CSC 111 Past Question

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7TU-USMYm ' - ; First Semester Examination Session: 2016/2017 “CSC111: Introduction to Computer Science Date: April, 2017 ‘Time: 2hrs, {nstruction: Adempe all questions, Each question carries | mark, Only Shade the correat aptiurs w the amached answer sheet, Clearly write your matriculation number and yaur deportment in the sue proved on the answer shee! The answer sheet should be carefully detached aad subenitted at the end of the examination, | 4 _.._i8 a ¢pllection of related Web pages * ° « iwierner b, Web browser a. Website +d. Directory 2 ASW 1O0L student, what would yor use when creating and manipuluting documents? 2. Document software —_p, Word processing software ¢, Naciement manipulation software’ * d. Syston 4A. a stationary painting device with a bbil on its top ur side anc! ubow the size af a Ping, Many val * a mouse —, b Keybqard |. & touchpad * * d. trackbull 4 ExpressCard module is a storage device that fits in an expressCurd siot dnd is developed by the 218A b. PCI ©. PCMCIA 4, 1BM smc os prope 10 connect wirelessly to the Internet from home, work, school, und in many puttrs Nocations ‘® wireless imernet application, votdtess derpreter Wireless Internet ueeess points a Applicatian” softwere 6. _ is a-collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, reirizyal., wand use ef that eta a, transeption database - information ©. cat 7A ____ refers to the layout of the computers and devices fi a communications aetwork a, nciwork poinis . nework layout c. Network setup, Network Topology BA____is a pressure-sensitive pol vie sap like a pencil eruser that Is. 28sitioned betwoen keys on akeyboard sn, trackball Emo 2% Lytton * ppointing stick é.t0uc 3 9.The__. hholds data waiting to be processed and? ingtructions writing to'be eet d a. ash dri att registers c.processor, * “Wd. main memory 10. One of the following is NOT an item isthe information processing cycle Collection of dala = b_-Detection of error ¢. Production of infonmtation — g4proc:ising M1. The resolution of an.Ink-Jet printer can be mensured bY the number of _" _ the printe- can print. adots peninch “bi, vbixels pet jinich= —¢, pages perminute 4d, line per minute. 2 tells the computer what task to stern ahd hid to perform them, BoorDrive —. :b, Controller «, Processor : ‘A ___ isa collection of computers and devs connected together, via cominunicati ‘sansinission media a,.nelwork 1b operating system chard disk 4, Multimedi 14, Which of the following is a graphic (le forma? : e exp bf 2 Sipe 4, bpm is the full meaning of PSTN : nT: ‘switched telephone network —b, public swift telecoms network ¢, public servi se teluphane nein’ 4. private switthed tg|gphiane network 6, The program that:tlibusyy/stt pages to be viewed is. = a, Website bi Web browser ¢, Search engine di. World wide web ‘net 11. The __ hip, which uses batiery power, stores configuration information ubout the eymputer 2cMos b. BIOS ©, POST 2 RAM 18,__ is anetwork that connects computers and devices in w limited yeographicwl area 3. WAN b.MAN SAN 4. PAN ee op, - wy is a group of related ficldls ina database, * . ’ aa vha neler boven - ©. primary key J data type 20-\ Lisa inpal device that allows 1 user 10 control » pointer an the screen, : se b. keyboard, &. Inuchpad dull of the ubove 21 Tov ongunize datu in rows and columny und perform cnteulations, users need te have a Data sofware ALSpreneshedl sofware ¢, Ausiness software Te eyping sulieane_ 22 | __ is number that anniquely identifies each evinputer or device connected te Internet a Neiwork acldress de IM address G, System address Device udldvens One of these is NOT a stritegy employee! 10 neleving green computing Kecyehog —&, Proper @isposal of replaced computers Mil ing manufacturing processes “i ng the life of competes is Wot an advantage of toliel stute drives over magnetic hurd dish a ime b, Taster transfer rate Short l"e spun hess power consuinpeen 24 Tuminy on a computer thit has been powegd OIF completely is culled ° a Bund Boot b. sof boot bi teconverter modem * di, deconverter 57. Oulpit is, aga is processed into useful information a ve ©. graphics A ofita papas data type emo b, object attachment 4. variable i ‘The umber of byléa slorage medium can hold called x. Density b. storage density ¢. Access time Capacity 69. Which of the fotlowing is not a tyne of Nash memory storage? + ai anicrgS) * om memory stick gel ¢. seture digital Wy pretwre card

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