ISSO MockTestKey 02

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General, Environmental and Everyday Science

1. Which of these has a sweet and juicy stem?

1) Rose 2) Garlic
3) Sugarcane 4) Ginger

Key. 3
Quotient: E/KQ
Topic: Plants

2. Which one of the following is the tallest tree?

1) 2)

Mango tree Peepal tree

3) 4)

Coconut tree Apple tree

Key. 3
Quotient: E/KQ
Topic: Plants
3. Which of the following animals CANNOT survive in a desert?
1) Camel 2) Meerkat
3) Polar bear 4) Fennec Fox

Key. 3
Quotient: M/KQ
Topic: Animals

4. This body part controls all the sense organs. Which is it?
1) Brain 2) Lungs
3) Head 4) Heart

Key. 1
Quotient: E/KQ
Topic: Human body

5. What are the organs that the bones in rib cage protect?
1) Stomach and lungs 2) Kidneys and heart
3) Lungs and heart 4) Stomach and Kidneys

Key. 3
Quotient: M/UAQ
Topic: Human Body
6. This is a honeybee. What does this insect provide us with?

1) Nectar 2) Beeswax
3) Honey 4) both (2) and (3)
Key. 4
Quotient: E/KQ
Topic: Food

7. Pick the odd one out

1) Drawing room 2) Dining room
3) Bedroom 4) Garden
Key. 4
Quotient: E/RAQ
Topic: Housing

8. Use the picture hints and identify the festival.

1) Easter
2) Good Friday
3) Christmas
4) New Year’s Eve
Key. 3
Quotient: M/AQ
Topic: Festivals

9. What do you call the immediate help given to a person who is hurt, even before the
doctor arrives?
1) Critical aid
2) First aid
3) Medical treatment
4) Intensive treatment

Key. 2
Quotient: M/KQ
Topic: Good habits

10. Which safety rule would you NOT agree with, if we have a pet animal in the house?
1) Giving the pet regular bath
2) Taking the pet for regular health check-up
3) Giving it nutritious food
4) Placing the pet’s home outside with no shade.

Key. 4
Quotient: M/RAQ
Topic: Good habits & safety rules
11. Which of these is NOT TRUE about the mode of transport you see in the picture?

1) They run on tracks 2) They are quite long

3) They travel long distances 4) It is the only safest mode of transport

Key. 4
Quotient: M/RAQ
Topic: Transport & Communication

12. Which one of these has more amount of salt in it?

1) Sea water 2) Swimming pool water
3) River water 4) All of these

Key. 1
Quotient: M/KQ
Topic: Air, H2O & Rocks
13. Observe the windsock shown in the picture. What is its purpose?

1) To show the direction of the wind.

2) To show the speed of the wind.

3) To show the time of the sunrise and sunset

4) To warn before an earthquake or any natural disaster.

Key. 1
Quotient: M/KQ
Topic: Air, Water, Rocks

14. Which planet is the farthest from the sun?

1) Jupiter 2) Mars
3) Neptune 4) Uranus
Key. 3
Quotient: E/KQ
Topic: Earth & Universe

15. Which of the following appears to change its shape, when observed from the earth?
1) The sun 2) The moon
3) A comet 4) The planet Venus
Key. 2
Quotient: D/KQ
Topic: Earth & Universe

16. Flood is a natural disaster that is caused due to the accumulation of excessive water
in a region. This is often a result of heavy rainfall. Which of these depicts a flood?




Key: 2
Quotient: M/AQ
Topic: Our Environment
17. Milk is termed as a dairy product. Identify another dairy product from below.
1) Cheese 2) Dates
3) Almonds 4) Ketchup
Key. 1
Quotient: E/AQ
Topic: Food, Housing & shelter

18. Which of these is a 10-day long festival, observed in India? It is also called
Vijayadashami. It usually falls in October every year, 20 days (about 3 weeks)
before Diwali.
1) Dussehra 2) Pongal
3) Holi 4) Shivaratri
Key 1
Quotient: M/KQ
Topic: Festivals
19. Statement I: A carpenter is someone who builds and repairs things made from wood.
Statement II: The wooden cabinets, chairs and desks are all designed and made by a
Choose the right option from below

1) Statement I is true and II is false

2) Statement I is false and II is true
3) Statement I and II are true
4) Statement I and II are false

Key. 3
Quotient: M/UAQ
Topic: Occupation & festivals

20. Study the figure

Statement I: Only man is the living being in the picture above.

Statement II: Man is a living being as he is the only one who can speak.
Choose the right option from below

1) Statement I is true and II is false

2) Statement I is false and II is true
3) Statement I and II are true
4) Statement I and II are false

Key. 4
Quotient: M/RAQ
Topic: Air, H2O & Weather

21. Statement I: The neck is the part of the body that connects the head with the rest of
the body.
Statement II: The neck is also important as it contains the food and windpipe that
carries the food from the mouth and air from the nose to stomach and lungs.
Choose the right option from below
1) Statement I is true and II is false
2) Statement I is false and II is true
3) Statement I and II are true
4) Statement I and II are false

Key. 3
Quotient: D/KQ
Topic: Human Body

22. Match the animals to their habitats.

(i) Jellyfish A) Polar
(ii) Reindeer B) Rainforest
(iii) Tapir C) Ocean

1) i-C, ii-A, iii-B 2) i-B, ii-A, iii-C

3) i-A, ii-C, iii-B 4) i-B, ii-C, iii-A
Key. 1
Quotient: D/AQ
Topic: Animals life

23. India is a vast country with various religions and various cultural practices. When
people with different cultural beliefs stay together, it creates harmony. They
celebrate festivals together & share love & respect with each other.
Which of the following festivals is mainly observed by the Christians?
1) Diwali 2) Dussehra
3) Eid 4) Christmas
Key: 4
Quotient: M/KQ
Topic: Festivals
24. Skin is the outer covering of humans and all other animals with a backbone. It
protects the body from germs, injuries, and extremes of heat or cold.
The skin of some animals has special features that provide more protection. Birds,
for example, have feathers attached to their skin. Fish and reptiles have plates called
scales over their skin. Most mammals have a thick coat of hair called fur. Humans
have hair on their skin, too, but not enough to act as protection.
Which of the following does not have skin?
1) Crocodile 2) Dolphin
3) Butterfly 4) Parrot
Key. 3
Quotient: D/RAQ
Topic: Human body

25. Following safety rules helps keep everyone safe in the workplace, at school or at
home. They also help prevent property damage.
Why do you think safety rules are important?
1) They protect from illness.
2) They protect us from serious injuries.
3) Safety rules assure us we are safe, and we also keep others safe.
4) All of the above.
Key. 4
Quotient: M/RAQ
Topic: Safety rules

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