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Reg.No: L1F23BSCS0540


Once there was a time when there were a lot of monsters living with the humans. But the
more interesting thing is that the monsters were itself the creation of humans. The first
monster was created by a man named Retsel . These monsters had become the part of the
community that the had completely indulged in their lives, a person who gets out of his
house it is sure then he will face the monster. These monstes are not as harsh as they are
named, they were created for the benefit of all, but the one who does’nt obey them faces
the effects of it. The people who try to escape them and move away from them are more
likely to face because they are present everywhere outside. The life here is so fast that
people have no time for anything extra and as a result they donot obey the monsters and
hence face the consequences. Sometimes they end up with the mental illness, damage to
the bodies or even with their lives. People are so much used to it that they have them at
their homes too. Rich people have more at their house then the poor ones. These
Monsters often acquire curving and frightening shapes, designed to strike fear into the
hearts of onlookers. Their outlines convey a sense of power and purpose. Classic
monsters are often depicted with glowing or fiery eyes, creating a scary and threatening
aura. The eyes of monsters play a crucial role in defining their visual impact. They are
characterized by their vocalizations—roars, howls, or other unearthly sounds that
announce their presence. The audible aspect adds to the overall fear factor that announce
their presence. Also the monsters often have tough, scaly, or textured exteriors that serve
as a natural defense mechanism. The texture and coloration of a monster's "skin"
contribute to its identity. Monsters, too, are often associated with swift and powerful
movements. Whether it's the graceful motion of a creature in flight or the quick, decisive
steps of a land-dwelling monster, their agility is a defining characteristic. Rich people
take care of their monsters like their own child, even they have special baby-sitters for the
care of it. They give them special care, feed them regularly, take care of them like they
are the part of the family. If something happens to their monsters, by mistake or by will
they become furious because they spend millions to get them. These monsters have
become part of the society so much that poor people wish to get it and the rich wants to
have a better version of it. These monsters donot live on their on will, they have the
lifespan given to them, for example the more expensive the monster is, the more life he
will get. Like the living creatures drink water and eat food, these monsters also drirnk
blood of dead bodies of million years before. These creatures usually have alife span of
almost more a two decades, but if handled nicely, they can live forever till the day we
take care of it by heaert. These monnsters are just dream to look for, they have so much
to say an hope the same. These monsters usually get so much time that we spend mostly
time with them., but mostly users just run from them. So, the monsters hae become the
part of the society so much that people can’t move on without them.

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