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estions TS gcribe the difference between es jain the importance of dev and de 4 Explain ; loping ‘ ‘vel 5 analyse a tae Harrods ences ployees. : OW train: Tes j ; srosression at Harrods, Taining ang devejgn its an ; ‘ ent Ie ) qeaning 8 pie gellls NCES a GUin tk oa “yr Stour s | oO SPeabhie ferox re iS 8, set Song oo fo car aa our thaty eo) Eppley ee develop m ent ty cruu'ed fot Several Secon. ‘Oe 'm prov & employee peahormonce and produddviny ie ss ro better puyfness outcomes Use an example from the case study to explain the purpose of market research 3. Analyse why market research should be viewed as an ongoing process. 4. Bvaluate how market research, if undertaken properly, adds value to the decisions made by a large company. Why does it help to reduce risk? °) Polar markeh .vekearcdh Mvolv cg colledsing new dete atrechy brom pre somce, Such ob contumers , Fasoudia methoos 1/ke | surveys , trraviews , or observe orn . Te Provielt speatpre and Up- lp- clare cn pormah tallored “Wo the wm pony needa. Secondary Mamer xerearch , on the Othu hod, invelyy garheitng extsring datu prom goucer Ike govenmet xepotts Treliik bay Pu Me No wy | or commenced nedsearch® veporls He ofpec Bebvody ovuvies of fh mawer bur muy not be a speatfic os ea TU eos » te ‘ . ; go} An exampi¢ from Ww cde Jinoly Mus torah flt Purpose of moveer veseareh Me purpode Of marker esearch T Tpls use O} check=our SuTveH S/o by oes data on @ unlomu demographics punehoai'ng hobiis , ancl trae ANstan ces sy sory, Td tan bulls terut) 2o/ consume propia, , clefine cabchment aneod , 7, OB 2HS401 HSS,ITNU- ee Be op por Fun h'a- 1, anc taur'by new Informauron nelps mowkehvig gre gbraregn a oie i; and fyproving COM pebly ap pallor YE (preeUte ieee 4 tore (0cabons Ly berte, mth th neeclf Yess and props rabiity 6.) rorket Rkearh should be viewed a an going prevess beoauye maykels ont eunaniie ond pony coo + Comumu pre}, uence evolve, COMpeh' toy | Crtveluce new produ ds Cea 1 ORD thbO ry pocle% [ee economic, eondi/hong of hechnol odteas ad vancemink: Tm por The, bud inks environ ment, conHrwovs maviel research allows com pani’ ke Tp ed abreast of Hue chenace > Put Seta Prendy and oppovtunth'a oe adopt this sree Serna Yo hem win compen ¢ th the ymomet : 4) Property urdnrtleen an ‘ foyna Aeeigtony mode b Petit gS Pl ea Teearch cudch vo Th proviay Tra en. eae ae cory 10 develop», % ) enab\ P Prodi, Meer tony Sand — -Tt welps oe Mameer 4 asseas pre pokenNal vrckg ag ar fherenk bus lneng aea's PPOTHUM Hes ano Sotlaney wl hy ' "OVS , suth ay & peircl i'te \ Mes vuttus Maes av Inhyody op nin nin Why | ae bs redLiui"ng te Jevel of up cxesheal iat wnol bP naneiol wet | ra undluartancli! ng Mae momeeh landscape and cons Wnt ree pmanueh vedeasy «nabtey Ba ssrapey Ve anne(pare charges anal —“ wrepond vo em , eh man Teadyg Pass vey We morwkeh Shi} iss. BMS RIOR) Ct ie. a ma pyaall » tnjovmed , evidente > bere ed tike TD nak one more pee ng en arely conmyrbal *y rh and prajr tality: onl vw ‘ eu for costly mg poder, 13, powe Iwely bo reule aeorsco _pesyan eer ae aminiynt avg, aa Seen SworT Anoly''t ; cael khs Brand Re sone ‘non & vep ukahton . Exverstve wero vk Divevsi bie anon Yrnovgh acquist'}yon | © Ebpechve we of rranees- Teeayeh . Op porttunt hey ¢ Fuytna Taternan snay EXPO ey, . Expansion tye nen PTC Lo Caregoriey eo Po renb! ay mn eo wommuce , Weak Nere oRelvame on the, mera Cesky t'yny . the PTEA en 10 ty Je Puphrory reflony | ComPeth'on from hey, Maver thr eak < * Economic un cea rein ons) prcittalnts a ° dnvers (ig compeh's, SOM estabi'thed rekulhy ° Ex rey nal batts such Questions | 1. Describe the four elements of a PEST analysis. 2. Give four examples of other external factors not featured in the case study. 3. Analyse how social influences have changed the attitudes and approaches of employers towards employees. 4. Evaluate how the external environment influences the decisions that businesses make. D) Four elemenh of PEST Brolusrs :- 4.) Poltdiced packoxs: These Mnelurde fovea mene polva'es , Tegulolvons » and polfh'cet stabsiths tho can Smpucr purines opaation | 2) Economic judo + This involves puclu 7 Such vs In| lehTon yarn ,ewnomic qoulh , ony ee. rare , and Dee Eo eee vores , Those favors. affect consum spending patterns pusinds Mvugtment, and evuall mereer derrcenc’ ) Sool packers = soulal Jarwoys encomponrt <4 autuicd brends , clemoqraplrics , Npatyre ties ord soctera{ elttPuces . Fox fhe, shi} WH damog-rap lich oF culhutal velug can fn fuumce COMe enn, Paes and Pe behaved ferns \oy-'cal pocrors: The factors petwu'n to odvoncemens fn Peerage , wesearch cundl ev elop nant , ciittamot“on and nviovelr’on . Cheurgecs tn roshrolotyy coin cLiSwippr Prcluytr'an , cv eet new morte . 81 OB 2HS401 HSS,ITNU 2) This Prdly Map vdld 1h % de A Fenviron manish | padres; and epis! 2 ane f a : change , molrus sig ia neod “ pe 1 virome ee B ly with en " fo wmp Roane hea a Mvolue tawy lo ua legal joclors n) Legeat pace ak afjeat buatneds ey 1 Sa ms ore thy 7 a ee NUN pwWbeds'og 1, oo em plo ymunt 1aLUs 1 CO ‘ Ona Mauae ny ~spect'f ic rege tath'o ru, i} ni) compenh've acto. compehihyn brn otny jive Mm the a coun inhluneg a bwinws ‘5 maker share pra enemies, can Pmpaur bug Bred MO obut juctor - Glo boM? ech'sy bracts 9 Cement yond geopol) Con Of heer buainers oy operating iy mulh'v¢ tes Fader pg ATO ex change pol rica thd boiling on LUN! nan bray ‘heal euty OB 2HS401 HSsitNu eA a | fem ploy AS BE Now more. 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