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PLAINS: Are flat areas with low height; An extensive tract without prominent hills and depressions Some plains are only a few mts. above the sea level, examples argisouth deltaic plains qfBangladesh. Some are quite high, examples are-the eastern Missisippi plain (450 m high), even higher than the Piedmont plateau; Thus, it should be mentioned that the plains maybe above the or below the sea levels but not higher than the surrounding regions; The slope should be quite gentle, the average fall of the slope should be 4 mts. and in extreme cases, not more than 50mts. Mode of Origin: Because of endogenetic factors and diastrophic movements, i.e., structural plains. Examples are- Great plains of USA, Gulf coastal plain, Atlantic plain, Russian platform -also called epicontinental form; Great plains (USA) are bordered by Rockies in the west, Central lowland province in the east, Mississippi Missouri plateau and by Reogrande river in south and plains of Canada in the north. Atlantic coastal plains : It startsfrom Newyork to Gulf of Mexico.Its average width is 480 kms. and is of Miocene and Pliocene. The average gradient is 10 ft/mile, the other is Coromandel and Northern Circar coastal plains, formed due to mile subsidence and consequent sedimentation. Erosional plains: Due to erosion (it is formed). It is of four types: (i)Peneplains: It happens due to weathering and rivers. It is characterized by convex, concave residual hills, called the 'monadnocks'. Examples are-Chambal, Swaranghati, Mississippi, South Africa. (ii)Glacial plains: Glaciers transform highland areas through their slow but continued erosive works into lowlands. Examples are- Sweden, Finland, Ladakh, Imphal basin. (Manipur hills), Canada. (iii)Wind-eroded plains: Reg, Serir and Hamada (Sahara), Aravalli (arid .plains) near Jaisalmer. (iv)Karst plains: It is composed of limestones. Examples are-Yugoslavia's and Mexico's Karst plains. Depositional plains: It is of five types: (i)AUuvial plains: Examples are- Mississippi delta, Lomb-ardi plains (Italy) formed by Po river, Yangtze plain (China), Indus plain (Ganga), USA plain (Sacramento), Russia (Samarkand), South America (Chile) plain, Amazon plain, Salween and Mekong plains. [It is formed due to the rivers]. Delta plain: Ganga delta is the largest delta of the world (llakh 29 thousand, the tributaries of delta are called distributaries. (ii)Glacial plains: These are of two types: (a)True glacial plains: These are formed of pure glacial materials; (b)Outwash plains: These are formed due to deposition of materials after the ablation of glaciers and ice sheets. Glacial plains are divided into three parts on the basis of structure and composition: -Till: Finer or coarser materials; Eskars and Drumlins; -Morainic: finer glacial materials; -Outwash: Admixture of sands, gravels, silts and clays. Examples are- West Germany, north-west Russia, north-west USA, central Canada. (iii)Lacustrine plains: When lakes are filled with sediments; examples are- Kashmir valley, Imphal basin, Hungary plain, Great lakes (North America), (iv) Loesses plains: It is formed due to air transportation of the sand; it is an unstratified, homogeneous, finegrained. Examples are- Loesses of China, Europe, USSR, lower Missisippi (USA), Rhine valley (Alsace), southern Netherlands, (v)Lava plains: Examples are-France, USA, Iceland, Argentina, NewZealand. These are

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economically very important because black soils are formed due to weathering of lavas. These black soils are also called 'Regur' soils are good for growing cotton. LAKES: Lakes are static bodies of water, usually but not necessarily fresh water on the land's surface which is surrounded by lands on all sides. Lakes are not permanent features on the earth's surface. Lakes are formed, developed and ultimately obliterated due to silteration and upliftment of lake beds due to diastrophic movements. For example, several lakes have disappeared in the Kumaon region like SukhaTal and SarraiyaTal around Nainital. The highest lake of the world Tso Sekuru (Tibetan plateau) is located at the height of 18284 ft and the lowest is the Dead sea-1300 ft below the sea level. Charateristics of a Lake :-Are variable and changes with time, -Height has nothing to do with -Some lake have greater depths -e.g Baikal lake of Siberia is more than 1.6 km deep (1600); some are shallow and almost become dry during the summers and hence are called seasonal lakes. Size does not matter. It can be as big as the Caspian Sea and csn also be as small as Tarn Glacier lake (very small). Preconditions of a Lake: -Basins, depressions and troughs are the most ideal places for the development of lakes. Troughs: (1)A system of low atmospheric pressure; characterized by much greater length and width. (2)A valley that has been overdeepened by glacial erosion. (3)The lowest part of the wave formed between two crests. -There should be proper and regular supply of water. The water table should be high. Classification of Lakes: I)On the basis of salinity:-(a)Fresh Water Lakes : Very low amount of salt flow of water; Eg., Kumaon (U.P). Dal and Wular lake of Kashmir. (b)Saline Lakes:--Are also called salt lakes and ajejelatively common. These are found mainly in semi-arid and arid regions of warm cli-rnate where the rate of evaporation is very high. -These are of four types :-(i)Alkaline lakes : having the dominance of salts of Sodium and Potassium Carbonate: (ii)Bitter lakes: contains salts ofSpdium Sulphate; (iii)Borax lakes : have high proportion of Borax; (iv)Mixed lakes : have a mix-ture of different salts. -Examples of saline/ salt lakes:- Sambhar and Panch-bhadra lakes (Rajasthan), salt lakes of Lingtzi Tang (Kashmir), Chilka lake (Orissa), are all in India. -Examples of saline/salt lakes (outside India) Great Salt lake (Utah- USA) - a remnant of Bonneville lake, a fresh water lake. Cursbn lakes, Waker and Honey lakes in USA, Lahontan, Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, Dead Sea. II) Diastrophic lakes: lakes. Examples, Crater lakes of Oregon in USA, Tana lake(Ethiopia), Nicaragua (Central America). IV) Lakes formed due to mass translocation of Rock Waste -This includes land slides etc. -Examples: San CristoBal, Slumgullion Mudflow (Colorado, USA). In 1968, a landslide took place in Darjeeling and two lakes were formed due to damming of Tantakhola - a tributary of Jaldhaka river. V) Glacial lakes: These are also called moraine lakes. -Examples: Grand lake of Colorado (USA), Naini/ Nainital lake (UP). lakes of Canada, Norway, Sweden and Finland. VI)FluviaI lakes: These are formed due to rivers. They are of two types: VII)Oxbow lakes: - e.g.Wjilar lake in Kashmir.

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VII)Delta lakes:-Godavari Delta, Ganga Delta called beels. Ponchastrian lake of Mississippi, Mayeh lake of Nile Delta, Marigot lake of Niger Delta.

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