My Marketing Plan

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Marketing plan
Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

1. Analysis...........................................................................................................................................4
a) Market analysis...........................................................................................................................4
b) Customer analysis.......................................................................................................................4
c) Competitor analysis....................................................................................................................4
d) Company analysis.......................................................................................................................4
2. Mission statement..........................................................................................................................4
3. Key Performance Indicators...........................................................................................................4
4. Segmentation & Targeting..............................................................................................................4
5. Brand positioning...........................................................................................................................4
6. Brand Profile...................................................................................................................................4
7. Product development.....................................................................................................................4
8. Price................................................................................................................................................4
a) Price objective............................................................................................................................4
b) Pricing method...........................................................................................................................5
c) Determine demand....................................................................................................................5
d) Estimating costs..........................................................................................................................5
e) Analysing competitors prices......................................................................................................5
f) Selling price................................................................................................................................5
9. Promotion......................................................................................................................................5
a) Communication objective...........................................................................................................5
b) Promotion budget......................................................................................................................5
c) Decide offline and online spend.................................................................................................5
10. Place...........................................................................................................................................5
a) Distribution strategy...................................................................................................................5
b) Logistics management decisions................................................................................................5
11. People & Process........................................................................................................................5
a) Service process design................................................................................................................5
b) Website service process design..................................................................................................6
c) employee promise......................................................................................................................6
12. Physical environment.................................................................................................................6
a) Sound.........................................................................................................................................6
b) Smell...........................................................................................................................................6

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

c) Sight............................................................................................................................................6
d) Touch..........................................................................................................................................6
13. Appendices.................................................................................................................................7
I. Market information................................................................................................................7
II. Explain and justify your decisions...........................................................................................8
a) Q1...............................................................................................................................................8
b) Q2...............................................................................................................................................8
c) Q3...............................................................................................................................................8
d) Q4...............................................................................................................................................8
e) Q5...............................................................................................................................................8
f) Q6...............................................................................................................................................8
g) Q7...............................................................................................................................................8
h) Q8...............................................................................................................................................8

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

1. Analysis

a) Market analysis
- From 17-24 years old accounts for the largest percentage of both men and women. Looking at the
data, we can see that this is a potential segment.

- The number of male and female customers does not have a large difference, 48 vs 52%. It can be
seen that in the jeans market, the customer segment comes from both men and women equally.

- The percentage of customers using Facebook is twice as high as using Twitter. Looking at the data,
we can consider focusing on the social network Facebook more.

The customer segment with an average salary of 25-45k per year holds the largest market share in
the jeanswear market.

- The urban customer segment accounts for nearly half and the remaining is divided equally between
rural and suburban areas. It can be seen that customers from urban areas have a higher interest and
awareness of the jeanswear market, but The suburban area is also a potential segment, accounting
for 1/3

- Looking at the user status, we can see that more than half of customers are regular users at 58.7%,
while potential users and first-time users, two groups of potential customers to increase brand
recognition, account for only 11.5 and 20.6%, respectively. Need to focus on exploiting these two
customer groups to expand customer segments.

b) Customer analysis
-Understanding our customers and potential customers is a key aspect of being able to effectively
market to them and build relationships with them. Careful customer analysis will provide us with the
tools to convert more customers and keep them from churning for longer periods. In this part, we'll
take a look at what customer analysis is

Age groups: between 17-60 years

A notable income: range of 10K-25K

Geographic locations: living in all areas.

Problem recognition: Because the style is outdated or worn, buyers choose to purchase jeans.

Customers research Information

Assessment of Information: A news article in Q1 suggests, it's been difficult for marketers to show

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

how their jeans are distinct from other brands. Thus we will promote the excellent quality and
environmental friendliness of our products.

Data from the market indicates that Intenal was previously featured in advertisements and in jeans
worn by celebrities. Web searches and magazines are examples of external media. 58% of people use
Facebook, while 23% use Twitter. Therefore, advertising on Facebook should be done.

-Our chosen strategy involves promoting our pricing as indicative of superior quality. When it comes
to post-purchase analysis, we have to be truthful in our marketing, interact with clients on the
Internet, and respond to their issues as soon as possible. The changing habits of consumers suggest
that they are becoming more involved in the process of buying pants and that they are taking longer
to make decisions. Furthermore, to maximize situational impact, online retailers' websites and in-
store displays have to be very consistent with the brand's existing image (Solomon et al., 2013).

c) Competitor analysis
- In the jeans market, our company is currently competing with 6 direct competitors, including
Jeanist, Black Beard, Iz. International, Jennie, Vanf, and Vang.

- The current market share is divided equally among all 7 companies at 14%, so there is still no
company dominating the market. However, in general, the jeans market is fiercely competitive with
the participation of many companies.

d) Company analysis

- The demand for a product exceeds the available supply, indicating high market demand. -

- The positive consumer response to both product categories is demonstrated by the fact that
demand for both men's and women's items is greater than previous levels. -

- Examining the reasons for unmet needs, including limitations in production or promotional tactics,
can provide opportunities for growth and enhancement. -

- Furthermore, tracking customer preferences and reviewing reviews will help you see opportunities
to expand your product range or modify your approach to better capitalize on strong demand


- With women's products accounting for the majority of sales at €120,000, the company's total sales
revenue was €190,000. However, selling costs amounted to €166,200, leaving a gross profit of

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

- The gross profit of men's products is negative, indicating that the industry is losing money.

- Operating expenses were €178,000, which far exceeded total income.

- This resulted in a significant operating loss of €154,200. The proposed corporation focuses on
marketing initiatives and technical innovations while allocating a large amount of operating expenses
to promotions, services, and technology.

- To save costs and increase profits, it is important to consider a company's cost structure, especially
in the manufacturing and garment industry.


- When it comes to distribution efficiency, men's clothing is sold better through the online store
channel, while women's clothing is sold more successfully through the luxury store channel.

- Furthermore, evaluating the effectiveness of other potential distribution channels and considering
adding them to our company's distribution plan can assist us in expanding our customer reach and
maximizing sales opportunities.

2. Mission statement
- Committed to sustainable innovation and brand recognition that celebrates the “unique” values ??
of individuals

3. Key Performance Indicators

Operating profit

Market share men

Brand image women

4. Segmentation & Targeting


Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

This is your target market based on your segmentation choices: Male aged between 17 - 60 years;
earning between €10.000 and €25.000, single, in a relationship or married, living in all areas. This
target market's psychographic profile is innovator.

The target market perceives the main benefit as derived from purchase as quality and they are
follower with regard to fashion.

The target market is non-user, ex-user, potential user, first time user or regular user, their loyalty
status is hard-core, split, shifting or switcher and they are heavy users.

Measurability: 15.246 persons

Substantiability: € 86.677 potential turnover

Differentiability: 50%

Accessibility: 12.197 persons

Actionability: 100%


<div class='segmentationresultstext'>This is your target market based on your segmentation choices:

Female aged between 17 - 60 years; earning up to €10.000 year, single, in a relationship or married,
living in all areas. This target market's psychographic profile is achiever/striver.

The target market perceives the main benefit as derived from purchase as value and they are
follower with regard to fashion.

The target market is non-user, ex-user, potential user, first time user or regular user, their loyalty
status is hard-core, split, shifting or switcher and they are heavy users.


Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

Measurability: 38962 persons

Substantiability: 91957 potential turnover (€)

Differentiability: 50%

Accessibility: 31170 persons

Actionability: 100%

5. Brand positioning
Men: High Price / High Quality
Women: Medium Price / Medium Quality

6. Brand Profile
Men: - Made for Adventure, Worn with Style

Women: -Empower Your Style, Embrace Your Confidence: TN Jeans - Where Women Shine

7. Product development
Men: Medium level of innovation
Women: Medium level of innovation

8. Price

a) Price objective
Men: -
Women: -

b) Pricing method
Men: -
Women: -

c) Determine demand
Men: -
Women: -

d) Estimating costs
Men: -
Women: -

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

e) Analysing competitors prices

Men: -
Women: -

f) Selling price
Men: 180€
Women: 100€

9. Promotion

a) Communication objective
Men: -
Women: -

b) Promotion budget
Men: -
Women: -

c) Decide offline and online spend

Men: -
Women: -

10. Place

a) Distribution strategy

b) Logistics management decisions


11. People & Process

a) Service process design

Men: -
Women: -

b) Website service process design

Men: -
Women: -

c) employee promise

12. Physical environment

a) Sound

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

b) Smell

c) Sight

d) Touch

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

13. Appendices

I. Market information

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

II. Explain and justify your decisions

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

a) Q1
- 'Operating profit' was chosen as the primary performance indicator to assess the company's
financial status and profitability. It demonstrates how well a corporation controls its operational
costs and earns money from its main business operations. Tracking operational profitability is critical
for determining the long-term viability and performance of your organization. To assess how much
female customers are aware of and recall the brand, "female brand awareness" has been chosen as a
key performance indicator. By analyzing these indicators, you can determine whether your marketing
activities are successful in raising brand knowledge and visibility among the target female
demographic and how your brand appeals to them.

-To determine how well female customers recognize and recall the brand, we have chosen "Brand
awareness women" as our key performance indicator. This indicator is critical for determining how
effectively the brand resonates with its target female audience, as well as if marketing activities are
effective in raising brand exposure and awareness.

-"Brand loyalty women" represents the level of customer happiness and loyalty among our female
consumers, making it a crucial KPI. It represents the company's strength with its female client base,
demonstrating their happiness and their likelihood to continue choosing the brand. Women are
particularly devoted to brands, which can result in steady revenue growth and client retention.

b) Q2
- Operating profit: In Q1, we could not make a profit from business activities and still had quite a lot
of losses, so we focused on improving operating profits for the company in the following Qs.

- Market share men: In Q2, we want to focus more on men because we realize that men are potential
customers in the jeans market.

- Brand loyalty men: To be able to occupy a high market share in men's jeanswear products, we need
to build male customers' loyalty to our company.

c) Q3

d) Q4

e) Q5

f) Q6

Marketing plan MyMarketingExperience

g) Q7

h) Q8


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