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Directions: Answer this situation using St. Thomas’ determinants of morality.

Giving alms to a beggar is good in itself. Try to explain this proving that there can
be an evilness in it.
According to St. Thomas Aquinas' determinants of morality, we can evaluate the morality
of an action by considering the end of the act itself, the end of the doer, and the circumstances
surrounding the act. By applying these determinants to the situation of giving alms to a beggar
we can explore the potential evilness despite the inherent goodness of the action.
The first determinant is the end of the act itself. Giving alms to a beggar is generally
considered good in itself. It reflects the virtue of charity and compassion, aiming to alleviate the
suffering of those in need. The act is directed towards a positive end, seeking to provide material
assistance and support to the beggar, which aligns with the principles of justice and love for one's
neighbor. However, even in this inherently good act, there can be a potential for evilness. For
instance, if the alms given are acquired through illicit means or by exploiting others, the act loses
its moral value. If the end of the act involves harming or deceiving others to generate resources
for alms, it contradicts the fundamental principles of morality and introduces evil into the action.

The second determinant is the end of the doer. The intention and motives of the person giving
alms are crucial in determining the morality of the action. If the doer's end is to genuinely help
the beggar, driven by compassion and a desire to alleviate their suffering, the act remains morally
good. The end of the doer should be focused on the well-being of the recipient, selflessly
providing assistance without seeking personal gain or recognition. However, the potential for
evilness arises if the doer's end is motivated by self-interest or ego. If the intention behind giving
alms is solely to boost one's ego, gain public approval, or promote a false image of virtue, the act
becomes tainted by hypocrisy and self-centeredness. It distorts the genuine purpose of charity,
shifting the focus from the welfare of the beggar to personal gain.
Lastly, the circumstances of the act. The circumstances surrounding the act of giving alms
also play a significant role in determining its morality. While the act itself is inherently good,
there can be circumstances that introduce evilness. For instance, if the giving of alms perpetuates
a system of dependency or enables destructive behaviors in the beggar, it may contribute to a
harmful cycle rather than addressing the root causes of their situation. If the act is carried out in a
way that perpetuates the beggar's reliance on handouts, it fails to provide a sustainable solution
and can hinder their long-term well-being. Additionally, the circumstances of the doer should be
considered. If giving alms jeopardizes the doer's own financial obligations or responsibilities
towards family and dependents, it may compromise their moral duty to prioritize and provide for
their immediate obligations.
In summary, while giving alms to a beggar is generally considered good in itself, we can
identify potential sources of evilness by examining the end of the act, the end of the doer, and the
circumstances. Acquiring alms through illicit means, having self-centered motives, perpetuating
dependency, and neglecting one's own responsibilities can all introduce elements of evilness into
an action that is otherwise virtuous. By being mindful of these determinants, individuals can
ensure that their acts of charity are genuinely selfless and focused on the well-being of those in
need, aligning with the principles of morality and goodness.
ACTIVITY no. 3- Directions: Make “Huntahan with my Mom and/ or Dad” Steps: 1. Make a
matrix using the given format then try to fill out all the required boxes. 2. Analyze the differences
and similarities with your parents' answers.
Guide Question My Answer My Parents Answer Analysis and
comparison and
1. What time do you As a college We prefer to rise My preference for
prefer to rise up student, my early in the morning, waking up around 7
in the morning? preferred time to around 6 a.m. This or 8 a.m. reflects my
rise in the allows us to start the consideration of my
morning varies day early, complete college schedule and
depending on my our morning routine, the importance of
schedule and and have ample time maintaining a
commitments. On to prepare for work balanced routine.
weekdays, I and other With classes,
typically aim to responsibilities. assignments, and
wake up around 7 extracurricular
or 8 a.m. to have activities, it is crucial
enough time to for me to have
get ready for enough rest while
classes. On also ensuring I have
weekends, I ample time to
enjoy sleeping in accomplish my tasks.
a bit later, around On the other hand,
9 or 10 a.m., to my parents'
catch up on rest preference for rising
and recharge for at 6 a.m. indicates
the upcoming their preference for
week. an early start to
accommodate their
work and other
responsibilities. They
likely have
commitments and
obligations that
require an earlier
wake-up time. The
differing preferences
can be attributed to
the varying lifestyles
and routines of the
college student and
their parents,
highlighting the
unique demands and
schedules that each
stage of life brings.
2. Preferences: stay I enjoy the We prefer staying at My preference for
at home or out of flexibility and home. The comfort, staying out of home
home? freedom of familiarity, and is rooted in the desire
staying out of security of our own for independence,
home. It allows space provide a socialization, and
me to explore my sense of relaxation personal growth that
independence, and peace. Being at the college
engage in social home allows us to experience offers.
activities with unwind, spend Being away from
friends, and quality time together home allows me to
experience new as a family, and explore my own
environments. pursue our hobbies. independence, make
While I my own decisions,
appreciate the and take
comforts of responsibility for my
home, the actions. It also
opportunity to provides ample
venture out and opportunities for
create my own socialization and
experiences is connecting with
something I value peers, fostering new
during my friendships and
college years. expanding my
Additionally, being
outside the familiar
environment of home
exposes me to new
challenges, and
opportunities for
personal growth. On
the other hand, my
parents' preference
for staying at home
emphasizes the
comfort, security,
and enjoyment they
find in their familiar
environment. They
appreciate the sense
of stability and the
joys of being in a
space they are
accustomed to. These
preferences reflect
the different stages of
life and the unique
perspectives and
needs of both the
college student and
their parents.
3. In schooling, In terms of e believe in the I acknowledge and
traditional or schooling, I have importance of appreciate the
technology based? experienced both traditional schooling advantages of both
traditional and for our children. In- traditional and
technology-based person interactions, technology-based
approaches. socialization, and the schooling. I
While I opportunity for recognize the
appreciate the hands-on learning convenience and
convenience and are vital aspects of flexibility that
flexibility that their educational technology-based
technology-based development. We schooling offers,
schooling offers, value the personal allowing for remote
such as online guidance and learning, online
courses and immediate feedback resources, and a
digital resources, that traditional more self-paced
I still value the schooling provides. approach. However, I
benefits of also value the
traditional benefits of traditional
schooling. In- schooling. I
person understand the
interactions, face- significance of in-
to-face person interactions
discussions with with professors and
professors and peers, as well as the
peers, and the hands-on learning
immersive experiences that a
learning physical classroom
experience of a environment
physical provides. On the
classroom setting other hand, my
contribute to a parents hold a
well-rounded preference for
education. traditional schooling,
emphasizing the
importance of in-
person interactions
and hands-on
experiences. Their
belief is rooted in the
value they place on
socialization, and the
guidance provided by
teachers. The
differing perspectives
reflect my firsthand
experience with
different educational
approaches and my
parents' emphasis on
the importance of
traditional methods.
4. In courtship, what In courtship, I We believe that My preference for a
do prefer home personally prefer home-based mix of home-based
based or via a mix of home- courtship is essential. and phone-based
phone? based and phone- Spending time courtship reflects my
based together in person understanding of the
interactions. allows for a deeper advantages offered
While spending understanding of by both approaches. I
time together in each other's highly value the
person allows for personalities, values, deeper connections
deeper and compatibility. that can be fostered
connections and Building a through in-person
shared relationship through interactions,
experiences, shared activities and recognizing the
technology face-to-face significance of face-
enables constant interactions is to-face conversations
communication, crucial. and shared
especially in experiences in
situations where building a
physical distance relationship.
or other However, I also
circumstances acknowledge the
may limit convenience and
personal constant
interactions. Both communication that
home-based and technology
phone-based facilitates, allowing
courtship can for ongoing
contribute to connection and
building and interaction despite
nurturing a physical distance. On
relationship. the other hand, my
parents' preference
for home-based
courtship emphasizes
their belief in the
importance of face-
to-face interactions
and the value they
place on creating
shared experiences.
These differing
preferences highlight
the contrasting
generational and
personal perspectives
on courtship, as well
as the varying
degrees of emphasis
placed on physical
presence versus
communication in
building and
5. In In We believe that I understand and
communication, communication, I personal appreciate the value
personal or via believe in communication is of both personal and
phone? striking a balance crucial for fostering phone-based
between personal meaningful communication. I
and phone-based connections. Face- place importance on
interactions. to-face conversations face-to-face
Face-to-face allow for better conversations
conversations understanding, because they allow
provide emotional for genuine
opportunities for expression, and a connections and the
genuine stronger sense of interpretation of non-
connections, non- connection. verbal cues, which
verbal cues, and add depth and
deeper understanding to
understanding. interactions. At the
However, phone- same time, I also
based recognize the
communication convenience and
offers instant connections
convenience, that phone-based
instant communication
connections, and offers. My parents,
the ability to on the other hand,
maintain have a preference for
relationships personal
despite physical communication,
distance. Both believing that in-
forms of person interactions
communication foster a deeper level
have their merits, of understanding and
and utilizing a emotional
combination of expression. These
both allows for a differing preferences
well-rounded remind me of the
approach to multi-faceted nature
staying of communication
connected. and the diverse
perspectives on the
role of physical
presence and

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