washed
 Specimen/liquid cultures are mouth-pipetted
 Personal hygiene is neglected
 Open skin wounds are not covered
 Contaminated glass-wares causes injury
 Re-sheathing needles causing needle stick injuries
 Snap closing specimen containers
 Vigorous dispensing and pouring infectious fluids
 Blowing out fluid from a pipette
 Infectious materials are spilled when containers are knocked over.
 Specimens are hand-centrifuged in open containers
Hazards can also come from poisonous plants like Datura sp. Or poisonous animals like snakes or spiders.

5. Equipments hazards
Electric shock and fire may occur when……
 Equipments are not reliably earthed
 Touching live wires
 Circuits are faulty
 Handling electric equipments with wet hands
 Cables/equipments overheat due to overloading
 Insulation is inadequate
 Thermostat fails
 Preventive maintenance is not carried out routinely

6. Explosion hazards
Injury from explosion occurs when……….
 Incompatible chemicals explode
 Leaking gas explodes
 Bottles of fluid explodes inside an autoclave.

7. Electricity hazards
Arise from….
 High voltage
 Poor installation/insulation
 Overloading of adaptors and conductors
 Naked wires

8. Insects and rodents infestation

Rodents and insects causes hazards by………………
 Entering unmeshed ventilation , damaging components causing electrical faults
 Damaging earthing and insulation around cables causing shock and fire
 Damage wooden windows frames, benches causing damage to structures and furnishings

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9. Unreliable water supply
Contributes to infection when ………
 There is insufficient water for hand-washing
 Intermittent water supply interrupts cleaning of laboratory ware.

10. Unsafe laboratory premise

Unsafe laboratory premise contributes to accidents when……..
 Burns and inhalation of smoke when emergency exits are blocked
 There is only one single exit and staff become trapped in case of an accident
 Floor is not cleaned after spillage or glass breakage
 Slippery cleaning substances are applied to the floor
 There is no separate basin for hand-washing
 Bench surfaces are not disinfected or cleaned properly.
 Hazardous chemicals are stored on high shelves, on floor or under benches.

Personal Health and Safety Measures

Practice of personal hygiene.
 Wash hands and arms with soap and water
 Cover any cuts, bites or wounds on the hands
 Do not eat, drink , chew gum, smoke nor sit on the laboratory bench
 Avoid wearing jewelleries (necklace or bracelets) in the working area

Practice of personal hygiene.

 Wear closed shoes and do not walk bare footed
 Wear protective overall, safety googles and dust masks
 Soiled clothing should be soaked overnight in 1% v/v bleach
 Heat resistant gloves should be worn when handling hot objects

 Vaccination against pathogens e.g. TB, typhoid, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, cholera.
 In HIV prevalence areas, HIV positive staff should be aware of risk involved in working with sputum

Decontamination of Infectious Materials

 Safe and effective decontamination is undertaken in the decontamination and disposal of specimen and cultures
 It involves decontamination of glassware, plastic ware, gloves and even clothing
 It also involves sterilization of cleaned, re-usable items.

Method of decontamination of laboratory waste

Autoclaving (sterilization)
 This completely destroys micro-organisms including spores
 During autoclaving, pressure is used to produce high temperature steam
 A temperature of 121oC and a holding time of 15 min, timed from when 121oC is achieved
 Some transmissible agents e.g. prions that cause Cruetzfeldt Jackob Disease (CJD) requires autoclaving at 134oC
For 18min to be autoclaved.

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 Disinfection aims to destroy or at-least reduce the number of contaminating microorganism to levels that are no
longer regarded as harmful to health.
 Anticeptic is a solution that destroys microorganism off the surface of the skin.

 Heating in boiling water at 100oC for 20min at altitude below 600m(200feet) is sufficient to kill all non-sporing
Bacteria, some bacteria spores, fungi, protozoa and all virus.
 Adding 20g sodium carbonate to little water increases the effectiveness of disinfectant.

Use of chemical disinfectant

 They are expensive, hazardous to health and least reliable and controllable method of decontamination.
 No single disinfectant is likely to kill all microorganisms
 Chlorine releasing disinfectant are high active against viruses but poorly active against mycobacterium
 Phenol agents are effective mycobacterium but poor against viruses
 Dilution must not be kept beyond their useful life and must be renewed daily.
 All disinfectant are inactivated by proteins, plastics, rubber, hard-water and detergents.
 Care must be taken when handling and using chemical disinfectants because they are toxic, most are corrosive
and irritant.
 Safety goggles, apron and chemical resistant rubber gloves must be worn.

• Phenolic releasing compounds includes: sudol, hycolin, printol and stericol.
• They do not kill spores and are poor against viruses
• They are non- corrosive and are used for wiping bench surfaces and floors
• They should be used at 2-5% v/v concentration.

Chlorine releasing disinfectant

• They are highly active against viruses and they work by giving off free chlorine
• Chlorine solution must be prepared daily and protected from sunlight and excessive heat.
• They are strong oxidizing agents and corrosive to metals.
• Disinfectant power of all chlorine releasing cpds are expressed as part per million (ppm) or
percentage of available chlorine (avCl). E.g. 1000ppm = 0.1% (1g/l)
• Chlorine releasing compounds includes:-
 Sodium hypochlorite sold as bleach solution e.g. jik and contains 5% of available chlorine.
 Calcium hypochlorite granules containing 70% available chlorine.
 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NADCC) available as powder, tablet or granules (HAZ-TAB)

 They include formaldehydes and glutaraldehydes
 Formaldehyde gas is an effective disinfectants against viruses at a temperature below 20oC
 It is too irritant, toxic, probable carcinogen and it is used as 5% v/v formalin
 Glutaraldehydes includes Cidex and it is an expensive disinfectant
 Working concentration of 2% is effective and mainly used to disinfect metal surfaces.
 This includes ethanol and propanol used at 70-80% v/v concentration in water.
 Useful for disinfecting skin and surfaces
 They are highly active against mycobacterium but poor against non-lipid (naked) viruses and spores

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 Fire triangle is made up of Fuel, Source of oxygen and Heat to ignite the fuel.
 Multiple classification system exists with different designations for various classes of fire.
 USA uses NFPA system while Europe uses ES (European Standard) classification of fires
 In European/European system, flammable liquids are classifies as class B while flammable gas as class C
 In USA, electrical fires designation as class C while in Australia classified as class E
 In Europe, Electric fires are no longer a class of fire as electricity cannot burn.
 Cooking media is designated as class K in American system but class F under European/Australian system.
 NB: NFPA – National Fire Protection Association.

Class Combustibles Combustible materials Fire extinguisher

A Common combustible Wood, paper, cloth Dry chemical powder.

B Flammable liquid and gas Gasoline, propane, solvents CO2, foam
C Live electric equipment Computers, autoclave CO2 ,
D Combustible metals Mg2+, Al3+ Dry powder(graphite powder)
K Cooking media Cooking fat, oils Wet chemical, dry powder, CO2

Class Combustibles Combustible materials Fire extinguisher

A Common combustible Solids Wood, paper, cloth Dry chemical powder.

B Flammable liquid Gasoline, propane, solvents CO2, foam
C Flammable Gas Propane, butane, methane CO2 ,
D Combustible Metals Mg2+, Al3+ Dry powder(graphite powder)
E Live electric equipment Computers, autoclave CO2 ,
F Cooking media Cooking fat, oils Wet chemical, dry powder, CO2


Fire Extinguisher Class of fire Mode of Action Color Code

Water Class A Quenching fire Red
Foam Clsss A & B and Excludes O2 from fire by Cream
NOT class E fires its cooling effect
Dry Powder Class A ,B, C &D Excludes O2 from fire by Blue
blanketing fire
Carbon dioxide (Can be turned off Class B, E Excludes O2 from fire by Black
when required) its cooling effect
Wet chemical/ Vaporising liquid Class F Excludes O2 from fire by Green
blanketing fire
(bcf – bromochlorodifluoromethane)
Bucket of sand Class D Excludes O2 from fire by -
smothering fire.
Fire Blanket Class A & B Excludes O2 from fire -

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• They are caused by disintegration of radioactive isotope
• On disintegration these isotopes emit radioactive emission.
Alpha Particles
 They are helium nuclei
 They are +vely charged
 Not very dangerous to work with.
 They are heavy and have a low penetrating power , low ionizing effect
 They are stopped easily by protective clothing/ paper
 Sealed by lead block/ concrete

Beta Particles
 Consist of are high energy/ high speed electrons or positrons.
 They are negatively charged
 Are light and have moderate penetrating power
 They penetrate a piece of paper/lab coat but are stopped by aluminum plate.
 Have moderate ionizing effect
 Sealed by lead block/ concrete

Gamma rays (X-rays/ Uv light)

 They are high energy X-rays
 It is a light wave/ photon
 More energetic and harmful/ damages living cells (cancer cells)
 They are electromagnetic waves of very short wavelength
 They are highly penetrating and are stopped by lead/ concrete/ steel
 They are highly ionizing

Radioactive compound
 These are compounds of heavy metal e.g. Cobalt 60
 They are widely used for industrial and radiography
 Uranium is a radioactive compound widely used in nuclear reaction

Penetrating/ ionizing effect
 Alpha, beta and gamma rays ionize atoms/living cells – organic matter.
 Ionization is severe in liquids (fluids) e.g. blood cells where they are destroyed
 Ultra – radiation is dangerous to the eyes/skin which is experienced at midday.

Biological effect
 Radiation affecting victims of exposure could be mild, severe, delayed or immediate
 The effect may be delayed e.g. If endocrine glands are affected, may develop a problem in hormone production.
 The effect may be immediate that is, blood tissue may be affected leading to immediate death.

Genetic effect
 In this, reproductive cells are affected, this leads to gene mutation affecting the offsprings.
NB: Particles/rays can enter the body through inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin.
Radiation kills cells, deforms organism and causes cancers.

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Geiger Muller Tube (GM tube)
 Consist of a tube with argon gas at low pressure.
 To this gas, TWO electrodes are connected to a battery and an amplifying circuit
 If a particle/ ray enters the tube, it causes ionization a the gas
 Ions formed flows as electric current and are attracted to electrodes
 This is amplified by amplifying circuit and fed to a loud speaker which gives a click.
 Click is given off every-time a particle/ ray enters the G.M counter
 The more the clicking comes, the more radiation intensity being emitted

Film Badge
 Also known as film badge dosimeter
 Used for monitoring cumulative exposure to ionizing radiation over a period of time
 Consist of a photographic film/ dental X-ray film and a holder.
 Worn on unscreened position of laboratory coat or on a wrist as a ring
 Radiation emissions enters through a minute window opening
 Once they strike the film, they darken it, the more the emissions the more darker the film becomes.
 The film is removed and developed to measure the exposure, then compared with standards.
 Records radiation exposure to gamma rays, X-rays and beta particles.
 Not reusable and does not provide the wearer with an immediate reading of his/her radiation exposure.

Pocket Dosimeter
 A personal monitor whose size and shape is that of a fountain pen
 Measures radiation especially when carrying out some specific task and is carried in breast pocket.
 They are of TWO types:- Direct read pocket and Digital Electronic dosimeter.
 When the radiation emission enters through a minute window, they ionize gas inside.
 Ionized gas inside in-turn causes a deflection to a pointer hence showing the amount of radiation.
 When the levels of radiation within the vicinity of the wearer is detected, an audible warning is heard.
 Must be recharged and recorded at the start of each working shift
Advantage of pocket dosimeter.
 Provide the wearer with an immediate reading of his/her radiation exposure.
Disadvantage of pocket dosimeter.
 Limited range
 Inability to provide permanent record
 Potential for discharging and reading loss due to dropping/bumping
 Charge leakage/drift can affect reading of dosimeter.

Other Detectors
 They are either portable of fixed instruments
 Portable survey instruments may be used to measure contamination of working area
 Examples of the instruments are Ionization chambers and Scintillation counters
 They vary according to the size and nature of radiation they are required to detect
 Some are sensitive to Beta particles while others are sensitive to Alpha and even rays.
 Stationery monitors are fixed in permanent position for specific purposes
 They measure contamination of hands when leaving active areas
 They are also used to monitor the whole building and they are incorporated in a general alarm system.

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 Radioactive waste comprises a variety of materials requiring different types of management
 They are normally classified as low level, medium level or high level waste according to amount
And type of radioactivity in them
 Another factor in managing wastes is the time they are likely to remain hazardous
 Time depends on the kind of radioactive isotopes in them and the half life characteristic of each isotope.
 Half life is the time it takes for a given radioactive isotope to lose half of its radioactivity.

Low-level waste
 Generated from hospitals/ laboratories or nuclear industries such as:- papers, rags, clothing etc
 Contain small amount of mostly short-lived radioactivity: not dangerous to handle
 Disposed more carefully than normal garbage
 Buried in a shallow landfills sites (compacted and incinerated before disposed)

Medium-level waste
 Contains higher amounts of radioactivity and may require special shielding
 Comprises of resins, chemical sludge and reactor components
 May be solidified in concrete or bitumen for disposal
 Short lived waste is buried but long lived waste is disposed of deep underground.

High-level waste
 They hold 95% of radioactivity
 Contains highly-radioactive fission products and some heavy elements with long-lived radioactivity
 Generates considerable amount of heat and requires cooling and special shielding in handling and
 Waste is separated, incorporated into borosilicate (Pyrex) glass sealed inside stainless steel canisters
 Disposed in deep underground

Radioactive solid waste disposal

 All solid waste produced should be decontaminated in-order to minimize the activities
 This is particularly in radioisotope with half life of > 90 days which can-not be subjected to decay
Storage in-order to reduce significantly the activity when final disposal takes place.
 It is not necessary to decontaminate waste items contaminated with isotopes with ½ life of < 15 days
 Solid waste containers must be marked with unique ID and clearly marked with radiation hazard trefoil.
 Start date of waste bin should be clearly displayed and when bin is sealed, should be dated with end date
Stating the isotope present
 Yellow bags may only be used for paper (e.g. dried gels) and glove waste
 Radioisotopes with ½ lives of < 90 days should be segregated from those with long ½ lives
 Bins containing short half life radioisotopes should be placed in decay storage to allow sufficient
reduction in activity prior to disposal until activities reach to safe levels.
 Longer ½ life isotopes will go directly to one of designated radioactive clinical waste skips with
permission from authorities to dispose them.
 Very Low level waste can be disposed of via regular black bag

Radioactive liquid waste disposal

 Disposal route for aqueous liquid waste which is radioactive is via one of designated disposal sink.
 Once emptied to designated sink, the fluid is washed away with plentiful of supply of running water
 For non-biodegradable solvent based fluids cannot be disposed of to the drains

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Radioactive gaseous waste disposal
 Small quantities of carbon-14 gaseous waste may be discharged to atmosphere via fume-cupboards.
 All discharges must be within authorized limits and approved in advance.

Animal Carcasses
 Disposed of by maceration , for incineration, the requirement relating to disposal of clinical/ biological
contaminated waste must be observed
 If it is necessary to delay disposal to allow activity decay, the carcasses should be clearly labeled and
Deep frozen during this period.


 Set aside working area for radioactive sources
 Label radioactive sources clearly
 Store radioactive sources in a lead/steel container
 Install monitoring devices in radioactive laboratory
 Radioactive laboratory should have a changing room in which protective clothing are put on
 No one should be allowed to enter the radioactive lab without protective clothing.
 Always wear pocket dosimeter and film badge when in radioactive labs to detect radioactive emissions.
 Glass-wares of radioactive laboratory should be set aside & used only in radioactive laboratory.
 Allow proper ventilation in radioactive laboratory

NB: Harmful energy can be inform of: -

 Light e.g. UV light
 Cosmic radiation (comes from sun & outer space n consist of +vely charged particles & ʯ rays.
 Gamma rays
 Particles: - Alpha and Beta particles.
 Sounds:- Ultrasonic and supersonic sounds.

Sources are from either Natural sources such as from the ground, rocks, drinking water supplies e.g. Lithium, \Uranium
Or Human sources of radiation such as X-rays produced by different mechanism.

Sealed radioactive sources is a container of encapsulated radioactive material, strong enough to maintain leak tightness
under the condition of use for which the source is designated. Used in various applications in medicine such as mining,
research, agriculture, treating cancer such as cobalt sources.

Unsealed radioactive sources is a source of ionizing radiation in the form of radioactive material which is not
encapsulated or contained. Used extensively in biological research medicine. Unsealed radioactive material can move
around and if uncontrolled would lead to contamination.

X-ray- form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength in the range of 0.01 – 10 nanometers.
Wavelengths are shorter than those of UV rays and longer than that of Gamma rays ( 10 -11 m)
X-rays are emitted by electros while Gamma rays are emitted by atomic nucleus

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Proper Chemical Storage
Stock containers of chemicals in Hutchinson Center labs must be organized and stored in accordance with the plan
outlined on the following pages.

The primary purpose of this plan is to control health or physical hazards posed by chemical compounds during storage in
the lab. Specifically, it is designed to:
1. Protect flammables from ignition;
2. Minimize the potential of exposure to poisons; and
3. Segregate incompatible compounds to prevent their accidental mixing.
A Designated Storage Place for Each Compound
• Each stock chemical container should have a designated storage place, and should be returned to that
same location after each use. Storage locations can be marked on containers.
• Do not store stock supplies of chemicals on bench tops where they are unprotected from ignition sources
and are more easily knocked over. Only chemicals in use or of low hazard levels (e.g., salts and buffers)
are permitted on bench tops.
Do Not Store in Chemical Fume Hood
• Do not keep stock supplies of chemicals or waste in chemical fume hoods where they clutter space,
interfere with the hood’s airflow, and may increase the risk of a fire in the laboratory.
Seal All Chemical Containers
• All chemical containers must be sealed, including bottles used for waste chemicals. Waste containers
must remain sealed except when a worker is actually filling the container with chemical waste.
Alphabetical Only within Storage Groups
• Do not store chemicals in alphabetical order except within a storage group. Alphabetical arrangement of
randomly collected chemicals often increases the likelihood of dangerous reactions by bringing
incompatible materials into close proximity.
Away from Sun and Heat
• Storage areas should not be exposed to extremes of heat or sunlight.
Do Not Store Chemicals Under the Sink
• Do not store any chemicals except bleach and compatible cleaning agents under the sink.
Label Chemicals Properly
Safeguard Against Theft
• This plan does not require security measures (e.g., locked cabinets) to prevent theft, but lab workers
should make sure that lab doors are locked when unattended.
Liquid Chemicals
• Storage of liquid chemicals is more hazardous than storage of solids and is subject to numerous and
varied storage requirements.

Chemical Storage Groups

Chemicals must be stored in the groups and corresponding facilities described on the following pages.
In this plan, there are nine storage groups. Seven of these groups cover storage of liquids based on the variety of hazards
posed by these chemicals. Specific instructions must be followed for metal hydrides (Group 8) and certain individual
compounds, but otherwise, all dry solids are in Group 9.
How to Determine the Correct Storage Group for a Chemical
Multi-Hazard Liquids
Many liquid chemicals pose hazards that correspond to more than one storage group. In the following, liquid storage
groups are shown in descending order of hazard. The correct storage group for a multi-hazard chemical is the group that
represents the greatest storage hazard, or the group appearing highest in the list.
Ranking Chemical Storage Groups: From Most Hazardous to Least Hazardous
 Group 1: Flammables
 Group 2: Volatile Poisons
 Group 3: Oxidizing Acids

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 Group 4: Organic and Mineral Acids
 Group 5: Liquid Bases
 Group 6: Liquid Oxidizers
 Group 7: Non-Volatile Poisons
 Group 8: Metal Hydrides
 Group 9: Dry Solids

Storage Group Definitions

Group 1: Flammable Liquids
Includes liquids with flashpoints < 100°F. Examples include all alcohols, acetone, acetaldehyde, acetonitrile, amyl
acetate, benzene, cyclohexane, dimethyldichlorosilane, dioxane, ether, ethyl acetate, histoclad, hexane, hydrazine, methyl
butane, picolene, piperidine, propanol, pyridine, some scintillation liquids, all silanes, tetrahydrofuran, toluene,
triethylamine, and xylene.
Primary Storage Concern: Protect flammable liquids from ignition.
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• Store in a flammable cabinet, or Store in a flammable-storage refrigerator/freezer.
• Keep only small quantities of flammable chemicals/reagents on laboratory benches
• Store flammable chemicals at ground level/outside locked store in a cool / well ventilated store.
Compatible Storage Groups: Flammables may be with either Group 2: Volatile Poisons, or Group 5: Liquid Bases, but
not with both.

Group 2: Volatile Poisons

Includes poisons, toxics, and select and suspected carcinogens with strong odor or an evaporation rate greater
than 1 (butyl acetate = 1). Examples include carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, dimethylformamide, dimethyl sulfate,
formamide, formaldehyde, halothane, mercaptoethanol, methylene chloride, and phenol.
Primary Storage Concern: Prevent volatile poison inhalation exposures.
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• Store in a flammable cabinet; or
• Store containers of less than one liter in a refrigerator.
Compatible Storage Groups: Volatile poisons may be stored with flammables if bases are not present.

Group 3: Oxidizing Acids

All oxidizing acids are highly reactive with most substances and each other. Examples include nitric, sulfuric,
perchloric acid, phosphoric, and chromic acids, H2O2, Ammonium nitrate, KMO4,
Primary Storage Concern: Prevent contact and reaction between oxidizing acids and other substances and prevent
corrosive action on surfaces.
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• Store in a safety cabinet.
• Each oxidizing acid must be double-contained (i.e., the primary container must be kept inside a canister, tray)
• Produces much heat when in contact with flammable chemicals/ reducing agents.
Compatible Storage Groups: Oxidizing acids must be double-contained and should be segregated in their own
compartment in a safety cabinet. When quantities are small (e.g., 1 or 2 bottles) they do not warrant a separate
compartment. Small quantities may be double-contained and stored with Group 4: Organic and Mineral Acids. Store
oxidizing acids on the bottom shelf, below Group 4.

Group 4: Organic and Mineral Acids

Organic and mineral acids. Examples include acetic, butyric, formic, glacial acetic, hydrochloric, isobutyric,
mercaptoproprionic, proprionic, and trifluoroacetic acids.
Primary Storage Concern: Prevent contact and reaction with bases and oxidizing acids and prevent corrosive action on
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• Store in a safety cabinet.
Compatible Storage Groups: Small amounts of double-contained oxidizing acids can be stored in the same
compartment with organic acids if the oxidizing acids are stored on the bottom shelf.

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Exceptions: Acetic anhydride and trichloroacetic anhydride are corrosive. These acids are very reactive with other acids
and shouldnot be stored in this group. It is better to store them with organic compounds in Group 7: Non-Volatile Liquid

Group 5: Liquid Bases

Liquid bases. Examples include sodium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, and gluteraldehyde.
Primary Storage Concern: Prevent contact and reaction with acids.
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• In a safety cabinet; or
• In tubs or trays in normal cabinet.
Compatible Storage Groups: Liquid bases may be stored with flammables in the flammable cabinet if volatile poisons
are not stored there.

Group 6: Liquid Oxidizers

Oxidizing liquids react with everything, potentially causing explosions or corrosion of surfaces. Examples include
ammonium persulfate and hydrogen peroxide (if greater than or equal to 30%).
Primary Storage Concern: Isolate liquid oxidizers from other substances.
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• Total quantities exceeding three liters must be kept in a cabinet housing no other chemicals.
• Smaller quantities must be double-contained when stored near other chemicals (e.g., in a refrigerator).
Compatible Storage Groups: There are no compatible storage groups for liquid oxidizers; store liquid oxidizers
separately from other chemicals.

Group 7: Non-Volatile Liquid Poisons

Includes highly toxic (LD50 oral rat < 50 mg/kg) and toxic chemicals (LD50 oral rat < 500 mg/kg), select
carcinogens, suspected carcinogens, and mutagens. Examples include acrylamide solutions, Coomassie blue stain,
diethylpyrocarbonate, diisopropyl fluorophosphate, uncured epoxy resins, ethidium bromide, and triethanolamine.
Primary Storage Concern: Prevent contact and reaction between non-volatile liquid poisons and other substances.
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• Store in a cabinet or refrigerator (i.e., non-volatile liquid poisons must be enclosed).
• Do not store on open shelves in the lab or cold room.
• Liquid poisons in containers larger than one liter must be stored below bench level on shelves closest to the
floor. Smaller containers of liquid poison can be stored above bench level only if behind sliding (non-swinging)
Compatible Storage Group: Store non-volatile liquid poisons with non-hazardous liquids (e.g., buffer solutions).
Exceptions: Anhydrides (e.g., acetic and trichloroacetic) are organic acids; however, it is better to store them with this
group, since they are highly reactive with other acids.

Group 8: Metal Hydrides

Most metal hydrides react violently with water, some ignite spontaneously in air (pyrophoric).Examples include
sodium borohydride, calcium hydride, and lithium aluminum hydride.
Primary Storage Concern: Prevent contact and reaction with liquids and, in some cases, air.
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• Store using secure, waterproof double-containment according to label instructions.
• Isolate from other storage groups.
Compatible Storage Groups: If securely double-contained to prevent contact with water or air, metal hydrides may be
stored in the same area as Group 9: Dry Solids.

Group 9: Dry Solids

Includes all powders, hazardous and non-hazardous. Examples include benzidine, cyanogen bromide,
ethylmaleimide, oxalic acid, potassium cyanide, and sodium cyanide.
Primary Storage Concern: Prevent contact and potential reaction with liquids.
Acceptable Storage Facilities/Methods:
• Cabinets are recommended, but if not available, open shelves are acceptable.
• Store above liquids.

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• Warning labels on highly toxic powders should be inspected and highlighted or amended to stand out against less
toxic substances in this group.
• It is recommended that the most hazardous substances in this group be segregated.
• It is particularly important to keep liquid poisons below cyanide-containing or sulfide-containing poisons
(solids); a spill of aqueous liquid onto cyanide-containing or sulfide-containing poisons would cause a reaction
that would release poisonous gas.
Compatible Storage Groups: Metal hydrides, if properly double-contained, may be stored in the same area as dry
Exceptions: Solid picric or picric sulfonic acid can be stored with this group, but should be checked regularly for
dryness. When completely dry, picric acid is explosive and may detonate upon shock or friction.

Toxic chemicals:- causes acute or chronic effect even death when inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin
e.g. potassium cyanide, mercury, sodium azide, formaldehyde solution methanol etc
Harmful substance: - cause limited effect on health if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed
e.g, barium chloride, benzoic acid, xylene
Irritating Chemicals:- one that can cause inflammation and irritation of the skin, mucous membrane and respiratory
tract e.g ammonium solution, acetic acid, potassium dichromate.
Accident involving toxic, harmful and irritating chemicals
Allergen:-causes allergic/hypersensitivity reaction
Carcinogen:-causes or increases risk of cancer after repeated or long term exposure.
Mutagen:-capable of producing mutations of germ cells leading to genetically induced malformation/abortion/death
Of offspring of exposed individual
Teratogen:-Can damage an unborn foetus causing congenital malformation, foetal death or cancer of offspring.

Biohazard symbols

Types of hazard symbols

Name hazard symbol Symbol Unicode Image

Poisonous sign
☠ U+2620

Caution sign
☡ U+2621

Radioactivity sign
☢ U+2622

Ionizing radiation sign ? ?

[xÇÜç ^tÜÉ~| UávAê ftyxàç |Ç à{x _tuÉÜtàÉÜç

Non-ionizing radiation sign ? ?

Biohazard sign
☣ U+2623

Warning sign

High voltage sign


Magnetic field symbol ? ?

Chemical weapon symbol ? ?

Laser hazard sign ? ?

[xÇÜç ^tÜÉ~| UávAê ftyxàç |Ç à{x _tuÉÜtàÉÜç

Corrosive A substance that may destroy living tissue on contact.
It causes a burn.

Flammable A substance that can catch fire easily.

Oxidising This type of substance gives of a large amount of heat when in contact with
other substances.

Explosive A substance that may explode if it comes into contact with a flame or heat.
It may also explode due to friction or shock.

Harmful A substance that may cause harm in some way

Irritant A substance that may cause irritation to the skin, eyes or inside your body.

Toxic A substance that is poisonous if swallowed or breathed in. It may even go

through your skin!

Biohazard These are living organisms that may cause infection.

[xÇÜç ^tÜÉ~| UávAê ftyxàç |Ç à{x _tuÉÜtàÉÜç

Environmental These substances damage or pollute the environment.

Radiation These substances are radioactive. Radiation can damage cells and cause

The yellow background signifies that the piping may handle hazardous material. Unfortunately, much has changed in the
typical plant over the last 70 years since this standard was originally conceived. The basic standard can be traced to the
1920's and use in the US military. Obviously, our definitions for what is "hazardous" has changed. Water, air or carbon
dioxide, under certain situations (pressure, heat, mixture with other chemicals) are not always benign. How do we
interpret, for example, materials that should be used for "fire quenching" that are also "hazardous"? Should we use the
red or the yellow ANSI scheme? Or, how do we label a pipe that carries both the liquid (which should be green) and gas
form of a chemical (which should be blue)?

Hazards, in other words, are not so easily defined. "Hazardous" may mean that the material is hazardous to a person
nearby, or to the operation of the overall plant itself. Could "hazardous" mean that the materials flowing through the
process piping, if not handled carefully, could contaminate the product Or, if leaked into the atmosphere, could the
chemical infect the environment or cause damage to employees after cumulative exposure over a period of years?
Clearly, the ANSI standard was written for far simpler times.

[xÇÜç ^tÜÉ~| UávAê ftyxàç |Ç à{x _tuÉÜtàÉÜç

Color Std Meaning Example
Electric Power Lines, Cables, Conduit
Red APWA Buried High Voltage Line
and Lighting Cables
Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum or Gaseous
Yellow APWA Natural Gas Distribution Line
Communication, Alarm or Signal Lines,
Orange APWA Buried Fiber Optic Cable
Cables or Conduit
Blue APWA Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines Buried Water Line
Green APWA Sewers, Drain Line Buried Storm Sewer Line
Red Traffic Prohibition STOP, Yield
Orange Traffic Temporary Work Zone Construction Zone Ahead
Yellow Traffic Caution Merge Ahead, Slow
Blue Traffic Information Signs Hospital
Brown Traffic Historical or Park Picnic Area Ahead
Green Traffic Directional Signs Exit 1 Mile, Go
Red Danger Signs, Highest Hazard Hazardous Voltage Will Cause Death
Orange Warning Signs, Medium Hazard Hazardous Voltage May Cause Death
Yellow Caution Signs, Lowest Hazard Turn Machine Off When Not In Use
Blue Notice Signs Employees Only
Green Safety First Signs Wear Ear Plugs
Red Fire Quenching Materials Fire Protection Water
Yellow Materials Inherently Hazardous Chlorine
ANSI Materials of Inherently Low Hazard,
Blue Compressed Air
Pipe Gas
ANSI Materials of Inherently Low Hazard,
Green Storm Drain
Pipe Liquid
Blue/Red/Yellow Blue is used for Health Hazards, Red for Flammability and Yellow for reactivity

Variations in color-coding standards are inevitable in our complex plant and pluralistic society. While laudable,
harmonization of color-codes, then, will be very difficult to achieve. Many plants use other color-coding; for example,
color-code each system (i.e. Lube Oil is brown, Condensate is green, etc.>) or color code by Unit (i.e. Unit 1 is yellow,
Unit 2 is blue, etc.).

[xÇÜç ^tÜÉ~| UávAê ftyxàç |Ç à{x _tuÉÜtàÉÜç

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