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K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik.

Hirabai Haridas Vidyanagari, Amrutdham, Panchavati, Nashik-422003

Department of Computer Technology

Assignment for Unit-2

Class: TYCM - I & II Semester: VI (EVEN)
Subject: Programming with Python Code: 22616

CHAPTER: 2. Python Operators and Control Flow Statements [CO602.2]

1. Explain following operator with example (any 2 for 2 Marks and any 4 for 4 marks)
a. Arithmetic operator
b. Comparison operator
c. Logical operator
d. Assignment operator
e. Bitwise operator
f. Membership operator
g. Identity operator.
2. Mention the use of //, **, ~, ^ operator in Python. (any 2 for 2 Marks and any 4 for 4 marks)
3. What is the importance of if- else statement? Write its syntax. 2M
4. Explain while loop available in python with suitable example and flowchart. 4M
5. Explain for loop used in Python with flowchart and example. 4M
6. Explain the terms: 1. else 2. pass 3. continue 4. break (any 1 for 2 Marks and any 2 for 4 marks)
7. What do you mean by operator precedence. Explain operator precedence in python. 4marks
8. Write the use of conditional statement in python and also list and explain all conditional statement
in python. - 4marks
9. Write python program using while loop to print all even number between 1 to 100 or given range
- 2marks
10. Write a python program using for-loop to print the table of given number. - 4marks
11. Using Nested-if statement print largest or smallest among three number’s. - 4marks
12. What is the use of range() function? How it is used with for-loop? Give one example. -4marks

Mrs. M. P. Bhosale
Subject Teacher

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