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Group Task 2


1. Select a journal study that will reflect the significance of Electronics Engineering in Water
2. Create a PPT presentation including the ff content:
a. Introduction
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Methodology
d. Results and Discussion
e. Recommendation – Please state your own recommendation to make the study more
comprehensive and more interesting.
3. Create a video of the ppt presentation.
4. Each group member should be part of the presentation.
5. PPT e-copy should be uploaded via VLE including the link of the of the video created.
6. Minimum of 10 minutes and maximum of 20 minutes video presentation.
7. One submission per group ONLY. The Leaders of the group are expected to upload.
8. In the first of the presentation, please include the title of the study, the group number, leader
and its members.
9. Each group can freely choose the design of the PPT to use.

DEADLINE: APRIL 10, 2024 at 11:59 pm

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