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Private Circulation

Practice Journal of UG studies in Journalism

Issue : 14 Volume : 10 03-07-2022
Everything is a story:Vasudendra
Vidyagiri Jul y 27: OUICK GLANCE
A Valedictory programme
of ‘Philocaly 2022’- a set Adyantha: Commerce fest 2022
of Interdepartmental Lit-
Department of Commerce
erary Competition which
is going to organise the fest
was conducted by PG De-
Adyantha 2022 on 6th of
partment of English- was
August.The guest is going
held at Kuvempu Hall,
Vasudendra in valedictory programme of Philocaly 2022 to be Avil John Monis,As-
Alva’s College Moodbidri. education founda-
attended to the questions sistant Manager at EY
The program was shoul- tion,Kurian, Principal of
of the audience. After he GDS,and alumini of Alva’s
derd by Vasudendra a Alva’s degree college,Ad-
spoke, prize to the win- College.Pre-event were
prolific writer in kanna- ministrative officer Bal-
ners of Philocaly 2022 conducted on 25th of July
da who has written about akrishna Shetty, Satwik
were awarded and the and 10 events are going to be
15 books, most of which Co-founder of Vulcan
prizes were sponsered on day event,in that 5 com-
have been translated Learning and Winston
by Vulcan Learning, co mon and 5 general events.
into various languages. lecturer of PG studies
founded by Satwik, lectur-
After a formal addres-
sal , he spoke on ‘short
er at PG English depart- in english were present . Alfaaz open mic program
ment . After the formal Alfaaz:Open mic programme organised by Gunesh
stories- are they import-
stage program, a book SNAPSHOT Bharathiya and Sourabh Singh was held on 24th
ant or not? He remins-
signing event was set-up, and 31st of July 2022 at Kuvempu hall.Students
cenced about his experi-
where the interested from various depertments had participated .This
ence in the writing field
students and lectur- was the stage for students to showcase their talent.
and shared his views on
er got a signed copy 8 people took active participation.It is
the signifiance
of Vasudendra’s book. Sky above, Earth below,Peace streamed on youtube and as podcast.
of short stories.
Vivek Alva, Man- within.
Engaging the crowd with
his humble speech he also
aging Trustee of Alva’s PC:Hanan Screening of documentary
Mandara Ramayana : A relevation to Tulu Language and Culture “RANI ABBAKA THE UNSUNG HERO”
Vidyagiria July 24 : Man- Students of Humanities Department got an oppor-
dara Keshava Bhatt's tunity to watch “RANI ABBAKA” a historical docu-
'Mandara Ramayana'rev- mentary directed by Tiya Chatterji, a writer,aspiring
els the particulars of film maker,maritime enthusiastic.The documentry is
politics and spirituality about an unsung hero ,the first women freedom fight-
weaving the Tulu culture er of Indian freedom struggle “RANI ABBAKA BAI”.
in spoken language.This Dr.M.Prabhakar joshi addressing the gathering
book is Jnanapeet worthy
in all ways said the
keeping the original Ra- ed and interpreted the first DID YOU Editorial Team
mayana in focus.Manda- chapter of "Ramayana Pun-
President of Manda- ra Ramayana written in chada Bale".Co-ordinater of KNOW??
ra Foundation, Dr.M the Tulu language in D.K Alvas Tulu Culture Study
Prabhakar Joshi. has come out as Taulava Center Dr.Yogesh Kairo- It has been proven
Speaking after inaugu- Ramayana.It is note wor- di welcomed the gathering, by scientific research
rating "Mandara Man- thy that the Tulu languageGeneral secretary Pramod that the human brain
tana"programme held has attained a great hon- Sapre gave the vote of thanks starts to remmember
at Kuvempu Hall Alva's our through this work. and the programme was things from the wom-
College Moodbidri,he Dr.Dinakar Pacho-hosted by the stu- b,the memory starts
said in various regions di,Shivaprasad Edapadavu dent Sushmita. to work just 20 weeks
and countries the form and Shalini Hebbar recit- -Amratha after conception.
of Rama is popular
Editorial Team : Nikita, Ritika, Ananya Guidance : Mrs Reshma Udaykumar and Mrs Rakhitha Thodar. Ph:- 919945031508
Printed and Published by Department of UG Journalism, Alva’s Degree College Moodabidire - 574227 Alvas UG Journalism @alvas_ug_journalism

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