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International General Certificate for Secondary Education

Term Examination December 2023 (IGCSE-II)


Centre Candidate
Number Number

Branch: ___________________________ Date: ______________________

Enviornment of Pakistan 0448/22

December 2023
1hour 30minutes
Additional Material: Answer Sheet Total marks:75


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on FOR EXAMINER’S USE
all the work you hand in. Max. Marks
Marks Obtained
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or rough working. 1
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters and glue or 2
correction fluid. 3
Answer ANY Three question. Percentage
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely
The number of marks are given in brackets [ ] at the end of
each question or part question.

This document consists of 2 printed pages

Attempt ANY Three Questions

1 (a) (i) Study Fig. 5.1, a diagram showing the Demographic Transition Model (DTM).

stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4 stage 5

30 48

25 40

20 32
death rate birth rate
per thousand per thousand
population 15 24 population

10 16

5 8

0 0

birth rate
death rate
total population

Fig. 5.1

Using Fig. 5.1 only:

– What is the birth rate at its highest point?

.............................. per thousand

– What is the death rate at its highest point?

.............................. per thousand

– What happens to the total population in stage 2?


(ii) In 2018 Pakistan’s birth rate was 25 per thousand population and the death rate was
7 per thousand population. Using Fig. 5.1, identify which stage of the DTM Pakistan was
at in 2018.

Stage ................... [1]

(iii) On Fig. 5.1, shade a stage of the DTM which shows high natural population increase.

[Turn over

(iv) State three reasons for a reduction in the death rate in stages 2 and 3 of the DTM.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................................

(b) (i) Explain two reasons why birth rates are high in Pakistan. You should develop your

1 ........................................................................................................................................




2 ........................................................................................................................................




(ii) Describe how birth rates are being reduced in Pakistan.








..................................................................................................................................... [4]

(c) Suggest three likely changes to Pakistan’s population structure over the next 50 years.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


3 .................................................................................................................................................


[Turn over

(d) Read the following two views about ways of slowing Pakistan’s population growth rate:


Reducing infant mortality Increasing family

in Pakistan is the best planning in Pakistan is
way to slow the rate of the best way to slow the
population growth in the rate of population growth
future. in the future.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to
examples you have studied. You should consider view A and view B in your answer.


















............................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 25]

2 (a) (i) What is meant by the term ‘tertiary occupation’?


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Name two examples of a tertiary occupation.

1 ....................................................

2 ....................................................

(iii) State two advantages and two disadvantages of the informal sector to the tourist
industry in Pakistan.

advantages disadvantages
1 1

2 2


(b) (i) Study Fig. 3.1 (Insert), a map showing part of the urban area of Karachi.

Using evidence from Fig. 3.1 only, suggest why X is a good location for a hotel.






..................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Turn over

(ii) state two. natural attractions of tourist.

1 ....................................................

2 ....................................................

(iii) Suggest how tourists may use the area of northen of Pakistan.






..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(c) Explain two approaches used by governing authorities to promote industrial growth in
Pakistan. You should develop your answer.

1 ................................................................................................................................................




2 ................................................................................................................................................




(d) Read the following two views about ways industry could encourage further economic growth
in Pakistan:


Pakistan could develop

Pakistan could develop
more large-scale
tourism further to
manufacturing industries
increase GDP.
to increase GDP.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to
examples you have studied. You should consider view A and view B in your answer.


















............................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 25]

[Turn over

3 (a) Study the map Fig. 5.




main road
international boundary
disputed boundary
Arabian Sea
0 400

Fig. 5

(i) Name the towns A, B and C.

A ............................................................. B ............................................................

C ............................................................. [3]

(ii) Name one of the passes D, E and F shown on Fig. 5, and name the country that it links
to Pakistan.

Letter ............... Name .................................. Country ........................................


(iii) Give two reasons why air transport is used to carry lightweight or valuable goods to
other countries instead of roads.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

[Turn over

(b) (i) State three ways in which company can be contacted.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

3 ....................................................................................................................................[3]

(ii) Explain the importance of good communications to a business such as Cotton Fabrics







(c) (i) Name two dry ports in Pakistan.

1 ......................................................... 2 ......................................................... [2]

(ii) Explain how dry ports have increased trade in Pakistan.









(d) To what extent could a better road network increase the development of small scale and craft
industries of Pakistan?













[Total: 25]

4 (a) (i) Study Fig. 4.1, a pie chart showing the percentage share of Pakistan’s fertiliser production
by province-level area.

0% Key province-level area %

90 10 Punjab 55
Sindh 30
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 10
80 20 all other 5

70 30

60 40

Fig. 4.1

Complete Fig. 4.1 using the information in the key. [3]

(ii) Define ‘secondary industry’.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) (i) Name two raw materials needed to manufacture fertiliser.

1 ................................................................

2 ................................................................

(ii) Describe two features of the fertiliser factory .

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


[Turn over

(iii) Describe the physical factors required for the location of a fertiliser factory.








..................................................................................................................................... [4]

(c) (i) State three ways in which the fertiliser industry is important to Pakistan.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

3 .........................................................................................................................................

(ii) Explain two negative impacts of using fertilisers and pesticides in Pakistan. You should
develop your answer.

1 ........................................................................................................................................




2 ........................................................................................................................................




(d) Pakistan’s agricultural sector is becoming increasingly dependent on fertiliser. Read the
following two views about ways of meeting the demand for fertiliser.


Additional research and use Increasing imports of fertiliser

of technology in Pakistan’s is the best way of providing
fertiliser industry is the best way more fertiliser for agricultural
of providing more fertiliser for use in Pakistan.
agricultural use.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to
examples you have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer.


















............................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 25]

[Turn over

5 (a) (i) Study Fig. 5.1, a line graph showing the unemployment rate (as a percentage of the
population) in Pakistan between 2008 and 2018.


rate (%) 2



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Fig. 5.1

Complete Fig. 5.1 to show that 3% of the population were unemployed in 2013. [1]

(ii) In which year was the unemployment rate lowest? ........................... [1]

(iii) Which of the following statements best describe the change in the unemployment rate
between 2008 and 2018? Tick (3) two boxes in the table below:

Unemployment rate has: Tick (3)

decreased then increased
generally decreased
generally increased
stayed the same

(iv) In 2018 the total working-age population of Pakistan was 127 million and the
unemployment rate was 3 per cent.

Calculate the number of unemployed people in Pakistan in 2018. Show your working in
the box below.


(b) (i) Define ‘underemployment’.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest two reasons for unemployment and two reasons for underemployment in

reasons for unemployment reasons for underemployment

1 1

2 2


(iii) Describe how unemployment and underemployment can influence GDP in Pakistan.






..................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Turn over

(c) (i) Name two jobs in Pakistan’s informal sector.

1 ...................................................

2 ...................................................

(ii) Explain how employment opportunities are affected by the availability of manual labour
and skilled labour in Pakistan. You should develop your answer.








..................................................................................................................................... [4]

(d) Pakistan’s literacy rate was 60 per cent in 2020 and was predicted to be 68 per cent by
2025. To accelerate this growth, a new government initiative was introduced with the target of
achieving a national literacy rate of 90 per cent by 2025.

Assess the extent to which higher literacy rates may increase employment opportunities for
people in Pakistan. Give reasons to support your judgement and refer to examples you have
studied. You should consider different points of view in your answer.


















............................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 25]

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