Project Explore Level 4 Outcomes

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Outcomes 4

Introduction Unit 2
A I can use phrasal verbs to talk about A I can talk about day trips.
relationships. I can make predictions, promises, and
I can remember the language I have learnt spontaneous decisions.
about the present tense. I can describe, plan and predict a day trip,
I can discuss ideas to keep in touch with and present it to the class.
friends and make new students welcome.
B I can exchange opinions about
B I can ask for and give opinions about books, volunteering.
films and characters. I can write about a community activity, and
I can describe a film or book and its genre. present it to the class.
I can write about a character in a film, TV I can talk about future arrangements.
series or book. I can ask and answer questions about a
community project.

Unit 1 C I can talk about which type of holiday I

A I can use relationship adjectives to describe
I can write a descriptive blog about a
holiday activity using the first conditional.
I can discuss what makes a good classmate.
D I can ask and answer questions about a
I can talk about how long I have done my honeymoon trip.
favourite activities.
I can express preferences for and against
B I can use relationship expressions. different holidays and explain why.
I can give opinions on how many friends I Revision I can remember and use the language I
need. learnt in this unit.
I can tell a short story in the past.
My I can write and give a presentation about
C I can discuss why people move to or leave Project my town.
a town.
Culture I can recommend and discuss which
I can talk about my ancestors and the activities to do in a city.
history of my family.
I can write about what I’ll do in New York
I can write a fact file and a biography. when I next visit.
D I can discuss where to find information for Learn I can talk about different periods and styles
school work. through artists painted in, and what makes their
I can ask for, give, and agree/disagree with English works valuable today.
opinions. I can describe and identify a painting.
Revision I can remember and use the language I
learnt in this unit.
My I can describe how strongly I feel about the
Unit 3
Project people I see frequently. A I can write a lab report and explain a
science experiment.
I can create my social circles and present
them to the class. I can talk about advice, obligation, and
Culture I can talk about Charles Darwin’s theory of a
common ancestor. I can make notes in favour of and against
topics and then agree or disagree with
I can imagine how modern life will change other peoples’ opinions.
the human body.
B I can talk about how I socialize at the
Learn I can discuss two experiments about the six weekend.
through degrees of separation theory.
English I can find out how people I know met each I can ask an elderly person what they were
and weren’t allowed to do at my age.

Project Explore 4 • Outcomes PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Outcomes 4

C I can apply the six steps of the scientific Revision I can remember and use the language I
method to a problem and compare learnt in this unit.
My I can plan and ask and answer questions
I can talk about possibility. Project about an interrail trip around Europe.
I can test a hypothesis by doing a survey, Culture I can ask and answer questions about
writing a report, and comparing findings. symbols for Britain.
D I can give advantages and disadvantages I can compare lists of symbols for my
of different ways to raise awareness about country.
issues that affect me.
Learn I can talk about the invention of travel and
Revision I can remember and use the language I through various forms of transport.
learnt in this unit. English I can compare a list of things I have used
My I can carefully plan, write and publish an that have wheels.
Project article about an important issue.
Culture I can find evidence about key facts in an
article about Australia. Unit 5
I can name plants, trees and animals in my A I can talk about the most important objects
region in English. I own.

Learn I can list advantages and disadvantages of I can ask and answer questions using the
through living in a city near water. passive.
English I can write notes from an article and answer I can talk about common objects.
questions. B I can talk and write a report about
I can explain why a phrase would persuade globalization.
people to save water. C I can make mind maps about texts on
modern life.

Unit 4 I can give a short lecture on an aspect of

modern life.
A I can discuss which famous buildings or
D I can discuss and agree/disagree which
monuments I know.
stereotypes about teenagers are the worst.
I can explain why others should visit a
place I choose, and offer opinions on their Revision I can remember and use the language I
choices. learnt in this unit.

B I can talk about travelling by train. My I can ask and answer questions about
Project celebrations in Barcelona.
I can buy and sell tickets for a train journey.
I can write and present a report about the
I can compare two places I visited. most important festivals and celebrations in
C I can exchange opinions on why people like my country.
to travel. Culture I can talk about Irish heritage.
I can make notes on a trip I would like to go I can prepare a short presentation about a
on. story in my heritage.
I can use adverbs of frequency, manner,
place, and time. Learn I can use literary techniques to make my
through writing more interesting.
I can write a leaflet for tourists visiting my English
capital city.
D I can talk about time and space travel.
I can express belief and doubt.

Project Explore 4 • Outcomes PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Outcomes 4

Unit 6
A I can talk about how trustworthy
information on the internet is.
I can discuss my favourite website.
I can write a review of how someone uses
websites / apps.
B I can talk about shopping and shopping
I can describe buying my favourite
I can use reported commands and requests.
I can work with different partners to design
a sales campaign, and present it to the
C I can discuss why people follow fashion.
I can describe clothes.
I can discuss if advice is good or bad, and
then give my opinion.
D I can give instructions.
I can research and explain how to do a life
Revision I can remember and use the language I
learnt in this unit.
My I can plan, record and edit an online video
Project in a group.
I can write a short review of someone else’s
Culture I can talk about two small nations who are
often the best in the world at their sports.
I can write about a sport my country is
good at.
Learn I can create an exercise programme for
through someone and explain why it will work for
English them.

Project Explore 4 • Outcomes PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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