3 Groups of Verbs

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3 groups of verbs:

1) group I er verbs
2) group II ir verbs
3) group III re verbs and irregular verbs.
Some common er verbs:
1) Aimer - Love/like
2) Changer - to change
3) Habiter - to live
4) Jouer - to play
5) Manger - to eat
6) Dètester - to hate/ dislike
7) Adorer - to adore
8) Parler - to speak
9) Regarder - to look at
Note: How to conjugate:
To conjugate these verbs, drop the er from the
infinitive to form the stem.
The endings for er ending verbs:
e, es, e, ons, ent are forming the present tense.
The endings (e, es, e and ent are all silent.)
Parler ( To speak)
Je parle/ I speak
Tu parles/ you speak
Il/Elle parle/ he/she speaks
Nous parlons/We speak
Vous parlez/You speak
Ils/Elles parlent/They speak
J’aime (i like)
Tu aimes( you like)
Il/Elle aime (he/ she likes)
Nous aimons (we like)
Vous aimez (you like)
Ils/Elles aiment (they like)

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