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The impact of Climate change on soil biodiversity

WHY: do soil microbes matter?

BECAUSE: Crops would not grow, and

environmental pollutants would increase
Microbes are central to all life on Earth, Microbes in soil ecosystems
exhibiting huge diversity in form and • by making nutrients available are intimately
function. One teaspoon of topsoil contains associated with plant growth and productivity
around one billion individual microscopic • are the engine for cycling major nutrients
cells and around 10,000 different species. such as nitrogen and potassium and
phosphorus between organic matter,
These organisms perform many functions minerals and the environment
and are central to crop fertility, recycling • are the start of food webs supporting
nutrients, detoxifying pollutants, invertebrates and higher life forms
regulating carbon storage and controlling • regulate soil-borne diseases of plants and animals
the production and absorption of • provide balance to soil composition by adapting
greenhouse gases such as methane and and purifying the chemical components and by
detoxifying what would become pollutants
nitrous oxides.
Soil microbial populations determine key Microbes and climate change
• Bacteria and fungi recycle carbon in soils from
soil functions, thereby directly affecting living and dead plants
the value of land. • Whilst plants are good CO2 absorbers, it is the
activity by soil microbes that determines whether
Future climate scenarios may affect
the carbon is stored underground or released
microbial populations in soil with many back into the atmosphere
potential consequences, including loss • Different types of microbes produce and
of soil carbon; changes in soil-borne consume major greenhouse gases
greenhouse gas levels; and alterations to • More than three times as much carbon is stored
the important plant-soil feedbacks giving in soil than in the atmosphere
• Temperature rises are predicted to increase
rise to soil fertility.
bacterial respiration, leading to release of CO2
and methane into the atmosphere
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Microbial work at CEH
Despite the crucial role of microbes in ecosystem The microbial work is part of a much larger
functioning and sustainable food production very research work on soils at CEH. It undertakes:
little is known about their biodiversity, their exact • Monitoring across Britain to observe how soils
functional roles and the interactions with other are changing and understand why
ecosystem components or even about the drivers
• Experimentation relating soil biodiversity to
that alter their population levels. CEH was the
function and measuring the services they deliver
first to devise and implement a ‘state of the art’
DNA-based monitoring method to assess the • Modelling to predict how soils may change in
distribution of microbial populations at UK-wide the future and explore options for managing
scale in order to understand basic concepts about the soil
the environmental factors determining microbial • Risk assessment and remediation strategies
populations and their functions. Through this to solve complex environmental problems
work the UK now has the world’s first ‘next
generation’ DNA-based monitoring network Future Impacts
for bacteria. This work addresses fundamental
concepts in microbial ecology and provides the The work of understanding microbial distribution
basis for future monitoring networks aimed at at a national level is still an embryonic area of
understanding and predicting the effects of climate science. Yet it has the potential to greatly improve
shifts and human influences. our understanding of how soil interactions affect
and above-ground ecosystems. This could lead to
Carried out as part of Countryside Survey, work significant impact for:
at CEH has resulted in the first soil microbial
• Food security: could soil microbial solutions
map of the UK. The map shows that most
result in an increase food production?
soil bacteria belong to one of two lineages:
alphaproteobacterial, whose function associations • Water security: could microbial solutions
include nitrogen fixation; and acidobacterial, result in more effective water purification or
whose function in soil is still unknown. It has land remediation?
been suggested the ratio of these two groups • Climate change: understanding microbial
will be related to the nutrient status of the influence on soil carbon storage, other
soil. Measuring bacterial biodiversity is key to greenhouse gases and the balance of carbon in
understanding the effects on soil functions and relation to bioenergy crops
how that may be altered by shifts in composition.

Contact details
For more information please visit our website at and search for ‘soil biodiversity’
Or contact: Professor Bridget Emmett at

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