Case Study

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CASE STUDY: Putting It All Together

An older adult with a history of peripheral arterial disease and osteoarthritis is admitted to a
hospital with a diagnosis of pneumonia. The nurse obtains the patient’s vital signs and performs
a physical assessment, including the patient’s lungs, eyes, and ears. Some of the results of these
assessments are temperature—38.4°F; apical pulse—96 beats/minute and regular;
respirations—26 breaths/minute, shallow, and use of accessory muscles of respiration; blood
pressure—146/88 mm Hg; oxygen saturation— 88 percent; breath sounds—crackles in both
lungs; eyes—glazed, limited red eye reflex; ears—difficulty hearing, excessive cerumen in
both ears; abdomen— distended, hypoactive bowel sounds, tympany. The patient reports
feeling short of breath and having tingling in the feet.

Case Study Questions

A. What instruments did the nurse use to perform these assessments and what was the
nurse assessing by using the instruments?







B. What techniques of physical assessment did the nurse use and what was the nurse
assessing by using the techniques?

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