Lessonplan Grade 10

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Lesson Plan in Science Grade


Content Standard:
Learners demonstrate an understanding of how feedback mechanisms coordinated by the endocrine

Learning Competency and Code:

Learners should be able to describe how the endocrine system coordinates and regulates the feedback
mechanisms in order to maintain homeostasis. (S10LT-IIIc-36)

Quarter: 3 Week: 2

At the end of 60 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to:
a. Define and describe the structures of the endocrine system and its functions.
b. Determine different glands and hormones that belongs to endocrine system and its location.
c. Know how endocrine system work with other body systems, such as the nervous system.
d. Identify some of the dysfunctions of each glands and imbalance of hormones of
endocrine system.


Subject Matter: The Endocrine System

Integration: English and Health Science
Strategies: Collaborative learning
Materials: Visual aids, drawing, PowerPoint presentation or transparencies of slides, copies of
endocrine system worksheet and quiz
Reference: Teaching Guide for Senior High School Biology. 2016. Published by the Commission of
Higher Education-Chairperson: Patricia B. Licuanan, Ph.D. Commission on Higher Education K to 12
Transition Program Management Unit. Office Address: 4th floor, Commission on Higher Educationl
C.P. Garcia Ave., Diliman, Quezon City Telefax: (02) 441-0927/ Email Address: k12@ched.gov.ph

III. Key Terms

Endocrine system Glands Hormones Adrenaline
Pituitary Gland Thyroid gland Adrenal gland Reproductive glands
Adrenaline Hypothalamus

IV. Learning Tasks:

ELICIT (Access prior knowledge ) 5 Minutes Student Response/ Materials

A. Preliminary Activity
B. Greetings.
C. Prayer.
D. Checking of attendance.
E. Reminder of class rules.
F. Exercise.
G. Collect and discuss assignment if there is any.
H. Review previous topic. (Reproductive system)

Motivational activity. Students are instructed to: “Close

your eyes. Relax your feet. Relax your knees. Relax your thighs.
Relax your stomach. Relax your hands. Relax your shoulders.
Relax your chest. Relax your forehead.

Imagine yourself right before a track race. You are suited up in

your uniform. You have already warmed up, so your muscles are
pumping and ready for action. You look around you and see
three people on each side; you are in the middle lane of the track.
The cleats on your feet are clinging to the track, sure to give you
good footing. As you close your eyes, you visualize yourself
running down the track, making each step as long as possible,
drawing long, clear, deep breaths into your lungs to power your
body. Soon, you hear them give the command, “Runners, on
your marks!” You carefully place your toe at the front of your
lane and crouch down for the race. You can hear your heart
pounding with anticipation, your muscles twitching, and your
hands nervous. Then, the next command, “Get Set.” Waiting,
waiting, waiting. Finally you hear it - (slam a book on the table).
The race begins with the crack of the cap gun.”

Follow-up questions:
Tell me how your bodies reacted to the visualization of this
experience. Make a list of reactions on the board: shaking
hands, moving out of seat, fast heart rate, pounding head,

Why do you think your body was doing this? Brainstorm ideas
that might include flight or fight responses, keeping you safe,
using adrenaline to get a physical job done.

Great! Today we’re going to focus our studies on the endocrine

system, which is responsible for all the responses you had today.
I think you’ll find it interesting because it works with and effects
many other systems of the body.

I. To elicit prior knowledge, begin the lesson by asking

learners the following:
a. Think about the glands in your body.
b. Why do you think we have glands?
c. How many glands do you think we have in
our body?

At this point, students may respond objectively or

subjectively but do consider their responses regardless of its
objectivity and subjectivity.

Afterwards, the topic for the day about endocrine system will be
introduced in class.
ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic) 5 Minutes
Students are going worksheet
to try to answer the
worksheet and
determine if the
statement is TRUE

EXPLORE and EXPLAIN(Provide students with a

common experience. Teach the concept. Should include
interaction between teacher and students) 20 Minutes
LESSON PROPER: Discuss the endocrine system.
Flip that card! Powerpoint
A student will be asked to choose two cards among the 20
cards to flip open. The goal here is for them to match the
keywords to that of their respective definition. Once they fail to
match, cards will be flipped back to its original place or be
shuffled for additional challenge.

ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned in the

topic. ) 15 minutes
Labeled puzzle
Activity: ENDOCRINE EXCITEMENT! pieces – one per
Students create hormone-receptor pairs by matching
puzzle pieces and then follow the instructions written on the

In this activity, students are divided into a group of

hormones and a group of receptors. The hormones must find
their matching receptors, and the pair, once matched, perform a
given action. This activity helps students learn about the
specificity of hormone-receptor interactions within the endocrine

Create puzzle pieces by cutting shapes out of cardboard

and cut them in half, or use pieces from a jigsaw puzzle and label
the back (plain) side of them. Each pair of puzzle pieces should
be labeled: with an H on one half for hormone, and with an R for
receptor on the other half. Note: Write an action across both
pieces, so that it can only be fully read when they are joined
together. Possible actions include: jump up and down, jump on
one foot, put your hand on your head, act like a monkey, turn in
a circle, clap your hands, etc.
EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the
concept?) 10 minutes
The students will be given
worksheet to know if they
understand the discussion.

EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new

context). 5 minutes

Discuss the dysfunctions of each glands and imbalance of Images

hormones of endocrine system. Flash images on the screen and
have the student guess that certain abnormality. Students are to
identify which gland is involved and explain the effect of the
hormonal imbalance observed.

By: Ms. Nique Mae P. Porio

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