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Diana Carrascal Tris 2021-22


- A process essay explains how to do something, i.e. it describes some process or procedure. Unless
it is a well-known process, the writer should define it to make certain that the readers know what
the paper is about.

- It should include all the necessary steps of the procedure. That is, an exact replica of the process
specified should produce the same result.

 Before writing a process essay you must ponder the following questions:

 What process are you trying to explain? Why is it important?

 Who or what does the process affect?
 Are there different ways of doing the process? If so, what are they?
 Who are the readers? What knowledge do they need to understand this process?
 What skills/equipment are needed for this?
 How long does the process take? Is the outcome always the same?

 Before writing a process essay you must ponder the following questions:

 How many steps are there in the process?

 Why is each step important?
 What difficulties are involved in each step? How can they be overcome?
 Do any cautions need to be given?
 Does the process have definitions that need to be clarified?
 Are there other processes that are similar and could help illustrate the process that
you are writing about?
 If needed, tell what should not be done or why something should be done.
 Can the process use less/more steps? Can the same thing be done in a more
efficient manner?
 Are there any caveats/tips that the reader needs to know to ascertain that the
process is smooth-flowing?

 Some tips before you write a process essay:

 Do not write about too complex things, or things that would be better understood
with a visual aid
 Avoid being too repetitive with your transitions
 Include an interesting, catchy introduction
 Make one of the steps stand out slightly

Diana Carrascal Tris 2021-22

 Characteristics of process writing:

 Strict chronological order

 If the steps described are repeated, the same outcome should always be achieved
 Fixed order
 Clarity is extremely important
 Transitions are essential
 A process essay should have a clear thesis statement that identifies the process and
tells why it is performed

 Two types of process essay:

1. Instructions

 Enables readers to perform a process

 A recipe, a handout, an operating manual are examples of instruction
 Use imperative mood or should.
 Subject of sentences is “you” that is; speak directly to the reader.

2. Process explanation

 The purpose is to help reader understand how a process is carried out.

 Use either 1st person or 3rd person; not second person or imperative
 May be in present or past tense, depending on whether the writer is
explaining a process that takes place regularly or one that occurred in the
past, and on whether the writer or someone else carried out the process.

 Planning for a process essay:

 Keep reader’s needs in mind.

 Explain reasons for performing steps
 Describe unfamiliar materials or equipment
 Define terms
 Use language they may be familiar with
 Use examples to better illustrate the process
 Warn readers of possible problems they may encounter
 Avoid ambiguity or surprises
 Avoid unnecessary shifts in tense, person, voice and mood

Diana Carrascal Tris 2021-22

 Structure of a process essay:

 Introduction: identifies the process and indicates why and under what
circumstances it is performed.
 Body of essay
 Formal Conclusion

 Checklist for a process essay:

 Does your assignment call for a set of instructions or a process explanation?

 Does your writing style clearly and consistently indicate whether you are writing a
set of instructions or process explanation?
 Does your essay have a clearly stated thesis that identifies the process and perhaps
tells why it is (or was) performed?
 Have you included all necessary reminders and cautions?
 Have you included all necessary steps?
 Are the steps presented in strict chronological order?
 Do transitions clearly indicate where one step ends and the next begins?

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