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At the start of your business plan, include the following business details:

 business name  0.5 pts

 date registered  0.5 pts
 owner(s)  0.5 pts
 tax file number (RUC)  0.5 pts
 business address  0.5 pts
 contact details  0.5 pts
 website details  0.5 pts
 social media details.  0.5 pts


This section provides an overview of the business concept. It should be

attention-grabbing and succinct—the content will be covered in more detail
in future sections.

While this is the first section of the plan, it can often help to write it last after
the other sections have been finalised.

This helps to ensure that the executive summary covers all the key information
within the plan.

It should define:

 what your business vision is

 what your legal structure is
 what products and services you offer
 who your customers are
 what sets you apart from your competitors
 how you will create a market for your products and services
 how you will operate
 what your financial projections are
 how your business or industry will evolve
 who owns or manages your business
 what your short-term and long-term goals are.


 2.1 Products and services  1 pts
 2.2 Market analysis  1 pts
 2.3 Industry description and outlook  1 pts
 2.4 SWOT analysis  1 pts

In this section, you should highlight your business products and services and
describe what makes them unique, such as their:

 features
 benefits
 limitations
 cost and sale price.

You can also include details of any plans your business has to introduce new
products and services.

Your market analysis should describe your target market (e.g. local,
international) and target customers.

Add in the research you have done about your industry and the market

In this section, you will also complete a SWOT ANAYLYS (strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, threats).

Find out more about researching your market:

 planning and conducting market and customer research

 market research kit
 3.1 Current situation  0.5 pts
 3.2 Marketing objectives  0.5 pts
 3.3 Target segments  0.5 pts
 3.4 Competitor analysis  0.5 pts
 3.5 Brand positioning  0.5 pts
 3.6 Marketing tactics  0.5 pts

A business plan should include a high-level summary of your market research

and analysis.

Starting with your current situation, complete your marketing objectives and
analysis around your target market and your competitiveness.

Complete your customer and competitor profiles and develop a 1-page

brand strategy.

These will help you prepare your marketing plan in section 3 of the template.

Your plan will include marketing tactics and an action plan. You will identify
how you will set KPIs and report on your marketing effectiveness.

Learn about:

 Branding your business

 Writing a marketing strategy and plan

IV. SALES (T1 – 4 pts)

 4.1 Sales strategies  2 pts
 4.2 Sales analysis and forecast  2 pts

Explain your sales forecasts and targets in this section, and how you will
manage customer records and payments. You should understand what sales
strategies will work for you and the best channels to market your products or

You will also need to know what your current sales, volume and market share
are and what you expect them to be for the next 2 years.
Learn about cash flow, invoices and payments and how to collect and store
customer information for help with managing customers.


Regardless of your business or industry, you will need to prepare for operating
some of your business online.

Note your digital and customer and data-protection strategies in your

business plan. You could also include:

 the digital tools and resources that will be used in your business
 details of any security considerations.

Complete a digital health check and learn how to create a digital strategy
for business.


 6.1 Business structure  1 pts
 6.2 Contracts, licences and agreements  3 pts
 6.3 Insurance  1 pts
 6.4 Employees  1 pts
 6.5 Financial  1 pts

In this section, record the legal and risk management considerations for your

Describe your business structure and the contracts you have now or could
have in the future.

If you have a lease or are considering leasing premises, add the terms and
conditions of the lease and any actions you need to take to your plan.

To complete the other legal section, learn about:

 Legal requirements for businesses

 Selecting the right business location
 Business insurance
 Your responsibilities as an employer

Search the Peruvian Business Licence and other related information if you
need information about licences that relate to your business.

To identify the risks to your business, your business plan should also:

 outline and demonstrate that you have considered the risks to your
business (a business risk analysis) and the possible consequences
 summarise the plans you have in place for overcoming these risks.

A risk matrix tool or risk management plan can be developed to help you
analysis your business risks—read more about identifying and managing
business risk.

You will also need to consider business continuity planning to prepare for
unexpected situations.


 7.1 Location  1 pts
 7.2 Production  1 pts
 7.3 Plant and equipment  1 pts
 7.6 List of major suppliers  1 pts
 7.7 Stock and inventory  1 pts

This section will cover all you know about how you do things in your business—
for example, your standard operating procedures and how to ensure the
quality of your products and services.

To better understand your business operations, read about:

 Business processes, procedures and standards

 Choosing the right business location
 Stock control: the basics


 8.1 Management and key personnel  1.5 pts
 8.2 Staff  1 pts
 8.3 Training  1 pts
 8.4 Recruitment  1.5 pts
 8.5 Succession planning  1 pts

This section helps you note your current workforce structure and plan for the
workforce you will have in the future as you grow, and for potentially passing
the business to a successor.

Your business plan will detail your business's organisational structure

(proposed or actual)—this is often shown as a diagram representing the
business hierarchy, different roles within the business and how they relate to
one another.

You should also consider succession planning, even if you haven't thought
about how you would sell or pass on the business.

Learn about:

 Workforce planning for small business

 Training and developing staff
 Passing a business to a successor

IX. FINANCIAL PLAN (T3 – 14 pts)

 9.1 Start-up costs  2 pts
 9.2 Profit and loss forecast  3 pts
 9.3 Cash flow forecast  3 pts
 9.4 Balance sheet  3 pts
 9.5 Financial ratios  3 pts

Your business plan should include your business finance details.

Summarise your key financial details, including:

 costs for establishing or operating the business

 sales needed to break even
 projected cash flow
 funding arrangements
 payment plans.

You can assess the financial performance of your business using financial

X. ACTION PLAN (T3 – 6 pts)

 10.1 Review and update business goals  3 pts
 10.2 Make a schedule to review your actions  3 pts

The final section of the business plan should include a set of actions to take
before you review your business plan next, and check your progress. This
should be over a 6–12 month period, based on the business goals outlined in
your plan.

Set a regular review date for the actions and the business plan. Assess which
actions have been completed, which remain outstanding and which require
updating to help your business plan remain relevant.

Read about skills for running a business to consider ways to improve your time
management and leadership.

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