Thermal23 hw3

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Assignment 4: Thermal Physics

1. If c̄ is the average speed of a particle in an ideal gas, then show that the no. of particles
striking a unit area of the wall of the container in unit time is nc̄/4, n being the no. density.

2. Find a rough estimate of the molecular speed for the nitrogen gas. At 1 atm P and 0 deg
C, the density of N is 0.00125 gms per cm3 .

3. Show that for elastic collisions in CM frame two particles come and go with the same
respective velocities (but at an arbitrary angle).

4. Using the law U = (3/2)P V as for ideal gas, find how U and P varies with T.

5. In a pressure cooker, the exit path for vapour has a diameter 4 mm and the mass that
is kept at that path is 140 gm. What is the boiling point of water at the cooker? the sp
volume of vapour is 1674 gm/cc and the latent heat for vapourization is 540 cal.

6. a) For water, latent heat for vapourization is 540 cal at 100 deg C. FInd the same at 90
deg C.

7. 1 gm water at atm pressure gets transformed to vapour, while at the latter state having
a volume 1671 cc. Assuming the b.p. at this P as 100 deg C and latent heat as 540 cal/gm,
find ∆U , ∆H, ∆G.
I gm mole of ideal gas is heated fm 0 to 100 deg C. FInd the change in F and G for the
following cases:
a) V kept fixed at 1 litre;
b) P kept fixed at 1 atm.

RT − RTa V ∂U
8. For the EOS P = V −b
e , find | .
∂V T

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