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ACTIVIDAD DE APOYO PRIMER PERIODO DE INGLES GRADO 8- 2024 4. INFORMACION GENERAL: [AREA = =a HUMANIDADES [ASIGNATURA INGLES | NOMBRE DEL DOCENTE LUZ DARY ZEA JAIQUEL | FECHA DE ENTREGA Abril 17 | NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE GRADO Octave: 1-2-3-4 JORNADA mafana | | Dei 22 ai 26 de abrii con horario habitual . j LLFECHA ENTREGA Y SUSTENTACION 2. APRENDIZAJES A APOYAR : 3. PRESENTE SIMPLE . a. Normas para los verbos en tercera persona del singular ( ). Oraciones afirmativas y negativas c. Preguntas de Y/N y Wh con sus respuestas largas y cortas. 4, PLAN DE ACTIVIDADES No. ACTIVIDADES |__CRITERIO DE EVALUACION 1-_| Desarrollo de las actividades | Presentacion y puntualidad 2] Sustentacion Uso adecuado de las | | estructuras y vocabulario | Lot P37] Sustentacin en clase | realizado 4 | Lapreseniacion de este trabajo es Sustentacion escrita dei requisito para la sustentaci6n de las trabajo realizado actividades / Powered by CamScanner SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (Fresente Simple) ODO INTERROGATIVO Mobo NEGATIVO. —Saaae em Yo 1 oO I play eJuege yo? | 'do not eae Es ei eS ee ont yeas You play repens [ow vou pugs P| eee en le Sewer Ss He plays ttjuepa [Does he ploy? 27y59" ‘play, juege She plays ea jvepa Does she play? 2729" It plays Evens juege Does tt pley? Zouass, Wepiay Nogamos Do we piay? $oceoe? You play $Stser De you play? Sar? They play iSin De they play? +2yS95" Rak woler fink “eter eve Powered by ( CamScanner Ejercicios Conjuga los verbos entre paréntesis en present simple y luego escribe cada una de las oraciones en forma negativa ver ejemplo (1) 1. Anne (work)! “°"* ina language school. /. Anne doesn’t work in @ language school. 2. She (drink) milk. / she does not drink milk 3. She (teach)! English. 7 she teach 4, Her students (come) from all over the world. 5. Anne usually (go)! to school by hus. 1 ORGANIZAR EN FORMA CORRECTA LAS ORACIONES Y ESCRIBIRLAS. ALFRENTE EN FORMA NEGATIVA ( Ver ejemplo ). 2)1/ to watch / television (went). 1} Wanttowater television. / 3) He / football / at weekends (play). He football at weekends. 4) Mary / home / after work (go). Mary home after work. I don’t want to watch television. 3. Elabore um listado de 10 cosas y le gusten y 10 que no le gusten (likes and dislikes). 4, Elaborar su rutina diaria y la de su cantante favorito. Powered by CamScanner Questions in Simple Present -Do you have breakfast every day? éDesevunzs todos Is di Yes, Ido. / No, I don’t. Does she watch TV at night? Elle ve television er te noche? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t., | DO NOT Con base en la oracién afirmativa elabore la pregunta y responda en forma afirmativa y negativa. 1) You like playing tennis. oe playing tennis? 2) You want to come to the cinema. moves to come to the cinema? YES,1DO NO, 1 DO NOT 3) He plays football at the weekends. Dees he lay football at the weekends? YES, HE DOES. NO,HE DOES NOT 4) Mary goes to the cinema after work. to the cinema after work? 5) Mary and John have lunch in a restaurant on Fridays. lunch in a rectaurant an Fridave? Powered by CamScanner ‘Where does he work? —_ He works in the supermarket Where does she live? ¢Dénde vive? When does he go to work? Who do we need to tatk to? Con quién debemos hablar? When do they eat lunch? GA qué hore comen? GOOD LUCK. Powered by CamScanner

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