A Motorizacio Hatasa A Kornyezetre Es A Tarsadalomra

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A motorizáció hatása a környezetre és a társadalomra

Population growth, urbanization and economic growth necessarily entail an increase in the
volume of passenger and goods transport. At the same time, the development of transport
systems and the motorized nature of transport have an impact on both society and the
economy. On the one hand, it makes available products, services, raw materials, jobs,
educational institutions, etc., thereby increasing the standard of living and well-being. On the
other hand, motorization is the source of many problems: noise, greenhouse effect and air
pollution increase.
Respiratory, cardiovascular diseases are becoming more common. However, a significant
number of health problems can be traced not only to environmental pollution, but also to a
sedentary lifestyle. Many people choose the car or public transport instead of walking. Due
to the increased traffic, the number of traffic accidents may also increase.
We can’t forget that the environment is damaged because of this: the expansion of the
transport infrastructure contributes to the expansion of cities and the fragmentation of
habitats; and increased greenhouse gas emissions to climate change, with all its
But fortunately there are some solution to these problems. We should decrease the taffic,
we have to motivate the people to walk and use bicycle more or at least choose public
transport instead of cars. Some people would say we should use electric cars because they
are more eco-friendly, but I think that solution just temporary, since the battery of electric
cars pollute the enviroment too, once they are trhown out.

Az idegenforgalom jelentősége
Tourism has a big importance for people because they can relax, experience new things and
cultures, but tourism is also important for the society, because can contribute to keeping
cultural heritage, local customs and local gastronomy alive, as long as this adds to the
attractiveness of the given region. For example in Hungary the city of Tihany is also known
for the beautiful lavender fields and not just the Abbey of Tihany, anyway both of them are
popular tourist attractions. It’s worth mentioning how tourism effects to the economy. It
means income for the destination countries: for local businesses and for the state through
various taxes, and these incomes enables the development of local infrastucture and also
give work oppurtunites for people. We can’t forget about the enviroment, because it’s also
part of tourism. There is ecotourism or sustainable tourism wich means special tourism for
the presentation of natural areas, landscapes and wildlife, in which, due to the combination
of nature conservation and tourism, visitors are presented with the most beautiful and
spectacular parts of natural areas. And of course the significant part of the incomes from
ecotourism must be used for the preservation and maintenance of natural and close-to-
nature areas."
Pénzkezelés a célnyelvi országokban
In our country when people are shopping, they can pay with cash (banknotes, coins) or
electronic money (what is in your bank account). In the latter case, they can use a debit or
credit card. They are magnetic stripe, equipped with a chip or touch. They can pay with it in a
store at a POS terminal or, in the case of online purchases, on an internet interface. If they
can't or don't want to pay with a bank card in the store, they can also withdraw cash from
the ATM.
I mentioned the debit and credit card. The main difference between them if you use a debit
card, you spend your own money, if you use a credit card, then you use the bank's money.
Nowadays, you can use your mobile phone just like your bank card. This is the latest payment
method. For mobile payments, you need to download a mobile wallet application to your
In Hungary, the checkbook never really spread, but it is still used in many othe countries.
People can also choose a bank transfer when they shopping online or paying bills. They can
do this in person at a bank branch or mobile bank. If people need to make frequent transfers,
they can also give the bank a direct debit or permanent transfer order. The latter is also
known as a regular transfer.
In abroad fewer and fewer people use cash and checkbooks. This is partly due to the
expansion of online commerce. For smaller purchases, people prefer pay with cash, but on
the other hand in supermarkets and restaurants, debit card payment is more common.
Although many people, especially older ones, are distrustful of mobile payments, because
they don’t think it’s safe, they don’t know how to use it, but most importantly they like the
old ways and don’t have a reason to change it.
Üzleti világ, fogyasztás, reklámok
Nowadays we often encounter with agressive and influential advertisements. After all these
are the most effective tools in the hands of companies to sell their products in big quantity.
The companies try to influences their costumers with the advertisements. When someone
watch an advertisement which is appear in tv or on the internet multiple time and it has a
catchy slogen like „with calgon the washing machine live longer”, she/he will remember it
when she goes to shopping and will buy from that product. Also to make their products even
more popular they ask celebrities and influencers to advertise them, and nowadays they use
social media too. Usually big companies and brands have accounts on every important social
media sides like Facebook and Instagram.
From the part of shops and supermarkets, they often make different kinds of sales and
programmes for their regular costumers and with that they want to lure them. The conscious
consumption has a big importance too, because we try to make consumer decisions that are
not only good for us, but also for the world. We, conscious buyers, tend to look beyond the
fog of advertising and think about what we are doing when we buy this or that product.
We can also talk about quantity, there are people who tend to buy less than others, but in
the other hand the opposite exists as well. They purchase enormous amounts of products for
no evident reason, just so they have those things. But these items either expire, left to rot, to
be wasted and now we can reflect on the problem. It doesnt really matter what anyone does,
there will always be people who think otherwise an will make bad decisions (on purpose).

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