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Article 16:

- Context:
- Result: Writing apprehension and writing attitude are supposed to be negatively
correlated but although WAQ was devised to test attitude, it has subscales that
measure apprehension, too. That is why the result regarding the relationship
between writing apprehension and attitude towards writing is surprising.
- Limitation: The implication is that EFL practitioners should investigate students’
beliefs about their writing capabilities, their attitudes towards writing, and their level of
apprehension about writing.

Article 17:

- Context: Thirty junior students majoring in English contributed thirty academic essays
as sample texts in the study, with a total number of 16,856 words.
- Result: his findings revealed four types of cohesive devices frequently used by Thai
undergraduate students including reiteration, reference, conjunction, and ellipsis. A
one-way ANOVA revealed significant differences number of cohesive devices used in
the students’ writing. In addition, students’ writing scores positively correlated with
the total number of words used in the writing task, the total number of cohesive
devices used, and the number of references.
- Limitation: From this study, it is suggested that writing teachers need to provide Thai
EFL students with a variety of cohesive tools that could enhance their written
production. Moreover, teachers may recommend students study how native speakers
or competent writers progress their texts while staying focused on the central idea
through the use of different cohesive devices. With the writing model and through a
series of practices, student writers may eventually produce more effective production
through an understanding of cohesive devices in making their texts coherent and

Article 12:

- Context: This study focused on the surface structure features of interlanguage texts
written by Chinese speakers learning academic English
- Result: The researchers discovered that Chinese writers tended to give more
importance to logical connectors of addition compared to native English speakers.
the authors observed that subjects often struggled to effectively use themes to
maintain the given new information structure, resulting in an overproduction of
marked themes. This tendency could lead to texts that are overly emphatic or
- Limitation: There was limited evidence of the use of topic-fronting devices, which the
authors attribute to the influence of the first language during the interlanguage stage.


Context: The researchers examined the differences between local, global, and text-cohesive
devices in L2 writing.

Kết quả: The results showed that the cohesive cues that demonstrated growth were different
from the features that predicted proficiency ratings, which has implications for language
testing and teaching. From a testing perspective, cohesion devices can be used to develop
automatic essay-scoring systems. From a teaching perspective, understanding the elements
that show growth over time can help teachers target specific areas of cohesion development
for instruction and intervention.

Thiếu sót: including a small sample size, a restricted range of proficiency levels, and a focus
solely on cohesion without considering other linguistic elements such as lexicon and syntax.

Article 18:

- Context: An experiment that mainly focuses on writing ability was conducted on

40 advanced-level students at Irana English Institute to obtain data related to
students’ writing performance as well as the effectiveness of Edmodo.

- Result: The effectiveness of Edmodo, the educational website, was proven by

observing the experimental group's performance where the participants were
given access to the online tool. They outperformed the other group of those who
only attended the paper-based class. Consequently, technologies are said to be
the tool that will open up new opportunities for learners worldwide.

- Limitation:

Article 19:

- Context: The study aims to investigate the flaws that learners make while using
conjunctions in their essays.

- Result: After obtaining data from corpus-based studies, it can be concluded that
due to learners' first language interference, poor mechanical exercises, and
inaccurate lists of connectors in textbooks, English conjunctions are misused
which ultimately leads to incomprehensible writing.

Article 3:

- Context: This study investigated the effect of identifying cohesive devices in

writing passages on Iranian intermediate EFL learners' academic writing

- Result: The researchers revealed that after instruction, Iranian students are
capable of performing various aspects of cohesion although there are still flaws.
Additionally, some essays that had fewer cohesive ties were still coherent and
well-written. Some suggestions correlated to the concept of cohesion and its
influence on reading and writing are proposed as there are major contrasts
among the study results in this area.

- Limitation: Further research in this field needs to be conducted in a broader

scope. Furthermore, the research’s findings are not sufficient for generalizing the
results and having a clear conclusion.

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