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Affixation Type : Derivational
•Bound morphemes : "ity"
Free morphemes : no free morphemes in the word ability but the root morphemes is "able"
Prefix : No prefix
suffix : "ity"
Function of bound morphemes : "ity" changes the adjective "able" to a noun,indicating a state or

•Affixation Type : Inflectional
•Bound morphemes : "ing"
•Free morphemes: Feel
•Prefix : No prefix
•Suffix : "ing"
Function of bound morphemes : "S" is a suffix that indicates the plural form of the noun "feeling”

3. Yourself
•Affixation Type : Derivational
Bound morphemes : "Self"
Free morphemes : Your
•Prefix : No prefix
Suffix: self
•Function of bound morphemes : The addition of "self" forms a reflexive pronoun,indicating that
the action reflects back to the subject or serves to emphasize the subject(e.g Take care of

4. Cognitive
•Affixation Type : Derivational
•Bound morphemes : "ive" •Free morphemes : Cognit
•Prefix : No prefix
•Suffix : "ive"
Function of bound morphemes : the suffix "ive" helps form an adjective that conveys a specific
quality or characteristics.

5. Scenarios
•Affixation Type : Derivational morphemes
•Bound morphemes : "S”
Free morphemes : Scenario
Prefix : No prefix
•Suffix : "S"
Function of bound morphemes : The addition of the bound morpheme "s" to
scenario indicates pluralization.

6. Connection
•Affixation Type : Derivational
Bound morphemes : "Con", "ion"
Free morphemes: Nect
•Prefix : "con"
•Suffix : "Ion"
Function of bound morphemes: "Con" gives a sense of unity or bringing things together,while
the suffix "ion" transforms a verb into a noun,indicating the action or state of connection.

7. Badly
•Affixation Type : Derivational
Bound morphemes : "Iy"
Free morphemes : Bad
Prefix : No prefix
Suffix : "Iy"
Function of bound morphemes : The "Iy" turns the adjective "bad”

8. Unintentionally
•Affixation Type : Derivational
•Bound morphemes : "un",
Free morphemes : There is no free morphemes
•Prefix :
•Suffix : "al
Function of bound morphemes : the prefixes "un" and "in" shapes the sense of intention and its
The suffix "al" helps to turn a noun into adjective
The suffix "Iy" transforms the adjective into an adverb to describe how something is done.

9. Powerful
•Affixation Type : Derivational
•Bound morphemes : "full'
Free morphemes : Power
•Prefix : No prefix
•Suffix : "full'
•Function of bound morphemes : The addition of "full' to the base word "power" turns it from a
noun into an adjective, signifying that something is full or characterized by power.

10. benefits
Affixation Type : Inflectional
•Bound morphemes : "S"
Free morphemes : Benefit
Prefix : No prefix
Function of bound morphemes: the addition of "S" suffix to "benefit" indicates that the world is
plural.Suffix : "S

11. Relationships"
•Affixation Type: Derivational and
•Bound morphemes: "ship","s"
•Free morphemes : Relation
•Prefix: No prefix
•Suffix : "ship","s"(inflectional suffix)
Function of bound morphemes : with "ship" serving as the Derivational morphemes and "S"
serving as the
Inflectional morphemes. This combination creates a noun that refers to multiple states or
instances of being related or connected.

12. kindness
•Affixation Type: Derivational
•Bound morphemes: "ness"
Free morphemes : kind
•Prefix: No prefix
•Suffix: "ness"
•Function of bound morphemes : "ness" is a Derivational morpheme, creating a new word that
signifies the quality of being kind or considerate.

Affixation Type : Derivational
•Bound morphemes : "ist", "Ic"
•Free morphemes: individual
•Prefix: No prefix
Suffix: "ist" "ic"
•Function of bound morphemes : "ist" turns individual into
"individualist",indicating a person who advocates for or practices individualism

14. Psychological
Affixation Type : Derivational
Bound morphemes : psych
•Free morphemes : Logic
•Prefix : "Psycho"
•Suffix : "Al"
Function of bound morphemes : "psycho" and "al" play Derivational roles,forming an adjective
from a noun or a root word.
15. suffering
Affixation Type : Inflectional
•Bound morphemes : "ing"
•Free morphemes : Suffer
Prefix : No prefix
Suffix : "Ing"
•Function of bound morphemes : the "ing" serves as Inflectional Function by converting the verb
"suffer" into it's present participle form,indicating an ongoing action or state.

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