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@ Choice Based Credit System TAXMANN™S, Auditing and Corporate Governance Dr. Aruna Jha 4th Edition Syllabus B.Com. (Hons.): Semester VI ‘Paper BCH 6.1 : Auditing and Corporate Governance ications, Appointment, Rotation, Removal, Remuns ‘Duties Auditor's Report - Contents and Types, Liabilities of Statutory Auditors under the Companies Act, 2013, Areas of Audit: Cost audit, Tax audit and Management audit; Recent in Auditing: Basic considerationsof auditin EDP Environment: Relevant ig and Assurance Standards (ASS). : Corporate Governance saning, Theories, Models and Benefits of Corporate Governance: Politics and ce; Board Committees and their Functions; Insider Trading: R ‘Green Governance/E-governance; Clause 49 of Listing Agreement; xrporate Governance in Public Sector Undertakings; Corporate Funding of al Parties; Class Action; Whistle Blowing; Shareholders Activism. Unit III: Major Corporate Governance Failures BCCI (UK), Maxwell Communication (UK), Enron (USA), Work Com (USA). ersen Worldwide (USA), Vivendi (France), Harshad Mehta Scam, Satyam puter Services Ltd,, and Kingfisher Airlines; Common Governance Problems Noticed in various Corporate Failures; Codes and Standards on Corporate Governance; Initiatives in India. Contents Chapter 1 ‘ INTRODUCTION 5 ves of financial audit Types of error and fraud Advantages of swith Accounting ‘Types of audi Structure of audit theory TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 26 Chapter 2 ‘© AUDIT PLANNING AND INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM Considerations for commencing an audit 27 Audit programme 28 Working Papers Internal control system smal check Internal audit aa — 13.1. Introduction ‘ 132 Definition . 49.3 Features 1c AND WHS - 13.4 Advantages 13.5 Disadvantages 13.6 Shareholder activism in India 2 13.7 _ Important changes introduced by the Companies Act. 2 6 _Sbepter 14 ‘CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN PUBLIC SECTOR UNITS AND CORPORATE FUNEING (OF POUTICAL PARTIES ST ORPORATE GOVERN ST CoE 14.1, Corporate Governance in Public Sector Units s Corporate Funding of Political Parties ‘3 SOME OF THE MAJOR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FAILURES IN DEVELOPED WORLD 15.1 The Bank of Credit and Commerce International Scandal (BCCI) 166 15.2. Maxwell Communications (UK) 15.3 Enron (US) 15.4 WorldCom (US) 15.5 Anderson Worldwide (USA) 15.6 Vivendi (France) VEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE n10 nn fest voUR KNOWLEDGE oe ae Dee sy of CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: E-GOVERNANCE ANE rfion surrs Chapter 16 ‘¢ CASES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FAILURE IN INDIA 16.1 Harshad Mehta Seam 17 16.2 Kingfisher Airlines 178 16.3 Satyam Seam 180 1210 Elec 122 Class Action Suits ‘TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 16.4 Common governance problems noticed in corporate failures 182 ‘TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 183 joaRos ip STANDARDS 7 ie GOVERNANCE CO" 19 D CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR BUSINESS ETHICS .s to Business Ethics ics/E © 19.10 Ethics Committee ‘TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE chapter 20 ‘¢ CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILTY n of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 20.9 Business Ethies and CSR ‘TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE, Chapter 21 ‘¢ CSR MODELS AND DRIVERS, 21.1 CSR Models .2 CSR Modi 21.3. CSR Drivers in Indian Context 21.4 Examples of CSR drivers from empirical studies in India "TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE, Chapter 22 ‘¢ REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND GUIDANCE FOR CSR 22.1 I roduction 22.2 The Companies Act, 2013 and the CSR Rules. 22.3 Governance Mechanism - CSR Committee 22.4 Reporting for CSR 22.5 CSR Codes and Standards ‘TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE B.Com. (Hons.) Sem - VI (Dec. 2018) B.Com. (Hons) CBCS (2019) SEMESTER VI B.Com. (Hons.) CBCS (2020) SEMESTER VI [Open Book Exam) mmm CHAPTER INTRODUCTION MEANING AND DEFINITION OF AUDITING __ Narrow definition of auditing 1.1-1 Montgomery has defined au ‘Spicer and Pegler have a simi Glaborated the concept of aud Auditing in a broad sense definitions given abov oper a percel este purpose. 1” 2”? the judgment which, jon. These are dise jc’ implies that an audit should ic - The word ‘system ully planned. 1 - The core idea of any al ation of the available evidence. In any audit ile forming and expressing his 0 lany influence or pressure fr ts pre nfidence of the ‘report thereon would add Therefore, directors are not ‘auditors of a limited company. data, statements, records, operations and performance - This pl fadicates the scope of audit. It extends from examination of books, Zountsand vouchers toreview of operationsand i area also. For example, rev

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