Peer Review 1

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1. Does their draft seem to be following the instructions?

In other words, did

they create annotations for two popular sources and two academic ones?
REDACTED’s draft does seem to be following instructions quite well. He uses two
academic sources as frameworks and two popular sources as well.
2. Does their research question narrow down their subject of research? For
example, have they identified the text, medium and genre they want to look
REDACTED’s research question does narrow down what he wants to analyze
specifically. However, he is missing the desired medium in his research question. Later
in the annotated bibliography, he mentions his television shows, and after talking to
REDACTED, we decided that he’ll add television as the medium in the research
3. Can you clearly understand how all the annotations connect with one
I can clearly understand how all the annotations connect with one another because they
all have the clear goal of analyzation techniques to apply to Fielder’s texts.
4. Are the annotations in alphabetical order, and do they follow either APA or
MLA formatting?
He does follow APA formatting; however, his last annotation is out of alphabetical order,
and he’s missing a separate title page. This was an accidental mistake, though, as in
his previous edits, he did have it in order.
5. Did the citations on their annotations look correct?
His citations looked perfect in accordance with the APA format.
6. Did they add a title page, page numbers, and other formatting
He did not add an additional title page or page numbers. However, I have no doubt he
will add it later, as this is just a draft.
7. What does the author have to say about their piece? Is there anything they
feel especially worried about that they want help with?
REDACTED is stressed about finding more supporting articles and meeting the word
8. Are there any other aspects of their draft they can improve on? Elaborate if
Besides format, I’d say REDACTED’s annotated bibliography is well done. I’d
specifically add more descriptive annotations to his sources, though, as most of them
are comprised of quotes.

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