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1. How are you today?

I’m fine, thank you.

2. Yesterday I walked to school.

3. Transform negative sentences into positive ones using the past simple tense.

-I didn’t eat pizza yesterday.

-She didn’t watch TV last night.
-I didn’t drink coffee this morning.
-I didn’t visit my friend.

4. Practising dialog using the past simple tense.

a) Did you watch a movie last night?

-Yes, I _______ (watch) a movie with my family.
b) Where did you go on vacation?
-I ________ (visit) Paris last summer.
c) Where did you go yesterday?
-I _______ (drink) coffee at the cafe and I ______ (walk) to the
d) How was your evening?
-It was lovely! I _____ (drink) tea.
e) What did you do after dinner?
-I _________ (walk) my dog in the park.

desk – disk
fan – van
sit – seat
not – note
bad – bed
know – now

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