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MK: Perancangan Proses 1

External Pressure
Pertemuan minggu 8

Dosen Pengampu:
Rucita Ramadhana, S.T., M.T.
• a wide variety of chemical and petrochemical processes require equipment
operating under partial vacuum.
• Vessel are under external pressure from the atmosphere.
• Jacket in jacketed vessel also produces an external pressure on the vessel
• A cylindrical vessel under external pressure has an induced circumferential
stress equal to twice the longitudinal stress
• Therefore we need to know the critical length to calculate the thickness of

P1 < P2
Internal pressure < surrounding
P1 P teoritis = P2 – P1

“When the internal pressure is smaller than the external pressure”

Pi < Po’ Pi < Po < Po’

Pi Pi

Determine L fo External Pressure Vessel
Ls = Cylinder Height
ha = Head height
sf = Straight flange (brownell pg 88)
ha ha
sf sf


𝒂 𝒂
𝒔 𝒔
Determine Trial & Error
P1 P2 Pallowable > Pteoritis
The value of L ts or th (thk)
Pteoritis = P2 – P1
P1 < P2 do/ts T Pallowable = B / (do/ts)

L/do 3 B


Figure 8.8 (brownell pg 147)

Calculation step for cylinder of vessel
1. Calculate the Pteoritis = P2 – P1
2. Calculate L/do  (trial value of ts with standard value from
3. Calculate do/ts 
4. Obtain the value of B from fig. 8.8 using value of L/do, do/ts, and
temperature (°F)
5. Calculate Pallowable ( If Pallowable < Pteoritis or ΔP = 10 – 20%, then trial
another values of ts
6. If Pallowable > Pteoritis and ΔP = 10 – 20%, so the trial values of ts can be used.

7. Obtain the value of do std and new di

Calculation step for head & bottom
A. Standard Dished Head C. Conical
• Trial th (head thickness) • Trial th (head thickness)
• Calculate • Calculate ( , )
• Using sphere line • Calculate do/th
• •

B. Hemispherical
• Trial th (head thickness)
• Calculate
• Using sphere line

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