Ghosts of Iron

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Ghosts of Iron

A one-shot adventure for Crystal Heart

Piracy is nothing new to the Islands,
but of late a new phenomenon has reared its strange metal head.

An iron-clad ghost ship attacks traders a small cache of supplies (equal to 3 levels).
around the Large Lands, appearing out of He was already paid by Syn, but claims he
nowhere and disappearing back beneath wasn’t, demanding the Agents hand over 1
the waves. Requisition per piece of info or level of sup-
This is the Arakil, a Bygone Age submarine plies. An Intimidation roll can lower him to
which was recently discovered by Delmin 1 Requisition for the whole info packet, but
Sendo, formerly the first mate of a small a raise can make him completely back off,
Fjordstadian frigate until she was thrown forcing him to reveal his bluff.
out of her city in disgrace. Now calling her- Jala is able to provide the following intel.
self “Captain Sendo,” she gathered a group • The ship is called the Arakil. She seems
of disgruntled engineers around her, and the old and strange, and the crew is mostly
crew became pirates, rising to prominence Fjordstadian.
with a series of daring raids against mer-
• Captain Sendo regularly resupplies at
chant vessels.
Hanaleili, but in order to do that, she dis-
Pirates Aplenty patches the Ishmu, an auxiliary submarine.
The Arakil is too large for the harbor.
A Syn flight over the South Chain recently
spotted a massive submarine breaching the • The captain herself never leaves the ship.
surface close to Hanaleili, a port known to The Ishmu is piloted by First Mate Illira
be favored by pirates. The vessel is clearly Tomovic, along with a handful of crew.
a relic from the Bygone Age and corrobo- Illira has a reputation for being direct
rates the fragmented stories being spread by and aggressive. She is the only one who
survivors of the attacks. While there is no knows the rendezvous coordinates where
evidence that the pirates are in possession the Arakil is waiting.
of any Crystals, the existence of such a vessel • The pirates can often be found in a tav-
and the damage it has caused is sufficient to ern called the Crystal Kraken, where Illira
warrant an intervention by Agents of Syn. spends hours poring over maps of the Is-
Their orders: Seize the vessel or send its lands and meeting with contacts that sell
wreckage to the bottom of the ocean. her the routes of lucrative prizes.
Built around a natural harbor on the south Approaching the First Mate: Tomovic has
tip of a small Island, Hanaleili is a bustling been sent ashore to obtain supplies and the
hive of activity. The port is frequented by latest intel on potential targets. Forthright
numerous pirate crews and has become a and arrogant, she will engage the team di-
haven for those seeking to offload goods ac- rectly when approached by them, trusting in
quired through dubious means. While the her combat prowess and willingness to fight
docks are the busiest part of the port, the dirty. She will take the first chance she gets
market square is the heart of the community. to surprise them with a sudden shot from
Surrounded by taverns and warehouses, all her hidden pistol, signaling to her crew to
trade is conducted out in the open, ensuring attack.
a constant coming and going as new loot is Tomovic will surrender when she’s the
brought ashore. last woman standing, or when she’s brought
The Agents’ only ally in the port is Jala, a down to her third Wound level. However, she
local who has worked with Syn in the past. can also become very bitter, very fast. Any
Jala has gathered some important intel about successful Taunt Test on her will make her
the pirate submarine and even has access to so spiteful that she’ll prefer dying in battle

rather than giving the Agents the satisfac-
tion of getting any information out of her.
The Arakil’s location can also be deduced
from the First Mate’s navigation journals,
with a Boating or Research roll.
Taking the Ishmu: The small submarine
is the best way to approach the Arakil. First,
because the larger sub will be waiting under-
water, and second because Captain Sendo
expects the Ishmu to return.
The Ishmu is docked in a wooden boat-
house to the side of the port, guarded by a
trio of pirates. They probably had time to
hear of the Agents’ bar brawl with their First
Mate, and so they’ve trapped the entrance
and rigged the windows with small flash
bombs (Vigor -2 or become Shaken) and hid
behind the crates of supplies.

First Mate Illira Tomovic

Illira Tomovic gets things done. If the Cap-
tain ordered the crew to jump it would be
Tomovic that told them how high. Born with
a congenital hand difference that affected
the development of her lower left arm, she
fights with a custom built cutlass pistol.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d4, Boating d8,
Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10,
Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion
d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Thievery d8 Written by Craig Duffy
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 7 (1) Crystal Heart by Aviv Or and Eran Aviram
Edges: Extraction, First Strike, Streetwise, Art by Aviv Or
Trademark Weapon (Cutlass pistol, +1 ap- Editing by Eran Aviram and Keith Garrett
plied to Fighting) Layout based on designs by Manuel Serra Saez
Hindrances: Arrogant, One Arm and Ruben Smith-Zempel
Gear: Leather armor (1 Armor), cutlass pistol This game references the Savage Worlds game
(see below) system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment
Special Abilities: Group at Savage Worlds
• Cutlass Pistol: Can be used as either a and all associated logos and trademarks are
cutlass (Str+d8) or a pistol (10/20/40, 2d6, copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
RoF 1, Shots 6). Min Str d6. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no
• Specialist Ammo: One chamber of the representation or warranty as to the quality, vi-
cutlass pistol is loaded with a smoke round ability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
that explodes on impact creating a dense © 2019 Eran Aviram and Aviv Or, Up to Four
cloud of smoke (Small Blast Template, -4 Players
penalty to actions requiring sight) for 3
rounds. Illira uses the smoke as a distrac-
tion, blinding one group of enemies as she
charges into combat with another.

A Perilous Journey throughout the Arakil with the majority
currently assembling at the front boarding
The Ishmu is of Fjordstadian construction
hatches in preparation for boarding actions.
and held together by patchwork repairs.
Using it to reach the Arakil is a Quick En- The small docking bay for the Ishmu is at
counter taking place over four rounds. the stern of the boat and connects directly
to a cavernous space that the pirates have
If by the end of the fourth round the team
transformed into a hold. Three pirates are
accumulates a number of successes at least
working in the hold but are not expecting
equal to the number of Agents, they arrive
trouble unless the Quick Encounter ended
on time and without raising any suspicion,
in failure, in which case there are instead
gaining The Drop during their first con-
six pirates, and with weapons drawn.
frontation with the crew after docking as
they take the pirates by surprise. If they fail The easiest way to seize control of the
then they arrive late or fail to respond in a Arakil is to capture the bridge, located
proper manner, and the paranoid Captain in the exact center of the submarine and
makes sure her crew is alert and ready for manned by Captain Sendo and six pirates.
anything. Getting there requires passing through the
propulsion bubble, bunk rooms, and the
The four rounds of the Quick Encounter
galley, which is stocked high with barrels
of spirits. As the Agents enter each section,
• Navigating a series of undersea trenches: draw a card; if a Club is drawn the room is
Boating, only one Agent can roll but the occupied by three pirates who attempt to
others can Support (perhaps with Com- escape, instigating a chase as they try to
mon Knowledge, Notice, or Survival). alert the Captain.
• Repairing an engine blowout: Engineer- The Bridge: This stuffy room is a hub of
ing at -2, up to two Agents can physically controlled activity. It has a single entrance
be next to the engine at the same time and is lined with a gleaming, metallic sur-
(others can Support in other ways). face that projects floating glyphs from its
• Impersonating the crew when contacted surface. The crew has learned to interpret
over radio by the Arakil: Intimidation or them through trial and error, trusting in
Performance. guesses and Captain Sendo’s limited un-
• Docking with the Arakil: Boating, only derstanding of the ship to navigate the
one Agent can roll, but others can Support. seas.
Negotiating with the Captain is hard but
Taking the Arakil not impossible. She believes a new world
The Arakil is a relic of the Bygone Age, a order is right around the corner, a world
metal monstrosity with an armored prow in which people who know how to control
that the pirates use to ram merchant ships the mysteries of the past will also be able to
with. The ship almost seems like it was dug control the lives of others, and rise to the
out of a huge block of metal, rather than con- top. She sees Syn as being at the forefront
structed: Narrow, tube-like corridors carved of the revolution, and so she’s both excited
directly into the thick metallic hull connect and wary of it.
between bubble-like hollows. Sendo is willing to give the Agents one
The largest room is filled with enormous, chance to explain themselves. She makes it
humming cylinders that disappear into very clear that any situation where she will-
the ceiling and somehow propel the boat ingly surrenders the Arakil would require
through the water. Other, smaller bubbles suitable compensation: She demands being
have been repurposed into cramped living implanted with a Heroic Crystal, a position
quarters and chaotic workspaces. Electri- of power within a Fjordstadian Syn facility,
cal light permeates the open spaces but and more. There is very little chance that
many of the corridors are sealed off behind Syn will agree to these demands, unless the
semi-translucent walls or shrouded in dark- Agents are willing to support her (an effort
ness. The crew of 30-odd pirates is dispersed that will take time and a total of 10 Requisi-

tion). Sendo intends to keep the submarine
as collateral until she is fully satisfied. She
controls the boat using a shard she discov-
ered as a young sailor and that she keeps
secret from the crew; without her mastery
of it the Arakil is less than useless, since it
stops circulating air.
If Sendo senses that the Agents are not
going to accept her demands, or are lying
to her, she attacks at once. She is even will-
ing to scuttle the submarine if necessary,
believing that the Agents would not risk
the loss of such an artifact, and will surren-
der before allowing her to crash it.

Captain Delmin Sendo

Captain Sendo recovered the Arakil after
obsessively piecing together its location
from dozens of Island legends and rumors.
It cost her her reputation but the crew has
reaped the rewards.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Battle
d8, Boating d10, Common Knowledge d4,
Engineering d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation
d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Edges: Bygone Age Expert, Calculating,
Command, Hold the Line!
Hindrances: Cautious, Wanted (Major)
Gear: Captain’s vest (2 Armor), revolver
(10/20/40, 2d6, RoF 1, Shots 6) and officer’s
sword (Str+d6, AP 1)

Use the Islander stats (Crystal Heart p.162),
with the Pirate skills and Edge suggestions.
Gear: Revolver (10/20/40, 2d6, RoF 1, Shots
6) and cutlass (Str+d6)

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