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Robotics is a separate entity in Artificial Intelligence that helps

study the creation of intelligent robots or machines. Robotics
combines electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and
computer science & engineering as they have mechanical
construction, electrical component and programmed with
programming language. Although, Robotics and Artificial
Intelligence both have different objectives and applications, but
most people treat robotics as a subset of Artificial Intelligence
(AI). Robot machines look very similar to humans, and also, they
can perform like humans, if enabled with AI.

In earlier days, robotic applications were very limited, but now

they have become smarter and more efficient by combining with
Artificial Intelligence. AI has played a crucial role in the
industrial sector by replacing humans in terms of productivity
and quality. In this article, 'Robotics and Artificial Intelligence,
we will discuss Robots & Artificial Intelligence and their various
applications, advantages, differences, etc. Let's start with the
definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robots.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is defined as the branch of Computer
Science & Engineering, which deals with creating intelligent
machines that perform like humans. Artificial Intelligence helps
to enable machines to sense, comprehend, act and learn human
like activities. There are mainly 4 types of Artificial
Intelligence: reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind,
and self-awareness.
What is a robot?
A robot is a machine that looks like a human, and is capable of
performing out of box actions and replicating certain human
movements automatically by means of commands given to it using
programming. Examples: Drug Compounding Robot, Automotive
Industry Robots, Order Picking Robots, Industrial Floor
Scrubbers and Sage Automation Gantry Robots, etc.
Robotics and Artificial intelligence:
Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of electronics and
communication, computer science and engineering. Robotics
involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots.
The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and
assist humans. Robotics integrates fields of mechanical
engineering, electrical engineering, information
engineering, mechatronics engineering, electronics, biomedical
engineering, computer engineering, control systems
engineering, software engineering, mathematics, etc.
The field of robotics develops machines that can automate tasks
and do various jobs that a human might not be able to do.
Robots can be used in many situations for many purposes, but
today many are used in dangerous environments (including
inspection of radioactive materials, bomb
detection and deactivation), manufacturing processes, or where
humans cannot survive (e.g., in space, underwater, in high heat,
and clean up and containment of hazardous materials and
radiation). Robots can take any form, but some are made to
resemble humans in appearance. This is claimed to help in the
acceptance of robots in certain replicative behaviors which are
usually performed by people. Such robots attempt to replicate
walking, lifting, speech, cognition, or any other tasks mainly
performed by a human. Many of today's robots are inspired by
nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics.
Created by:
 George C. Devol invented the first digitally operated and
programmable robot, called the Unimate, in 1954. The
Unimate was a hydraulic arm that was designed to
perform repetitive tasks in industrial settings. It was first
installed in a General Motors plant in 1961.
 Devol was inspired by the work of science fiction authors
such as Isaac Asimov and Karel Čapek, who wrote about
robots and artificial intelligence. He also believed that
robots could play an important role in improving
productivity and safety in industry.
 Devol's invention laid the foundation for the modern
robotics industry. Today, robots are used in a wide
variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare,
and logistics. They are also used in research and
exploration, and in the development of new technologies.
 Other important figures in the early history of robotics
 Joseph Engelberger: Engelberger was a businessman and
engineer who helped to commercialize Devol's invention.
He founded the company Unimation, which was the first
company to produce and sell industrial robots.
 Victor Scheinman: Scheinman was a scientist and
engineer who developed the first robot control system. He
also worked on the development of the Unimate.
 Charles Rosen: Rosen was a computer scientist who
developed the first mobile robot, called Shakey. Shakey
was able to navigate its environment and avoid obstacles.
Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines or
software, as opposed to the intelligence of humans or animals. It
is also the field of study in computer science that develops and
studies intelligent machines. "AI" may also refer to the machines
AI technology is widely used throughout industry, government
and science. Some high-profile applications are: advanced web
search engines (e.g., Google Search), recommendation
systems (used by YouTube, Amazon, and Netflix), understanding
human speech (such as Siri and Alexa), self-driving
cars (e.g., Waymo), generative or creative tools
(ChatGPT and AI art), and competing at the highest level
in strategic games (such as chess and Go).
Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in
1956. The field went through multiple cycles of
optimism followed by disappointment and loss of funding, but
after 2012, when deep learning surpassed all previous AI
techniques, there was a vast increase in funding and interest.
The various sub-fields of AI research are centered around
particular goals and the use of particular tools. The traditional
goals of AI research include reasoning, knowledge
representation, planning, learning, natural language
processing, perception, and support for robotics. General
intelligence (the ability to solve an arbitrary problem) is among
the field's long-term goals.To solve these problems, AI
researchers have adapted and integrated a wide range of
problem-solving techniques, including search and mathematical
optimization, formal logic, artificial neural networks, and
methods based on statistics, operations research,
and economics. AI also draws
upon psychology, linguistics, philosophy, neuroscience and
many other fields

There is no single person who created AI. It is the result of the

work of many people over many years. However, there are a few
key figures who are often credited with being the pioneers of AI:

 Alan Turing: Turing was a British mathematician and

computer scientist who is considered one of the founding
fathers of AI. In his 1950 paper, "Computing Machinery and
Intelligence," he proposed a test of machine intelligence that
is still used today, known as the Turing Test.
 John McCarthy: McCarthy coined the term "artificial
intelligence" in 1956 and was one of the organizers of the
Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial
Intelligence, which is considered to be the birth of AI as a
field of academic study.
 Marvin Minsky: Minsky was another pioneer of AI research.
He was a co-founder of the MIT Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory and made significant contributions to the field of
machine learning.

 Other important figures in the early history of AI include:

 Claude Shannon: Shannon was an American mathematician

and electrical engineer who is considered the father of
information theory. His work on information theory laid the
foundation for many of the algorithms and techniques used
in AI today.
 Herbert Simon: Simon was an American Nobel Prize-
winning economist and cognitive psychologist who made
significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence.
He is known for his work on problem-solving, decision-
making, and learning.
 Allen Newell: Newell was an American computer scientist
who is best known for his work on artificial intelligence and
cognitive psychology. He is best known for his work on the
General Problem Solver (GPS), one of the first successful AI

These are just a few of the many people who have contributed to
the development of AI over the years. AI is a complex and
rapidly evolving field, and it is impossible to give credit to
everyone who has played a role in its development. However, the
people listed above are all considered to be pioneers of AI, and
their work has had a profound impact on the field.

It is also important to note that AI is a collaborative effort.

Researchers from all over the world are working together to
develop new AI algorithms and techniques. As a result, it is
difficult to say who is the "creator" of AI. It is truly a global

Types of Robots:

 Industrial robots: These robots are used in manufacturing and

other industrial processes to perform repetitive tasks such as
welding, painting, and assembly. Industrial robots are typically
large and powerful, and they are often programmed to perform
specific tasks.
 Service robots: These robots are designed to assist people with
everyday tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, and providing
information. Service robots are typically smaller and more agile
than industrial robots, and they are often equipped with sensors
and artificial intelligence to help them navigate their
environment and interact with people.

Here are some specific examples of different types of robots:

 Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs): AMRs are robots that can

navigate their environment without a physical guide, such as a
track or wire. They are often used in warehouses and factories to
transport materials and perform other tasks.
 Automated guided vehicles (AGVs): AGVs are robots that follow
a physical guide, such as a track or wire. They are often used in
warehouses and factories to transport materials.
 Articulated robots: Articulated robots have multiple joints that
allow them to move in a wide range of directions. They are often
used in manufacturing to perform tasks such as welding and
 Collaborative robots (cobots): Cobots are robots that are
designed to work safely alongside humans. They are often used
in manufacturing to perform tasks that are difficult or dangerous
for humans to do.
 Humanoid robots: Humanoid robots are robots that are
designed to resemble humans in appearance and movement.
They are still under development, but they are being used for a
variety of research and development purposes.
AI is playing an increasingly important role in robotics. AI-
powered robots are more intelligent and adaptable than
traditional robots. They can learn from their experiences and
make decisions on their own. This makes them ideal for a wider
range of tasks, including tasks that are complex or

Here are some examples of how AI is being used in robotics:

 Self-driving cars: Self-driving cars use AI to perceive their

environment and make decisions about how to navigate safely.
 Industrial robots: AI is being used to develop industrial robots
that can perform more complex and adaptive tasks, such as
assembly and quality control.
 Service robots: AI is being used to develop service robots that
can better understand and interact with people. For example, AI-
powered customer service robots can provide more personalized
assistance and answer customer questions more accurately.

AI is still in its early stages of development, but it is already

having a major impact on the field of robotics. As AI continues
to develop, we can expect to see even more intelligent and
capable robots in the future.

Components of Robot
Several components construct a robot, these components are as
o Actuators: Actuators are the devices that are responsible for
moving and controlling a system or machine. It helps to
achieve physical movements by converting energy like
electrical, hydraulic and air, etc. Actuators can create linear
as well as rotary motion.
o Power Supply: It is an electrical device that supplies
electrical power to an electrical load. The primary function
of the power supply is to convert electrical current to power
the load.
o Electric Motors: These are the devices that convert electrical
energy into mechanical energy and are required for the
rotational motion of the machines.
o Pneumatic Air Muscles: Air Muscles are soft pneumatic
devices that are ideally best fitted for robotics. They can
contract and extend and operate by pressurized air filling a
pneumatic bladder. Whenever air is introduced, it can
contract up to 40%.
o Muscles wire: These are made up of nickel-titanium alloy
called Nitinol and are very thin in shape. It can also extend
and contract when a specific amount of heat and electric
current is supplied into it. Also, it can be formed and bent
into different shapes when it is in its martensitic form. They
can contract by 5% when electrical current passes through
o Piezo Motors and Ultrasonic Motors: Piezoelectric motors or
Piezo motors are the electrical devices that receive an
electric signal and apply a directional force to an opposing
ceramic plate. It helps a robot to move in the desired
direction. These are the best suited electrical motors for
industrial robots.
Sensor: They provide the ability like see, hear, touch and
movement like humans. Sensors are the devices or machines
which help to detect the events or changes in the environment and
send data to the computer processor. These devices are usually
equipped with other electronic devices. Similar to human organs,
the electrical sensor also plays a crucial role in Artificial
Intelligence & robotics. AI algorithms control robots by sensing
the environment, and it provides real-time information to
computer processors.
Applications of Robotics
 Robotics have different application areas. Some of the
important applications domains of robotics are as follows:
o Robotics in defence sectors: The defence sector is
undoubtedly the one of the main parts of any country.
Each country wants their defence system to be strong.
Robots help to approach inaccessible and dangerous
zone during war. DRDO has developed a robot
named Daksh to destroy life-threatening objects safely.
They help soldiers to remain safe and deployed by the
military in combat scenarios. Besides combat support,
robots are also deployed in anti-submarine operations,
fire support, battle damage management, strike missions,
and laying machines.
o Robotics in Medical sectors: Robots also help in various
medical fields such as laparoscopy, neurosurgery,
orthopaedic surgery, disinfecting rooms, dispensing
medication, and various other medical domains.
o Robotics in Industrial Sector: Robots are used in
various industrial manufacturing industries such as
cutting, welding, assembly, disassembly, pick and place
for printed circuit boards, packaging & labelling,
palletizing, product inspection & testing, colour coating,
drilling, polishing and handling the materials.
Moreover, Robotics technology increases productivity
and profitability and reduces human efforts, resulting
from lower physical strain and injury. The industrial
robot has some important advantages, which are as
o Accuracy
o Flexibility
o Reduced labour charge
o Low noise operation
o Fewer production damages
o Increased productivity rate.
o Robotics in Entertainment: Over the last decade, use of
robots is continuously getting increased in entertainment
areas. Robots are being employed in entertainment
sector, such as movies, animation, games and cartoons.
Robots are very helpful where repetitive actions are
required. A camera-wielding robot helps shoot a movie
scene as many times as needed without getting tired and
frustrated. A big-name Disney has launched hundreds of
robots for the film industry.
o Robots in the mining industry: Robotics is very helpful
for various mining applications such as robotic dozing,
excavation and haulage, robotic mapping & surveying,
robotic drilling and explosive handling, etc. A mining
robot can solely navigate flooded passages and use
cameras and other sensors to detect valuable minerals.
Further, robots also help in excavation to detect gases
and other materials and keep humans safe from harm
and injuries. The robot rock climbers are used for space
exploration, and underwater drones are used for ocean
 Manufacturing: Robots are used in manufacturing to
perform a wide variety of tasks, such as welding, painting,
assembly, and packaging. Robots can help to improve
efficiency and productivity, and they can also be used to
perform tasks that are dangerous or difficult for humans to
 Healthcare: Robots are used in healthcare to perform tasks
such as surgery, rehabilitation, and patient care. Robots can
help to improve the quality of care and reduce the workload
on healthcare workers.
 Logistics: Robots are used in logistics to perform tasks such
as picking and packing orders, transporting materials, and
loading and unloading trucks. Robots can help to improve
efficiency and reduce costs in the logistics industry.
 Retail: Robots are used in retail to perform tasks such as
customer service, inventory management, and shelf-
stocking. Robots can help to improve the customer
experience and reduce costs for retailers.
 Agriculture: Robots are used in agriculture to perform tasks
such as planting, harvesting, and weeding. Robots can help
to improve efficiency and reduce costs in the agricultural
 Construction: Robots are used in construction to perform
tasks such as bricklaying, welding, and painting. Robots can
help to improve safety and productivity in the construction
 Exploration: Robots are used in exploration to explore
hazardous or inaccessible environments, such as space,
underwater, and disaster zones. Robots can help to gather
data and perform tasks that would be too dangerous or
difficult for humans to do.
 Education: Robots are used in education to teach students
about STEM subjects and to develop their problem-solving
and critical thinking skills.

AI technology used in Robotics

Computer Vision
Robots can also see, and this is possible by one of the popular
Artificial Intelligence technologies named Computer
vision. Computer Vision plays a crucial role in all industries like
health, entertainment, medical, military, mining, etc.
Computer Vision is an important domain of Artificial Intelligence
that helps in extracting meaningful information from images,
videos and visual inputs and take action accordingly.
Natural Language Processing
NLP (Natural Languages Processing) can be used to give voice
commands to AI robots. It creates a strong human-robot
interaction. NLP is a specific area of Artificial Intelligence that
enables the communication between humans and robots. Through
the NLP technique, the robot can understand and reproduce
human language. Some robots are equipped with NLP so that we
can't differentiate between humans and robots.
Similarly, in the health care sector, robots powered by Natural
Language Processing may help physicians to observe the decease
details and automatically fill in EHR. Besides recognizing human
language, it can learn common uses, such as learn the accent,
and predict how humans speak.
Edge Computing
Edge computing in robots is defined as a service provider of
robot integration, testing, design and simulation. Edge computing
in robotics provides better data management, lower connectivity
cost, better security practices, more reliable and uninterrupted
Complex Event Process
Complex event processing (CEP) is a concept that helps us to
understand the processing of multiple events in real time. An
event is described as a Change of State, and one or more events
combine to define a Complex event. The complex event process is
most widely used term in various industries such as healthcare,
finance, security, marketing, etc. It is primarily used in credit
card fraud detection and also in stock marketing field.
For example, the deployment of an airbag in a car is a complex
event based on the data from multiple sensors in real-time. This
idea is used in Robotics, for example, Event-Processing in
Autonomous Robot Programming.
Transfer Learning and AI
This is the technique used to solve a problem with the help of
another problem that is already solved. In Transfer learning
technique, knowledge gained from solving one problem can be
implement to solve related problem. We can understand it with an
example such as the model used for identifying a circle shape can
also be used to identify a square shape.
Transfer learning reuses the pre-trained model for a related
problem, and only the last layer of the model is trained, which is
relatively less time consuming and cheaper. In robotics, transfer
learning can be used to train one machine with the help of other
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is a feedback-based learning method in
machine learning that enables an AI agent to learn and explore
the environment, perform actions and learn automatically from
experience or feedback for each action. Further, it is also having
feature of autonomously learn to behave optimally through hit-
and-trail action while interacting with the environment. It is
primarily used to develop the sequence of decisions and achieve
the goals in uncertain and potentially complex environment. In
robotics, robots explore the environment and learn about it
through hit and trial. For each action, he gets rewarded (positive
or negative). Reinforcement learning provides Robotics with a
framework to design and simulate sophisticated and hard-to-
engineer behaviours.
Affective computing
Affective computing is a field of study that deals with developing
systems that can identify, interpret, process, and simulate human
emotions. Affective computing aims to endow robots with
emotional intelligence to hope that robots can be endowed with
human-like capabilities of observation, interpretation, and
emotion expression.
Mixed Reality
Mixed Reality is also an emerging domain. It is mainly used in the
field of programming by demonstration (PbD). PbD creates a
prototyping mechanism for algorithms using a combination of
physical and virtual objects.

Examples of Robots:

Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by the Hong Kong-

based company Hanson Robotics.[1] Sophia was activated on
February 14, 2016,[2] and made its first public appearance in
mid-March 2016 at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas,
United States.[3] Sophia is marketed as a "social robot" that can
mimic social behavior and induce feelings of love in humans.[1][4]
Sophia has been covered by media around the globe, and has
participated in many high-profile interviews. In October 2017,
Sophia was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship, becoming the
first robot to receive legal personhood in any country.[5] In
November 2017, Sophia was named the United Nations
Development Programme's first Innovation Champion, and is the
first non-human to be given a United Nations title.[6]
According to founder David Hanson, Sophia's source code is
about 70% open source.[7] A paper describing of one of Sophia's
open-source subsystems, called "Open Arms", was submitted to
36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
(NeurIPS 2022).
Sophia's intelligence software is designed by Hanson
Robotics. According to founder David Hanson, Sophia's source
code is about 70% open source. A computer vision algorithm
processes input from cameras within Sophia's eyes, giving Sophia
visual information on its surroundings. It can follow faces,
sustain eye contact, and recognize individuals. It can process
speech and have conversations using a natural language

Nadine is a next-generation humanoid robot that is a successor

from Eva,[23] a humanoid robot head manufactured by Hanson
Robotics in 2008. Eva's software platform was developed at
MIRALab,[24] University of Geneva. Eva's head shows very
realistic moods and emotions[25] and short term memory.[26]
Eva has also performed in a play in the Roten Fabrik Theatre
at Zurich.[28]
Nadine has been created in 2013 by Kokoro, Japan and has been
modelled after Professor Nadia Magnenat Thalmann. Nadine
has a head and full body with a natural appearance. Nadine
software platform which has been developed at the Institute for
Media Innovation in Singapore's Nanyang Technological
University is able to show emotions, speak naturally, understand
some gestures, and remember and retrieve facts during dialogue
sessions. Nadine also interacts with arm movements
Nadine is a gynoid humanoid social robot that is modelled
on Professor Nadia Magnenat Thalmann.[1] The robot has a
strong human-likeness with a natural-looking skin and hair and
realistic hands. Nadine is a socially intelligent robot which
returns a greeting, makes eye contact, and can remember all the
conversations had with it. It is able to answer questions
autonomously in several languages, simulate emotions both in
gestures and facially, depending on the content of the interaction
with the user. Nadine can recognise persons it has previously
seen, and engage in flowing conversation. Nadine has been
programmed with a "personality", in that its demeanour can
change according to what is said to it .Nadine has a total of
27 degrees of freedom for facial expressions and upper body
movements. With persons it has previously encountered, it
remembers facts and events related to each person. It can assist
people with special needs by reading stories, showing images,
put on Skype sessions, send emails, and communicate with other
members of the family. It can play the role of a receptionist in an
office or be dedicated to be a personal coach.
Nadine interacted with more than 100,000 visitors at the
ArtScience Museum in Singapore during the exhibition,
"HUMAN+: The Future of our Species", that was held from May
to October 2017. Nadine has worked as a customer service agent
in AIA Insurance Company in Singapore. This is the first time in
the world that a humanoid robot is used as a customer service
Geminoid DK:

Geminoid DK is a realistic android designed for research into

human-robot interaction. It's modeled after Danish professor
Henrik Scharfe, who remotely operates the android as his robotic
Henrik Schärfe (born 1968)[1] is a Danish
former professor at Aalborg University, where he directed the
Center for Computer-mediated Epistemology within
the Department of Communication and Psychology[2] at Aalborg
He has been known through the Hiroshi Ishiguro-inspired and
Kokoro-built robot Geminoid-DK, built to resemble himself. The
Geminoid-DK project landed him on the Time top 100 list of the
most influential people in 2012
Japanese animatronics firm Kokoro and Hiroshi Ishiguro, a
researcher at ATR and a professor at Osaka University, unveiled
the original Geminoid HI-1 in 2006. In 2010, Kokoro, Ishiguro,
and ATR introduced the Geminoid F. The Geminoid DK, third in
the series, was unveiled in 2011. The robot was commissioned in
2010 and completed in 2011. It was modeled after Henrik
Scharfe, a former professor at Aalborg University, in Denmark,
who used the robot to study human-robot interaction.
Other Examples:
Robotic Avatar:

Initially introduced by Toyota in 2017, the T-HR3 is a humanoid

robot that mimics the movements of its human operator—like a
real-world avatar.
“It is often said that a human shape is useful because the robot
can use the same tools and environment as a human, but one
more big reason is that humans find it to be easiest to control
robots in humanoid form,” explained T-HR3 development team
leader Tomohisa Moridaira.
Updated for the Tokyo Olympics, the T-HR3 now has improved
controls and a more natural walk. Looking forward, these
humanoids will ideally be able to perform surgeries while their
operators—human doctors—control them from another part of
the world. These humanoids will also allow caregivers to do
their work remotely, and for those in need of assistance to live a
more independent life.
Delivery Robot:
In January 2020, it was announced that Ford became the first
customer to incorporate Agility Robotics’ humanoid robot,
called Digit, into a factory setting.
This headless humanoid has nimble limbs which can pick up and
stack boxes weighing up to 40 pounds, and sensors that allow it
to navigate various obstacles such as stairs and varying terrains.
It can even balance on one foot—though it usually walks upright
— and can also fold itself for compact storage.
Ford envisions that Digit will be able to ride in a driverless car
and deliver packages to customers, automating the entire
delivery process.
Research Humanoid:

Mechanical engineers at the Iranian University of Tehran have

been working on Surena robots since 2010. Their latest model,
which debuted in December 2019, is called Surena IV—an adult-
sized humanoid that is reportedly capable of face and object
detection, speech recognition and generation, walking with a
speed of 0.7 kilometers per hour, and an ability to grip a variety
of shapes and objects. It has 43 degrees of freedom.
Engineers use Surena to research bipedal locomotion, and AI,
and to attract students to careers in engineering.
Digital Humanoids:

Digital human beings look and act like humans but are entirely
Take Samsung Technology and Advanced Research (STAR)
Labs’ NEON, for example. These AI-powered beings, each
unique in personality and appearance, are designed to show
emotions, learn from experiences, and have real conversations.
Each NEON is computer-generated and can be customized for a
different role, such as a virtual doctor or a yoga instructor.
Robotic Bartender:
Developed by Macco Robotics in Spain, Kime is a robot
designed to serve food and beverages. With its human-like head,
torso, and arms, this kiosk-based humanoid has been tested at
gas stations in Europe and in a Spanish brewery.
The humanoid features 14 to 20 degrees of freedom, has smart
sensors, and uses machine learning to improve its skills—some
of which include pouring and serving up to 300 glasses of beer
per hour.
Robotic Actor:

Founded by director Will Jackson in 2004, Engineered Arts is a

U.K.-based company that produces entertainment humanoids
through collaboration between artists, mechanical and computer
engineers, and animators.
Engineered Arts’ first humanoid—the well-known RoboThespian
—is a robotic actor that comes with a library of impressions,
greetings, songs, gestures, and movements staged through a
hidden system of tracks and dollies.
Several of these can be added together to become a robotic
theater—an integrated system of robots, movement tracks,
animation software, touchscreen control, lighting, sound, and
external device control.

Several countries have been working on humanoids for space

India’s Vyommitra, for example—a female humanoid robot—
was designed to launch on an uncrewed spaceflight in December
2020 (which has since been delayed). The robot is scheduled to
conduct microgravity experiments to help prepare for future
crewed missions.
Russia’s Fedor, or Final Experimental Demonstration Object
Research, was a remote-controlled humanoid that flew to the
International Space Station (ISS) in 2019, where it simulated
repairs during a spacewalk and later returned back to Earth.
NASA’s Johnson Space Center has also worked on several
humanoids, including Robonaut 2—which spent seven years
aboard the ISS—and Valkyrie—an advanced humanoid designed
to operate in harsh conditions such as the Moon or Mars.
Educational Robot:

SoftBank Robotics’ social humanoid, Pepper, was designed to be

a friendly, emotions-reading helper for jobs such as receptionist,
retail worker, or nanny.
Now, Pepper comes with an educational integrated development
environment (IDE) called Tethys, which was created to teach
students how to code. Using the software, students can program
the humanoid to move, talk, use gestures, and show on-screen
messages, all in real-time.
SoftBank Robotics hopes this initiative will inspire a future
generation of engineers and roboticists.

Collaborative Humanoids:
Most humanoids are intrinsically human collaborators.
Kawada Robotics’ NEXTAGE, for instance, is a humanoid
research platform for industrial collaborative robots, or cobots,
for Industry 4.0.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s ARMAR was developed to
perform maintenance tasks alongside human workers in
industrial settings.
UBtech Robotics’ Walker, on the other hand, is designed to
collaborate with humans in their homes. With seven degrees-of-
freedom manipulators, this humanoid was developed to perform
household tasks and smart home control.
Daria Merkusheva is a technology writer based in New York

Robot CEO – MIKA:

a drinks company in Poland has reportedly appointed an
AI robot as its 'experimental' CEO.
Dictador, best known for its rums, has appointed the robot to
oversee the company's growth into one-off collectables,
communication or even strategy planning, as per reports. The
robot goes by the name 'Mika'.

Dictador has just announced hiring the first world ever AI robot
as a CEO of a global company. The new CEO is a human-like
robot, incorporating AI. The robot is a woman, named Mika. She
will be the official face of Dictador, the world’s most forward-
looking luxury rum producer. This bold move consolidates the
company's position as one of the most advanced and thought-
leading organizations globally. It underlines the brand’s passion
for new technology and offers a positive disruption by bringing
the future to what can still be a very traditional world

Mika is a female, more advanced version of her sister prototype,

Sophia, ‘activated’ in 2015 in Hong Kong, by Hanson Robotics
Ltd. The first CEO female robot will be a board member,
responsible for Arthouse Spirits DAO project and
communication with the DAO community, on Dictador’s behalf.
A contract with the world’s first ever AI CEO robot was signed
on the 30th of August, launching her official career in Dictador
on September 1st, 2022
Advantages of Artificial Intelligence
1. Reduction in Human Error
One of the biggest benefits of Artificial Intelligence is that it can
significantly reduce errors and increase accuracy and precision.
The decisions taken by AI in every step is decided by information
previously gathered and a certain set of algorithms. When
programmed properly, these errors can be reduced to null.

2. Zero Risks
Another big benefit of AI is that humans can overcome many
risks by letting AI robots do them for us. Whether it be defusing a
bomb, going to space, exploring the deepest parts of oceans,
machines with metal bodies are resistant in nature and can
survive unfriendly atmospheres. Moreover, they can provide
accurate work with greater responsibility and not wear out

3. 24x7 Availability
There are many studies that show humans are productive only
about 3 to 4 hours in a day. Humans also need breaks and time
offs to balance their work life and personal life. But AI can work
endlessly without breaks. They think much faster than humans
and perform multiple tasks at a time with accurate results. They
can even handle tedious repetitive jobs easily with the help of AI

4. Digital Assistance
Some of the most technologically advanced companies engage
with users using digital assistants, which eliminates the need for
human personnel. Many websites utilize digital assistants to
deliver user-requested content. We can discuss our search with
them in conversation. Some chatbots are built in a way that
makes it difficult to tell whether we are conversing with a human
or a chatbot.

5. New Inventions
In practically every field, AI is the driving force behind
numerous innovations that will aid humans in resolving the
majority of challenging issues.For instance, recent advances
in AI-based technologies have allowed doctors to detect breast
cancer in a woman at an earlier stage.
6. Perform Repetitive Jobs
We will be doing a lot of repetitive tasks as part of our daily
work, such as checking documents for flaws and mailing thank-
you notes, among other things. We may use artificial intelligence
to efficiently automate these menial chores and even eliminate
"boring" tasks for people, allowing them to focus on being more

7. Daily Applications
Today, our everyday lives are entirely dependent on mobile
devices and the internet. We utilize a variety of apps, including
Google Maps, Alexa, Siri, Cortana on Windows, OK Google,
taking selfies, making calls, responding to emails, etc. With the
use of various AI-based techniques, we can also anticipate
today’s weather and the days ahead.

8. AI in Risky Situations
One of the main benefits of artificial intelligence is this. By
creating an AI robot that can perform perilous tasks on our
behalf, we can get beyond many of the dangerous restrictions
that humans face. It can be utilized effectively in any type of
natural or man-made calamity, whether it be going to Mars,
defusing a bomb, exploring the deepest regions of the oceans, or
mining for coal and oil.

9. Faster Decision-making
Faster decision-making is another benefit of AI. By automating
certain tasks and providing real-time insights, AI can help
organizations make faster and more informed decisions. This
can be particularly valuable in high-stakes environments, where
decisions must be made quickly and accurately to prevent costly
errors or save lives.
Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence:
1. High Costs
The ability to create a machine that can simulate human
intelligence is no small feat. It requires plenty of time and
resources and can cost a huge deal of money. AI also needs to
operate on the latest hardware and software to stay updated and
meet the latest requirements, thus making it quite costly.

2. No Creativity
A big disadvantage of AI is that it cannot learn to think outside
the box. AI is capable of learning over time with pre-fed data
and past experiences, but cannot be creative in its approach. A
classic example is the bot Quill who can write Forbes earning
reports. These reports only contain data and facts already
provided to the bot. Although it is impressive that a bot can write
an article on its own, it lacks the human touch present in other
Forbes articles.

3. Unemployment
One application of artificial intelligence is a robot, which is
displacing occupations and increasing unemployment (in a few
cases). Therefore, some claim that there is always a chance of
unemployment as a result of chatbots and robots replacing
For instance, robots are frequently utilized to replace human
resources in manufacturing businesses in some more
technologically advanced nations like Japan. This is not always
the case, though, as it creates additional opportunities for
humans to work while also replacing humans in order to
increase efficiency.

4. Make Humans Lazy

AI applications automate the majority of tedious and repetitive
tasks. Since we do not have to memorize things or solve puzzles
to get the job done, we tend to use our brains less and less. This
addiction to AI can cause problems to future generations.

5. No Ethics
Ethics and morality are important human features that can be
difficult to incorporate into an AI. The rapid progress of AI has
raised a number of concerns that one day, AI will grow
uncontrollably, and eventually wipe out humanity. This moment
is referred to as the AI singularity.

6. Emtionless
Since early childhood, we have been taught that neither
computers nor other machines have feelings. Humans function
as a team, and team management is essential for achieving
goals. However, there is no denying that robots are superior to
humans when functioning effectively, but it is also true that
human connections, which form the basis of teams, cannot be
replaced by computers
7. No Improvement
Humans cannot develop artificial intelligence because it is a
technology based on pre-loaded facts and experience. AI is
proficient at repeatedly carrying out the same task, but if we
want any adjustments or improvements, we must manually alter
the codes. AI cannot be accessed and utilized akin to human
intelligence, but it can store infinite data.
Machines can only complete tasks they have been developed or
programmed for; if they are asked to complete anything else,
they frequently fail or provide useless results, which can have
significant negative effects. Thus, we are unable to make
anything conventional.

Advantages Of Robotics:
 In many situations robots can increase productivity,
efficiency, quality and consistency of products:
 Unlike humans, robots don’t get bored
 Until they wear out, they can do the same thing again
and again
 They can be very accurate – to fractions of an inch (as
is needed for example in manufacturing of
 Robots can work in environments which are unsafe for
humans – in the nuclear or chemical industries for example
 Robots don’t have the same environmental requirements
that humans do – such as lighting, air conditioning or noise
 Robots have some sensors/actuators which are more
capable than humans

Disadvantages Of Robotics:
 The use of robots can create economic problems if they
replace human jobs
 Robots can only do what they are told to do – they can’t
 This means that safety procedures are needed to protect
humans and other robots
 Although robots can be superior to humans in some ways,
they are less dextrous than humans, they don’t have such
powerful brains, and cannot compete with a human’s ability
to understand what they can see.
 Often robots are very costly – in terms of the initial cost,
maintenance, the need for extra components and the need to
be programmed to do the task.
AI leads to transformative applications within a series of
industrial, intellectual, and social applications, far beyond those
caused by previous industrial revolutions. Furthermore, AI has
proven to be superior to human decision-making in certain
areas. AI is better than humans at finding and enacting the best
policies in certain areas concerning science, engineering, and
complex societal and macroeconomic issues. Artificial legal
intelligence has unsettled the legal services market, the legal
profession, and prevalent business models by replacing human
legal expertise. AI technology re-opens returning political
questions about power, freedom, democracy, and justice. AI can
be used to improve political decisions achieved in several ways,
fluctuating from computers aiding human decision-makers to
their replacing them.

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