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Exotic Ingredients

A one-shot adventure for Crystal Heart

This unusual adventure is a comedic one- Background and Synopsis
off sojourn into the world of Crystal Heart.
Every year the inhabitants of Manahawa
It's excellent as a convention game. It can
Island host a gumbo cooking competition,
also be played as a filler episode, a comedic
led by Fetuado the Gumbo Master. The
detour from the main plot.
winner gains access to the Forbidden City,
Teaser deep within the island, the only place
where the sacred Natu-Natu nut grows. It’s
The Agents of Syn scour our world in search
considered a rare delicacy, used in various
of Crystals, powerful relics of a bygone age
recipes throughout the Lands.
which grant you super-powers should you
dare to replace your own heart with them. This year, Syn is sending the Agents to
participate. Syn don’t really care about
But not today.
the nuts, but they’ve had their eyes on
Today... they cook. the Forbidden City for quite some time
The island of Manahawa is known for - sounds like a great place to look for a
the yearly gumbo cooking competition, the Crystal. Recently, they managed to recruit
winner of which gains exclusive access to an a world-class chef (one of the Agents), and
ancient city. This time, Syn has sent you as so, they finally feel like they have a chance
its representatives. The orders are simple: of winning the competition.
get the ingredients, cook the gumbo, win The Agents will be running around
the competition. the island in an effort to collect as many
That first part, though, might prove ingredients as they can. Eventually they'll be
problematic, seeing as most ingredients will cooking a gumbo in front of the judge while
try to eat YOU. fighting off their rivals and feral Crystal
One Agent should have the Cooking skill
at d12. If you're playing a campaign, create
Written by Eran Aviram a Crystal with a theme of cooking and have
Crystal Heart by Aviv Or and Eran Aviram one Agent slot it.
Art by Aviv Or Download the free Starter Set for the basic
Editing by Aviv Or Crsytal Heart rules and five pregenerated
Layout based on designs by Manuel Serra Saez Agent characters
and Ruben Smith-Zempel
This game references the Savage Worlds game
Playing the Funny
system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment In comedy, timing is key. Consider this:
Group at Savage Worlds It's all about the end scene. So if you're
and all associated logos and trademarks are short on time skip one of the scenes (Bridge
copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Mushrooms for example) to make sure you
Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no have enough time to play the final.
representation or warranty as to the quality, vi- The contest doesn't matter. The Agents
ability, or suitability for purpose of this product. are going to collect all (or almost all) of the
© 2020 Eran Aviram and Aviv Or, Up to Four Play- ingredients, they're going to make a great
ers gumbo, and then they'll win. This is the
planned course of the adventure.
Presentation matters. The players should
feel like every ingredient is important, even

though they're not. They should feel like the
other groups are actively trying to gather
ingredients and therefore have a chance
at winning, even though all encounters
with them are either preplanned or
planted by you when needed.
Think animated humor. This means
slapstick (the slurpsnout and
Nanny are great for this),
blasts that leave scorch marks
on faces, and general colorful

The Agents are going to compete against
the following groups.
The Monks, who have been winning
every year so far; Johan Sebastian Franz-
Ferdinand, a young prodigy chef and his
retinue; and the Company of the Velvet Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Viper, a group of Zingamaian assassins who Strength d8, Vigor d6
seek to take revenge on Syn for some slight. Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8,
Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8,
Company of the Velvet Viper Stealth d6
Five Zingamaians (Imani, Itani, Ibani, Ilani, Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (1)
and Shaka) all dressed alike (purple, green Edges: Assassin
and black uniforms), each carrying one or Hindrances: Arrogant
two knives semi-hidden on their form. Gear: Leather armor (1 Armor), poisoned
The Vipers sneer with obvious contempt knives (Str+d4, Vigor check to avoid a
at the Agents, and only at them, talking level of Fatigue), Zingamaian dart (3/6/12,
among themselves about how much they’d Damage d4 and Vigor check or take a level
like to see the Agents humiliated. Seeing of Fatigue).
Syn in a negative light isn't rare, but these
folks take it to the extreme.
Johan Sebastian Franz-Ferdinand is a 12
Common Knowledge checks can reveal -years-old prodigy chef from Fjordstad.
that the Velvet Viper is a society of assassins, He’s kind, cute and weak-boned, sitting in a
that have very little to do with cooking. The wheelchair, looking around with wide, warm
Natu-Natu nut is not useful in poisoning, as eyes. His Mommy and Daddy are with him,
far as anyone knows. two arrogant, condescending Fjordstadians,
In truth, they've been recruited by Claire who are absolutely sure that their little
Kant Clementine, a Syn Free Agent who precious boy is magnificent in every way.
wants to explore the Forbidden City herself. The boy’s wheelchair is being pushed
She lied to the Vipers, claiming the Agents around by Nanny, who seems suspiciously
are to blame for some slight. like a ninja bodyguard - their face hidden
How to use: Whenever you want to push behind dark cloth, their dark and white
things along, a Velvet Viper is around, maid-like dress is tight (yet fluffy!), obscuring
harassing the Agents. They’re using hit- any features and probably weapons as well.
and-run tactics, trying to poison and annoy It’s hard to tell who or what they are.
the Agents, avoiding capture when possible. Common Knowledge checks show that
They only go into full-on attack mode during Johan is indeed a brilliant prodigy. It should
the final scene. remain unclear what the Nanny actually is.

In truth, they're exactly as they seem. How to use: the monks are meant to
How to use: These guys are the comic unbalance expectations (players find it
relief. Exaggerate them as much as you hard to believe someone is winning without
want. Mommy and Daddy use Taunt Tests cheating).
and avoid any fighting; the Nanny is an Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
insane killing machine (who knows, maybe Strength d6, Vigor d8
it’s actually a robot) but they don’t act on Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Healing
their own, instead waiting for orders from d6, Notice d6
the parents. Little Johan is meek, naive Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
and gentle, and has little understanding of Edges: Martial Arts, Quick
what's going on. Hindrances: Code of Honor, Loyal, Pacifist
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Notice
d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 7
Edges: Improved Block, Combat Reflexes,
Improved Frenzy, Improved Extraction,
Improved Level Headed
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mute
Gear: Heavy cleavers (Str+d8, AP 1, Parry +1)

Mommy and Daddy

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit
d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6,
Intimidation d8, Taunt d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Strong Willed
Hindrances: Greedy
Gear: Fancy suits, parasol or cane (Str+1,
+1 Parry)

Honest Monks
These five Islanders have
shaved heads, simple airy
attire, pleasant smiles, and
complete transparency about
every aspect of their lives.
Most years, the Monks win the
Common Knowledge checks
or simply asking the Monks, will reveal
that they don’t need the Natu-Natu nut;
they just want to keep it out of anyone
else’s hands. They’re a group that’s
dedicated to keeping the Forbidden
City safe and secure, since it's sacred
to them.
In truth, they’re really as super-honest
and friendly as they seem.

On Your Marks! Fresh mandrake: In the fields to the
west, farmers have planted some mandrake
The Manahawa Island Resort is a large hotel, roots. You must find the freshest ones, and
situated on the island’s lovely southern pull them out exactly at midnight, to make
shore. The hotel and the small village next to sure they’re the juiciest.
it are the only inhabited parts of the island, Slurpsnout slime: The slurpsnout
not counting the small colony of monks in is a horse-sized creature with a long,
the Forbidden City, and the hostile group of elephant-like snout. The ichor it pukes
cannibals beyond the western mountains. after consuming a banana is fantastically
It’s a lovely, sunny afternoon in the hotel’s tantalizing. You must gather some!
back yard, a wide semi-circle surrounding a Unfortunately, the slurpsnout really hates
low stone dais. A heavy calender is set on top bananas, requiring you to either trick one,
of the stone dais, and next to it stands the or chase it down and force-feed it.
huge form of Fetuado the Gumbo Master. Spoon: When mixing the gumbo, even
(Unbeknown to anyone, there’s a Crystal the utensils matter. A large mixing spoon
under the stone dais; see the final scene.) made from the rare blood curdle elm, is the
The four groups of contenders assemble best tool for the task. The cannibals who
at the edges of the semi-circle, which inhabit the part of the island where the
is surrounded with several dozens of elm grows might prove to be a problem in
enthusiastic fans, cheering and waiting in getting the required wood.
anticipation. Blue salt: Beneath the eastern cliffs
Fetuado is a colorful, robust character. there’s an ancient undersea cave with blue
He welcomes everyone to the contest, with salt crystals, guarded by Manahawa, a giant
much fanfare, and introduces the groups. magical turtle with 4 heads. Get some!
Fetuado then explains the rules: There Bridge mushrooms: There’s a special
are five ingredients. The more ingredients kind of black mushrooms that grow on
you get, the better your gumbo will be! the underside of a bridge, not far from
It’s unlikely you’ll be able to get them all, the hotel. Of course, the bridge hangs
and of course, you’ll be competing with over a deep gorge, with a raging river and
others! Violence should only be used for crocodiles.
self defense. All ingredients are within walking
All competitors are guests of the hotel. distance, about 45-60 minutes, from each
They're welcome to have a complimentary other and the hotel, with the exception
map of the island and a bushel of of the spoon, which requires a two hour
bananas (their use will soon be revealed). walk each direction. Each encounter is
Unsportsmanship-like behavior will result supposed to take around an hour. Getting
in a warning, and then a ban. all ingredients should seem possible, even
if tricky.
Ingredient Hunt Finally, Fetuado gives the competition’s
Fetuado then tells about the ingredients. The timeline: All groups start with the
players might want to roll some Academics, mandrake hunt this night (it's currently
Common Knowledge or Cooking checks on early evening), and will continue to chase
all of these topics, refer to the ingredients after the rest of the ingredients tomorrow
entry for full details. morning. By this time tomorrow, the
The list is intentionally sub-optimal— groups will assemble again in the hotel's
for example, the blue salt should be taken semi-circle back yard, for the cooking
before the slurpsnout slime—but this can itself. They’ll present their gumbos, one
only be discovered after investing some by one, and Fetuado’s fabled tongue will
time in research and planning. decide who wins.

Fresh Mandrake The scream draws a zapacha swarm - but
not on the Agents! The Agents can hear the
Set to the rice fields to the west, during the screams of other mandrakes being pulled,
evening-to-night of the first day. and then the shouts of pain as the Monks
in a nearby field are being attacked by the
Knowledge checks: A mandrake is a
fist-sized root, strangely humanoid. It’s
bitter and grows well in damp ground. By the time the players arrive, one Monk
It’s freshest when pulled in the middle of has already passed out, another is trying
the night. to take care of the fallen, and the other
three are fighting off the swarm. Should
With a raise: A ripe mandrake emits a
the players help in any way and be kind,
piercing shriek when pulled.
the Monks will return the favor (see the
Additional relevant information can be Spoon, below).
discovered with a raise on a Survival check:
There are signs indicating the presence of Zapacha Swarm
a wild zapacha swarms in the area. The The swarm covers an area of a Medium
zapachas will probably be drawn to the Burst Template and attacks everyone
shriek’s source. within it, every round.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit
Finding the mandrake d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Every year, local farmers plant mandrakes in Skills: Athletics d6, Notice d6
the rice fields. These farmers watch as the Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6
contesters approach; a clever player might Edges: —
try to Persuade them to show where’s the Special Abilities
best mandrake. • Swarm: Parry +2. Because the swarm is
Finding the mandrake in the rice fields composed of dozens of creatures, cutting
with Survival is tricky, because they’re and piercing weapons do no real damage.
flooded by an inch or so of water (-1 unless Area-effect weapons work normally, and
you know something about mandrakes) and a character can stomp to inflict their
the sun has recently set (-1 unless walking damage in Strength each round. The
around with a light source). On a failure, swarm can be foiled by jumping in water.
the Agents found a mandrake, but right • Paralyzing Bite: The swarm inflicts
before midnight, so they don't have time dozens of tiny bites every round, hitting
to plan or prepare. automatically and causing 2d4 damage
During the search, the Agents can hear to everyone in the template. Damage is
other groups of contenders, in neighboring applied to the least armored location
fields, searching as well. All sorts of (targets in completely sealed suits are
interactions with them are possible; in immune). A victim that becomes Shaken as
various plays of this adventure, players a result of this damage must make a Vigor
have tried tricking rivals to chase after roll or become Stunned. On a Critical
false mandrakes, or to pull all mandrakes Failure, they’re completely paralyzed for
they could find so that the rivals won’t be 2d6 rounds.
able to get any (forcing small screams off
the mandrakes, and drawing zapachas).

Pulling the mandrake

Since the root needs to be pulled at midnight,
the Agents might have some time on their
hands. This is a nice chance to have an
Interlude while waiting.
When pulling a mandrake, it screams!
Everyone must to make a Fear check.

The Slurpsnout Spoon
Slurpsnouts live in the forest to the north- A spoon made from a blood curdle elm, a
east of the island. This ingredient is tree that only grows in an area crowded with
presented as the second recommended cannibals, far to the north-west.
location by Fetuado, but after a simple Once the Agents start making their way
knowledge check, the players usually toward the cannibals, they notice a monk
realize that it's better to get blue salt before standing in their way, patiently waiting, and
approaching the slurpsnout, and therefore waving for them to approach and talk.
go after the cave salt first (see below). It's
The monk then present them with a spoon
under the cliffs to the east, and therefore,
- the monks already have several, from
it's only a short detour.
previous years. This is given as thanks for
Knowledge checks: The slurpsnout is big the Agents' help during the zapacha attack.
and quick, its long legs allow it to jump and The monk explains that they do not want
skip with ease around the thick underbrush the Agents to win, because they think plans
of its native environment, the woods to the on ruining the sacred Forbidden City, but
north-east. they also must repay the help. The monks
With a raise: Being horse-like, the are honest and kind to a fault.
slurpsnout really likes salt. Using salt in If the Agents didn't help the monks
any sort of trap or animal handling attempt against the zapachas, the monk instead
gives +2 on the check. However, the salt will gives the spoon in order to "level the playing
also affect the taste of the creature's puke! field", because it's clear to the monks that
the Vipers are not really here to win, but just
Tracking a slurpsnout to sabotage the Agents; the monks are big
A Survival check is in order. On a failure, believers in a balanced and fair competition
have the Agent make a Notice check to spot ("although it'll be best if you lose, of course,
a Velvet Viper assassin in the trees, before seeing as you tend to despoil our city").
she shoots a blow dart at them (d8 Shooting
The Agents might decide to skip the
with The Drop; d4 and Vigor check or take
spoon, because the journey is supposed to
a level of Fatigue). The Viper will try to leap
take so long, it might cost them the chance
away and disappear into the thick foliage.
to get some other ingredients. In that case,
Collecting the vomit a monk is waiting for them on the road back
from the slurpsnout.
Each group of contenders was provided
with several bananas. How they’ll make the
slurpsnout eat one, is really up to them. They
can try chasing it and then grab (Grapple)
and force-feed it, or they can try to trick it
into eating something that it likes. Note that
if the slurpsnout eats anything other than
a banana, the resulting puke will not be as
pure as it should be! (The only exceptions are
other ingredients, like the blue salt).
Any chase after the slurpsnout might
result with Bumps and Bruises because of
the thick underbrush.
Slurpsnout: Use the stats for War Horse.

Blue Salt Pointless riddles
The turtle begins to give a riddle with a
This ingredient can be taken from an rolling, sing-song voice, its mere presence
underground cave, a few meters below enchanting the Agents and drawing them
the cliffy beaches to the east. The cave is into a stupor.
supposedly guarded by a legendary giant
If the Agents answer correctly, Manahawa
will giggle and continue on to the next
You don’t need a knowledge check to riddle, without any explanation. This will
know that a giant magical turtle with 4 heads also happen if they take too long or can’t find
is supposed to be a legend, not an actual an answer - it will giggle, give the answer,
thing. The world of Crystal Heart has lots and continue on to the next one.
of strange stuff, but this is a bit too much.
There's no point to this, the Agents don't
Knowledge check: Reveals that the achieve anything by answering riddles - but
island is called Manahawa after the legend; most players find it irresistible to sit down,
The fact that this turtle exists is quite the listen, and then think of an answer. We shall
surprise, and doesn’t make any sense. use this against them.
Any Agent will suspect that a Crystal After each riddle that the Agents answer,
must be at work. An Academics check have two or three random Agents roll Spirit.
made during or after the encounter with For the first riddle, nothing happens. The
Manahawa will reveal that this creature rolls have no effect either way. For the
might actually be from the Bygone Age - or second riddle, whoever fails gains a level
at least, there doesn’t seem to be any Crystal of Fatigue, their thoughts are dimmed
manifestation around. There’s no theme to it. (recovered after an hour).
Approaching the beach When a player seems suspicious about
this whole thing, have them roll Smarts.
As the Agents make their way on the
On a success, they realize something is off.
somewhat dangerous paths down the rocky
The sun is further across the sky than what
cliffs, the turtle makes itself known by rising
it should be. Something about the turtle's
out of the water.
presence shifts the perception of time, so
It’s a huge sea turtle, with four heads - that finding the answer to a riddle takes
one on each side. When it opens its mouth three times longer than what it seems. This
to talk, all heads speak at the same time. realization will probably make the players
Attentive Agents will notice you can see feel stressed about their schedule, but it
right through the creature’s open mouths should have no actual effect on the plot
straight to the other side, apparently it’s (they still have time to go after the other
hollow inside. ingredients, except for the spoon, which
It speaks, slowly, almost joyfully, using comes to them in any case).
strange tones and unusual euphemisms. It
does not answer questions it doesn’t care to, After the riddles
and the answers it does give are mysterious. Eventually the players will try to get
Manahawa will gladly admit it guards an old underwater, and to the cave. When they do
sea cave, right under the sea level, beneath so, Manahawa will sink, sticking one of its
the Agents’ feet. heads into the opening of the cave. You can
Manahawa then says it will only allow still reach it - by entering one of its other
access to people who answer his riddles. heads, and going through. Manahawa will
This is a lie, the turtle doesn’t care about the make no effort to hide this.
cave; if someone jumps into the water it will Getting access is incredibly easy - it’s
just let them dive, jokingly "threatening" enough to ask nicely with a Persuasion roll
retaliation and repositioning itself, but in- (on a failure, the turtle agrees but decides
fact it is still toying with the Agents, just to play a bit more, closing its mouth after
in a different way (See After The Riddles). someone enters it). Agents can also force

it to open its mouth by making it Shaken,
or tricking it somehow. Manahawa enjoys Bridge Mushrooms
being tricked, so it will play along with There's an old stone-and-wood bridge to the
whatever plan the Agents execute. It’s just west of the hotel, just above a gaping gorge.
bored and wants to play with the mortals. There's a special kind of mushrooms which
grow only on the underside of this lovely
Riddles little bridge.
The following are some example riddles, all
The bridge hangs 30 feet above a roaring
taken from the excellent video game Betrayal
river (a fall of 2d6+2 damage, or Agility
at Krondor.
to dive in and not take damage). A dozen
Neck, but no head. crocodiles are waiting there.
Arms, but no hands. By the time the Agents arrive at the scene,
Waist, but no legs. the Franz-Ferdinands are already here, all
(Jacket) except for the Nanny, who’s missing. (The
Nanny is in fact under the bridge, collecting
Pounds all day, mushrooms and hiding).
Beats all night,
The Agents might need to make a
Never rests
dangerous Athletics check to cling to the
(surf, wave)
underside of the bridge, and then a Survival,
The light one breaks but never falls. Notice or a Cooking check to find the right
His brother falls but never breaks mushroom colony. Roll Notice vs. the
(day, night) Nanny’s Stealth (d8), to see if the Agent
notices the hiding ninja.
Plow and hoe, reap and sow,
What soon does every farmer grow? Escalation
(weary) The Nanny will spring to attack the moment
it’s least convenient. Mommy and Daddy
Passed from father to son, will remain far away from the Agents,
And shared between brothers. Intimidating and Taunting, while Johan
Its importance is unquestioned, Sebastian looks around bewildered, unsure
Though it is used more by others. why everyone is so angry all of a sudden.
Even if the Nanny seems to die this scene,
Our valiant leaders will keep this. they’ll reappear for the final scene, broken
But only after they have given it and in bandages, but still pushing the
(promise) wheelchair. They won’t be fighting again,
Manahawa is a very old, bizarre creature. It
is playing with the Agents, simply trying to
have some fun.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d12,
Strength d12+10, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 22 (4)
Special Abilities
• Armor +4: Scaly hide.
• Bite: Str+d8.
• Hardy: Does not suffer a wound from
being Shaken twice.
• Water torrent: 3d6 damage in a Cone. Can
be Evaded.

The Cook-Off Round after round
There’s a Crystal buried under the stone
It's early evening, and the four groups of platform, responding to Fetuado's taste
contenders are arrayed in half a circle buds, since he's standing right above it.
around the main stone platform, on which Every round, a new effect engulfs the whole
Fetuado the Gumbo Master stands next to a yard.
cauldron (it’s empty, just for show).
1st round: Fetuado was just presented with
Each group has their own kitchen table, the monks' gumbo. “What is this wonderful
with a gumbo pot and various utensils smell!" He exclaims. All Agents and Vipers
and ingredients. The surviving Monks, must make a Smarts roll or become Shaken
Franz-Ferdinands and Velvet Vipers are from the intense, tantalizing smell.
all standing behind their tables, the Vipers
2nd round: Daddy presents Johan
cursing the Agents out loud, accusing them
Sebastian Franz-Ferdinand’s gumbo to the
of cheating, taunting angrily. An audience
gumbo master. “Super fresh!” he exclaims,
of 200 or so people is standing around the
and powerful vitality surges into the
yard, watching and cheering.
contenders. Roll randomly for 2-3 Agents
(If you use Claire Kant Clementine, she’s and 2-3 Vipers. They gain a die in Strength
visible in the crowd, waving at the Agents and Vigor, until the end of the fight.
and encouraging them).
3rd round: One of the Velvet Vipers runs
Fetuado announces that each group will to present their gumbo before the Agents’, if
now cook a gumbo and present it to him, one possible. “Such spice!” says Fetuado. Have
by one. Just as he finishes congratulating every Agent make a Vigor check or become
everyone, a monk is already next to him, Fatigued from the powerful spices.
holding a bowl. Impressed, Fetuado will
drink the gumbo... and then all hell breaks Winners!
loose. Once the Agents manage to present their
A surge of strange orange mist seems gumbo, they win! It's the best! There's none
to vibrate through the air, coming from like it! Fetuado is super impressed and the
Fetuado and engulfing everyone. Exactly good guys win, because it’s more fun for
then, the Velvet Vipers lose all patience everyone this way.
they might have had, shout in defiance at
the Agents, and attack!
Draw initiative. Only draw for the players
and the Velvet Vipers (and Claire Kant
Clementine if she’s there); nobody else is
participating in the fight.

To win the competition, one Agent must
keep making Cooking rolls on each round.
If the player explains how they're using the
ingredients, they gain +1 on the roll for each
plausible ingredient.
Each success and raise add one point to
the gumbo count. At six points the gumbo is
ready, at which point it needs to be brought
to Fetuado.
The Vipers will try to target the cook to
prevent them from making the gumbo; all
but one, who’ll be making their own gumbo.

Extra: Further Claire Kant Clementine
Complications Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Claire is a Syn Agent who can be used to
Skills: Athletics d6, Crystal Channeling d10,
complicate matters if you have lots of time
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Intimidation d6,
to run the adventure.
Notice d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d8
Introduce her from the start as a supportive Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (2)
Agent, who’s “just around to watch” as a fan, Edges: Combat Reflexes, Level Headed,
and isn’t going to help (because the rules Trademark Weapon
forbid it). She won’t be telling the Agents Hindrances: Arrogant, Ruthless (Minor)
she’s actually intending on impeding them Gear: Put-Put the gun-gun (5/10/20, 2d6+1
whenever possible and giving the Vipers an damage, +1 Shooting and damage)
edge, using her powers to avoid being seen. Crystal: Over Here
Claire is a Maseian who grew up in
Zingama. She's a Free Agent of Syn, who
wants to get into the Forbidden City on
her own, and get all of the fame and glory.
She convinced the Velvet Vipers that the
Agents are to blame for some slight, hoping
the assassins will get rid of her competition.
Claire is all smiles, cute and light-headed,
but then again, so is Harley Quinn. Other
common features: Ruthlessness.

Over Here (Veteran) you're hit despite the image, the

power dissipates. While active,
Description: Half-translucent olive-green. your concentration results in -2
Theme: Between illusion and reality, there (-4 on a raise) on Crystal Chan-
and not there. Is it the light that bends, or neling rolls.
your perception of it? Make someone bump Not Here (intangibility, -3). Self
their head as they try to walk through a door, only. You make yourself somewhat
since it's actually two feet to the right. illusory. This requires serious concentra-
Benefit: You occasionally seem to be a few tion, to keep one foot in the real world -
feet away from where you actually are; your literally. Maintaining this power for more
actual location is a bit unclear sometimes. than 3 rounds results in a level of Fatigue.
You have Dodge, and +2 on most Tests that Over There (teleport, -1). Self only. You
rely on sight . actually appear where you appear to be,
Disposition: Delusional (Major; is every- teleporting into the location of your image.
thing just a dream?). When you draw a Heart If you Prepare the Power, you can make
as initiative, you become Distracted. your illusory self move your Pace before
you activate the power (you can even roll
Not There (deflection, Ongoing, -2). Self Athletics for it to climb or jump). You au-
only. You focus on your image, pushing tomatically create a new image on the start
it deliberately into the path of danger. If of your next turn.


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