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Nguyễn Phạm Ngọc An


Listening and Speaking C1.2 Group 4

Is cohabitation a wise or unwise choice for women?

- My presentation will be in two main parts.
- First, a wise choice for women
- Second, an unwise choice for women
A wise choice for women
- Empathetic support and mutual understanding
+ establish a strong base for an authentic relationship build
+ build a strong foundation for a committed relationship
- Financial gains
+ share living expenses
+ contribute to financial stability
- Relationship testing
+ help couples understand each other's habits and dynamics
+ understand how to handle conflicts
An Unwise choice for women
- Emotional stress
+ unrealistic expectations about cohabitation can lead to
+ unequal distribution of household chores and responsibilities can
lead to resentment and frustration.
- Mismatched expectations
+ different expectations regarding the future of the relationship
=> lead to misunderstandings and potential heartbreak
- Family stability
+ potential challenges if children are involved
+ potential impact on children in terms of stability and well-being
- So far, I have been talking about two main points about ambition such as:
a wise choice and an unwise choice for women when cohabitating.
- Every issue has two sides, but the choice is still up to ourselves. I myself
would like to suggest that each person, especially women, should
understand the importance of informed decision-making, clear
communication in cohabiting relationships and especially to be
financially independent.

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