Asimilacion de Nitrogeno Por Las Plantas

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Review: Nitrogen assimilation in crop plants and its

affecting factors
Bataung Mokhele1, Xianjin Zhan2, Guozheng Yang1,3, and Xianlong Zhang1
College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, PR China; and
Cash Crops Institute, Hubei Provincial Academy of Agricultural Science, Wuhan 430070, PR China.
Received 12 July 2011, accepted 15 December 2011.
Mokhele, B., Zhan, X., Yang, G. and Zhang, X. 2012. Review: Nitrogen assimilation in crop plants and its affecting factors.
Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 399405. In this review we discuss mainly nitrogen assimilation in crop plants and factors affecting
the related process. Nitrogen is a major macro-element limiting the growth and development of plants in agriculture. Both
organic and inorganic forms of nitrogen are metabolized in plants; nitrate and ammonia in soil are common forms of
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 05/12/23

inorganic nitrogen that can be metabolized in all plants. There are other nitrogen forms, which include amino acids, nitrite
and urea, that are metabolized in plants. Metabolism normally starts with reduction of nitrate to nitrite, and the latter
further reduces to form ammonium with the presence of relevant enzymes. This reaction occurs more rapidly in leaves in
the presence of light. After ammonia is formed, it enters into the biosynthetic pathways of plant cells, such as reductive
amination and transpiration, to produce different amino acids. Amino acids in cells take part in the synthesis of protein
and other nitrogenous compounds that help in body building. Radiation, gaseous factors, the presence of metals, soil pH
and amount of nitrate are some of the environmental factors affecting absorption and reduction of nitrogen in plants. This
review presents a comprehensive understanding of the assimilation process by crop plants of nitrogen and recommends
that favorable surrounding conditions are the prerequisites for plants to absorb and utilize nitrogen efficiently.

Key words: Nitrogen, absorption, assimilation, nitrate reductase, environmental factors

Mokhele, B., Zhan, X., Yang, G. et Zhang, X. 2012. Assimilation de l’azote par les plantes cultivées et facteurs modifiants.
Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 399405. Dans cette analyse, les auteurs parlent surtout de l’assimilation de l’azote par les plantes
cultivées et des facteurs qui affectent ce processus. L’azote est un élément nutritif majeur qui limite la croissance et le
développement des plantes en agriculture. Les plantes métabolisent cet élément sous sa forme organique ou minérale; les
nitrates et l’ammoniaque sont des formes courantes d’azote inorganique dans le sol que métabolisent toutes les plantes.
L’azote se rencontre toutefois sous d’autres formes, notamment les acides aminés, les nitrites et l’urée, que métabolisent
aussi les végétaux. Habituellement, le métabolisme commence par la réduction des nitrates en nitrites, puis en ammonium
en présence des enzymes pertinents. La réaction survient plus rapidement dans les feuilles quand il y a de la lumière. Après
formation de l’ammoniaque, l’azote pénètre dans les voies de la biosynthèse des cellules végétales notamment l’amination
réductive et la transpiration, ce qui crée différents acides aminés. Dans la cellule, les acides aminés participent à la synthèse
des protéines et d’autres composés azotés qui concourent à l’expansion de l’organisme. Les rayonnements, les gaz, les
métaux, le pH du sol et la concentration de nitrates figurent parmi les facteurs environnementaux qui affectent l’absorption
et la réduction de l’azote par les plantes. Cet article brosse un tableau complet du processus d’assimilation de l’azote par les
plantes et avance que pour absorber et assimiler efficacement l’azote, les plantes cultivées ont absolument besoin de
conditions ambiantes favorables.

Mots clés: Azote, absorption, assimilation, nitrate réductase, facteurs environnementaux

Nitrogen (N) is an essential component of the proteins degree, on studies of amino acids. Thus, amino acid N is
that build cell materials and plant tissue. Nitrogen often in many cases used as a synonym for organic N.
comes from fertilizer application, and, although the However, urea (NH2)2CO is perhaps the most com-
atmosphere is mostly made up of N, only legumes such monly used source of organic N applied as a fertilizer.
as soybeans and alfalfa can convert atmospheric N2 to Nitrogen assimilation into carbon skeletons repre-
plant-available forms via a symbiotic biological process sents a physiological process of the utmost importance
involving Rhizobium bacteria and the plant roots. Plant- for plant growth and development. Inorganic N is
available inorganic forms of N include nitrate (NO 3 );
assimilated into amino acids, namely glutamate, gluta-
and nitrite (NO ); as well as ammonium (NH 
4 ). The mine, and asparagine which play a pivotal role as N-
concept of plant organic N nutrition relies, to a large transport compounds in plants (Lea and Miflin 2003).

Abbreviations: AM, arbuscular mycorrhizal; GDH, glutamate

3 dehydrogenase; GOGAT, glutamine-2-oxoglutarate amino
Corresponding author (e-mail: ygzh9999@mail.hzau. transferase; GS, glutamine synthetase; GSA, glutamine synthetase activity; NR, nitrate reductase; NRA, nitrate reductase activity

Can. J. Plant Sci. (2012) 92: 399405 doi:10.4141/CJPS2011-135 399


This review highlights recent studies and progress on Because N in the soil can become depleted, through
N absorption, N assimilation and the enzymes involved, leaching or being used up by the plants, it has to be
as well as the factors affecting the processes in crop added to the soil. Urea is the N fertilizer most
plants. commonly used in agriculture, and about half of all
N used for crop production is applied as urea (Witte
The yield of an agricultural crop strongly depends on NITROGEN ASSIMILATION
the supply of mineral nutrients, particularly N (Sawan During the growth and development of plants, N is
2006). Because N is a constituent of amino acids, which moved into and out of proteins in different organs and
are required to synthesize proteins and other related transported between organs in a limited number of
compounds, it plays a role in almost all plant metabolic transport compounds. Some of the organic N is moved
processes (Tucker 1999). Nitrogen is regarded the single between compounds via the activity of transaminases
most important growth-limiting factor for crops (Shah and glutamine-amide transferases, but a significant
2008), and most plants can utilize N as NO 
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3 and NH4 ; portion is released as NH3 and reassimilated via

the available inorganic forms of N absorbed by the roots glutamine synthetase (GS) (Miflin and Habash 2002).
(Lasa et al. 2002; Wickert et al. 2007; Oh et al. 2008) There are two GS isoenzymes (cytosolic GS1 and
from the soil solution, which then undergo complex plastidic GS2) in most plant species, each having a
systems of assimilation, transformation, and mobiliza- different sub-cellular compartmental location (Tobin
tion within plants (Oh et al. 2008). Although inorganic and Yamaya 2001; Cao et al. 2008).
N is predominantly available to plants as nitrate in most
soils, in certain soil and in hydroponic cultures, ammo- Nitrate Nitrogen
nium can be the major N ion (Lasa et al. 2002). On the Nitrate N is used in various processes, including
other hand, both natural and agricultural plants can absorption, vacuole storage, xylem transport, reduction
take up amino acids from the soil (Godlewski and and incorporation into organic forms (Wickert et al.
Adamczyk 2007). 2007). Primary nitrate assimilation takes place predo-
The biological reduction of atmospheric N2 to ammo- minantly in the roots of the plant, being strongly
nium (N fixation) provides about 65% of the bio- dependent on the age and limitation of space for root
sphere’s available N. Most of this ammonium is growth (Marquez et al. 2007). Nitrate taken up by plants
contributed by legume-rhizobia symbioses, which are is reduced to nitrite by nitrate reductase (NR) (Kuoadio
initiated by the infection of legume hosts by bacteria et al. 2007; Cao et al. 2008; Rosales et al. 2011). This
(rhizobia), resulting in the formation of root nodules enzyme catalyzes the reduction of nitrate to nitrite with
(Lodwig et al. 2003). Therefore, legumes are unique pyridine nucleotide in N assimilation in higher plants
among higher plants because they are able to use either (Ahmad and Abdin 1999). Since nitrite is highly
simultaneously or solely the sources of NO 3 from soil reactive, plant cells immediately transport the nitrite
or fertilizer and N2 through symbiotic fixation in from the cytosol into chloroplasts in leaves and plastids
association with rhizobia (da Silveira et al. 2001). in roots. In these organelles, nitrite is further reduced to
Plant leaves are a sink for N during the vegetative NH 4 by nitrite reductase (Rosales et al. 2011).
stage and, afterwards, this N is remobilized for later use.
The method used in determining total N is time Ammonium Nitrogen
consuming and may be hazardous as it involves the In plants such as Arabidopsis, ammonium originates
use of concentrated sulfuric acid. Therefore, leaf tissue from nitrate reduction, direct absorption, photorespira-
and sap nitrate are used as indicators of the plant’s N tion, gaseous N (N2) fixation or deamination of
status, and many farmers use this as a measure in nitrogenous compounds, such as asparagine (Wickert
making decisions regarding fertilizer application rates. et al. 2007). All inorganic N is first reduced to
These measurements of leaf tissue nitrate determine ammonium, because it is the only reduced N form
nitrate stored in the vacuoles (Fan et al. 2007). This available to plants for assimilation into N-carrying
follows uptake into the roots, where nitrate allocated to amino acids (Ruiz et al. 2007).
the leaves is temporarily stored in vacuoles and then Ammonia is then assimilated into glutamine and
remobilized, especially when N supply is insufficient to glutamate, which serve to translocate organic N from
meet demand (von der Fecht-Bartenbach et al. 2010), or sources to sinks in legumes and non-legumes. The major
during senescence; N is transported mainly via amino enzymes involved are glutamate synthase, or glutamine-
acids. In rice and wheat, up to 80% of grain N contents 2-oxoglutarate amino transferase (GOGAT), and gluta-
are derived from leaves (Kant et al. 2011). Since most mate dehydrogenase (GDH) (Lam et al. 1996; Frechilla
plants perform nitrate vacuole storage and tolerate high et al. 2002; Esposito et al. 2005; Wickert et al. 2007).
ion concentrations, it is reasonable to assume that However, GS has a vital role in NH 4 assimilation and
nitrate has an important function as an osmotic agent the activity of the enzyme is considered to be a critical
(Wickert et al. 2007). and possibly rate-limiting step in NH4 assimilation

(Cao et al. 2008). Temple et al. (1998), in subsequent Nitrogen Assimilation in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
studies using raidolabeled (13N) and stable (15N) N Fungi
isotopes, enzymes inhibitors and mutants of plant N Mycorrhizal associations occur on almost all terrestrial
metabolism, indicated that the primary assimilation of plants, and are not as plant-specific as other plant-
NH 4 into amino acids occurs through the joint action
microbe associations that have formed between some
of GS and GOGAT. plants (e.g., legumes) and bacteria (e.g., rhizobia). There
Although the GS/GOGAT metabolic pathway is the is increasing evidence of a major contribution by ar-
main route of N assimilation in higher plants, these buscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to plant N uptake
plants possess the ability to use alternative routes, such and assimilation, adding to the fact that the signifi-
as the reversible amination of 2-oxoglutarate to produce cance of these fungi with respect to N nutrition was less
glutamate by GDH (Lasa et al. 2002). GDH is one of clear, even though the role of mycorrhizal fungi in
the few enzymes capable of releasing amino N from phosphorus nutrition of their hosts was well documen-
ted (Faure et al. 1998).
amino acids to give a keto-acid and NH3 that can be
Mycorrhizal fungi, as shown by Singh (2007), have
separately recycled to be used in respiration and amide
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the ability to assimilate N in a pattern closely similar to

formation, respectively. GDH may be expected to
plant roots, and mycorrhizal fungi are known to
function in the deaminating direction in tissues that produce NR and ammonium-assimilating enzymes.
are converting amino acids into transport compounds Nitrate can be reduced inside the AM fungal cells by
with a low C:N ratio (Miflin and Habash 2002) or the the assimilatory reduction pathway. Nitrate mobilized
potential involvement of N remobilization during senes- from soils by an AM fungus could be transferred
cence (Miyashita and Good 2008). directly to the root cells where it will be assimilated
Ammonia can also be incorporated into the amino (Ruiz-Lozano and Azcon 1996).
acids, glutamine/glutamate using the C-skeletons pro- The effect of vesicular-AM fungi in onion on gluta-
duced via other metabolic pathways, such as respiration mine synthetase activity (GSA) under water stress
and photosynthesis. All these reactions catalyzed by ( 0.17 MPa) was evident only in roots being compared
NR, including the natural NADH/NADPH-driven to those found in phosphorus fertilized plants; hence
nitrate reduction, are best understood by viewing the it was concluded that there is a direct effect on
enzyme as a redox system with an internal electron absorption, translocation and assimilation of both N
transfer chain (Cambell 1999). forms by endomycorrhizal systems (Singh 2007).
However, ammonium is said to be toxic to plants, Furthermore, it was concluded by Ruiz-Lozano (2003)
because it can cause proton extrusion, which is asso- that levels of nitrate reductase activity (NRA) were
ciated with ammonium uptake, changes in cytosolic higher in AM plants under drought stress compared
pH and uncoupling of photophosphorylation in plants with non-mycorrhizal plants, and, thus, mycorrhizal
(Wang et al. 2007). Due to the fact that the main plants were able to tolerate drought in terms of plant
metabolic process in leaf senescence consists of nutri- biomass production.
ent remobilization, toxic free ammonium, which is
also produced during photosynthesis (Simonovic and FACTORS AFFECTING NITROGEN ABSORPTION
Anderson 2008), should be rapidly converted into the AND ASSIMILATION
organic form (amino acids) to avoid negative effects and
provide nitrogenous forms suitable for source-sink Nitrogen Levels
Plants that exhibit low rates of NO 3 in roots export
transport (Masclaux-Daubresse et al. 2006).
most of the absorbed NO 3 to shoots, where it is reduced
and incorporated into amino acids (Aslam et al. 2001).
Some changes in NRA occurred independently of total
Urea Nitrogen
N concentrations. Maighany and Ebrahimzadeh (2004),
Urea occurs ubiquitously in nature, and it is a rapidly
in a study on intervarietal differences in N content and
available N source for the growth of various organisms,
nitrate assimilation in wheat under salt stress, found
including bacteria, fungi and plants. Being the most that NRA was more highly correlated with N levels in
used N fertilizer in agriculture, urea plays a role as a roots than in leaves. In leaves, a direct correlation
primary N source; it is taken up actively by plants from between N content and NRA was found only at tillering
the soil solution and is also an intermediate of plant and then an inverse relation was observed between
arginine catabolism, involved in N remobilization from them. Besides, the impact of salt was more evident on
source tissues (Witte 2011). Urease (or urea amidohy- altering the activity of NR and N content in the leaves
drolase) and urea amidolase are the two known distinct than in roots. This suggests that salt stress can alter N
types of non-degrading enzymes, which catalyze urea level and NRA, and the effect varies with cultivar,
assimilation after uptake into the plant cells. They both organ, developmental stage and the degree of salt stress.
hydrolyze urea in the cytosol to CO2 and NH3 (Wang Glutamine synthetase activity decreased when ammo-
et al. 2008). nium appeared in the medium replacing nitrate as the N

source. Also, by increasing ammonium concentration, ammonium-grown plants save about 7.611.9% of the
GSA decreased slightly, mainly at high ammonium overall cost of growth as compared with nitrate-grown
concentration (5 mmol L1), and it was observed that plants; for assimilation in the shoot the difference is
GDH in the roots of pea plants was stimulated at reduced to 3.06.1% because of the direct use of
low ammonium concentrations (1 mmol L1) (Frechilla photons. Leaf NO 3 assimilation into amino acids is
et al. 2002). linked to the consumption of carbon skeletons and
Aslam et al. (2001) reported that while the amino photosynthetically generated ATP and reductants
acids directly inhibited enhancement of the activity of (NADPH) (Guo et al. 2007).
the NO 3 uptake system, independent of NO3 avail-

However, Guo et al. (2007) established that elevated
ability, inhibition of the induction of NRA was due to a CO2 (or low O2) atmospheric concentrations decrease
decrease in NO 3 uptake, resulting in decreased NO3

rates of photorespiration and initially enhance rates of
availability. Also, a rapid cycling of amino acids photosynthesis and growth by as much as 35% in most
between roots and shoots occurs whether NO 3 assim- plants (C3 plants). This is in agreement with Bloom et al.
ilation is localized mainly in the shoots or the roots. (2010), who reported that atmospheric CO2 enrichment
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The amino acids, whether accumulated in the plant does not stimulate the growth of wheat plants receiving
internally or supplied externally, usually down regu- NO 3 as a sole N source to the same extent as those
late the induction of NO 3 uptake and reduction receiving NO 4 ; hence they concluded that elevated CO2
systems. Because amino acids decreased the concentra- (or low O2) atmospheric concentrations, which are
tion of NO 3 ; this indicates that inhibition was due conditions that decrease photorespiration, inhibit NO 3
to insufficient NO 3 : Aslam et al. (2001) further reported assimilation in the shoots of C3 plants.
that enhancement of RNA was not inhibited by amino
acids when the roots were supplied with 10 mM NO 3 : Ultra-violet B Radiation
Therefore, this means NO 3 should always be at ade- Increases in solar UV-B have raised concerns regarding
quate levels. its damaging impact on crop plants. UV-B radiation can
On the other hand, it seems that when plants need to impair all the major processes of photosynthesis,
assimilate large amounts of N, both glutamine and including photochemical reactions in thylakoid mem-
asparagine are the preferential form in which N is branes, enzymatic processes in the Calvin cycle, stoma-
assimilated and translocated. This is due to the fact tal limitations to CO2 diffusion, destruction of amino
that these molecules show a low C:N ratio, which acid residues, and oxygen-mediated damage to unsatu-
represents an advantage for ammonium incorporation rated fatty acids in plant cell membranes. Current global
to non-toxic forms (Frechilla et al. 2002). terrestrial UV-B radiation ranges between 2 and
12 kJm 2 d1 on a given day, with near-equator and
Gaseous Factors mid-latitudes receiving higher doses, which includes an
Low NO2 had no effect on the organic N content of the increase of 614% since the 1980s (Surabhi et al. 2009).
plants, or the concentration of organic N in leaves Though plants need sunlight for processing their own
and roots, with the exception that it slightly increased food, exposure of high radiation poses a danger to the
the concentration of organic N in the leaves of plants health of plants in general.
grown at low nitrate levels. Nitrogen dioxide absorbed Cao et al. (2007) stated that the absorption and
by the plants can be converted into nitrate and nitrite. assimilation of the important minerals for plant nitrate
As a result it follows that assimilation will take place. were significantly inhibited under UV-B radiation,
The amount of nitrate taken up per plant and the uptake especially at high levels; correspondingly, the growth
rates were not significantly affected by exposure to low of seedlings was restrained. Under low levels of UV-B
NO2. However, exposure to high NO2 causes increase in radiation, GDH activity was enhanced to prevent
nitrate concentration (Qiao and Murray 1998). ammonia toxity, when the activity of GS and GOGAT
In cucumber leaves, high rates of CO2 assimilation decreased sharply, leading to the accumulation of
enhanced nitrate reduction by stimulating the synthesis ammonia in plants, the high accumulation of which is
and activity of NR, and sugars derived from CO2 toxic. Conversely, under high levels of UV-B radiation,
assimilation probably act as positive regulatory meta- the structure of GDH or some related genes might be
bolites. This was a similar in sunflower leaves, where damaged, decreasing GDH activity.
the expression and GSA were modulated by the rate of Both the leaves and roots showed decreased values of
CO2 assimilation after brief exposure to high atmo- NRA after exposure to UV-B radiation in comparison
spheric CO2, and photosynthesized sugars are presum- with control seedlings (Quaggiotti et al. 2004), in
ably involved as regulatory metabolites (Aguera et al. agreement with data obtained in Vigna unguiculata L.
2006). On the other hand, N assimilation may regulate (Balakumar et al. 1999) and barley (Ghisi et al. 2002).
simultaneous CO2 assimilation, because N assimilation
into glutamate is a very important sink for redox Metals
equivalents from the photosynthetic electron flow. Contamination of agricultural soil by heavy metals has
When N is assimilated quantitatively in the root, become a critical environmental concern due to their

potential adverse ecological effects. Such toxic elements respectively. Similar decreases were found for NO 3
are considered to be soil pollutants owing to their contents in the roots (Debouba et al. 2006).
widespread occurrence, and their acute and chronic In legumes, salt stress from 50 to 200 mM NaCl
toxic effect on plants grown in such soils (Yadav 2010). significantly limits productivity by interfering with plant
Besides being toxic, many studies have revealed their growth (Cordovilla et al. 1999). It is generally observed
positive and negative side effects on the metabolic that salt stress promotes the accumulation of ammo-
processes governing growth and development depending nium, nitrate, and free amino acids in plants, and
on the quantity of such metals in the soil. decreases the incorporation of ammonium into amino
La could promote the uptake and transport of nitrate acid compounds.
in plants, which might be related to the fact that La In addition, one of the increasing contaminants is
has a positive effect on the transpiration of seedlings, CIO 3 ; which is a component of industrial waste water
promoting the uptake and movement of water and and disinfectants of drinking water. Its release into the
mineral nutrients. Low levels of La promoted GDH environment causes inhibition of nitrate reductase and
activity (Cao et al. 2007), but the amount of nitrate growth due to the production of ClO . However, the
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taken up from the nutrient solution was dramatically toxic effect was strong if the ambient nitrate concentra-
reduced by Cd. The total nitrate uptake in plants treated tion was low (Tischner 2000).
with 50 mM Cd for 10 h was about 20% of the nitrate Crop plants have an efficient mechanism to absorb
uptake in control plants; the decline in net nitrate and utilize N from the soil. However, the key processes
uptake was even higher in plants treated with 100 mM or molecule(s) involved in these processes remain
Cd (12% of nitrate uptake in control plants) (Gouia uncertain. Further research is required to understand
et al. 2000). the functions and mechanisms of various environmental
High Al concentrations directly restrict NO 3 uptake factors acting on the plant’s ability to absorb N.
in most plant species studied to date and therefore cause
a deficit in N metabolism. At the same time it has been
observed that Al can act directly on NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
3 assimilation
inside the plant, inhibiting NR activity. The same was The study was supported by the Professional (Agricul-
true for excessive application of Mo, leading to reduced tural) Researching Project for Public Interests (3-5-19),
normal plant growth (Ruiz et al. 2007). the Modern Agro-Industry Technology Research Sys-
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is through the soil, whereby the root hairs release Cotton Production Program (2009ZX08013-014B).
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