Class - 10 DPP - 3 (VC Patel)

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SUB: PHYSICS CLASS – X Date: 15.04.2024
1. In the following circuits (Figure), heat produced in the resistor or combination of resistors connected to a 12 V
battery will be
(a) same in all the cases (b) minimum in case (i)
(c) maximum in case (ii) (d) maximum in case (iii)

2. What is the maximum resistance which can be made using five resistors each of 1/5 Ω?
(a) 1/5 Ω (b) 10 Ω (c) 5 Ω (d) 1 Ω
3. What is the minimum resistance which can be made using five resistors each of 1/5 Ω?
(a) 1/5 Ω (b) 1/25 Ω (c) 1/10 Ω (d) 25 Ω
4. Which of the following represents voltage?
(a) Work done /(Current × Time) (b) Work done × Charge
(c) (Work done × Time)/ Current (d) Work done × Charge × Time
5. If the current I through a resistor is increased by 100% (assume that temperature remains unchanged), the
increase in power dissipated will be
(a) 100 % (b) 200 % (c) 300 % (d) 400 %
6. The resistivity does not change if
(a) the material is changed (b) the temperature is changed
(c) the shape of the resistor is changed (d) both material and temperature are changed
7. In an electrical circuit three incandescent bulbs A, B and C of rating 40 W, 60 W and 100 W respectively are
connected in parallel to an electric source. Which of the following is likely to happen regarding their brightness?
(a) Brightness of all the bulbs will be the same (b) Brightness of bulb A will be the maximum
(c) Brightness of bulb B will be more than that of A (d) Brightness of bulb C will be less than that of B
8. In an electrical circuit two resistors of 2 Ω and 4 Ω respectively are connected in series to a 6 V battery. The
heat dissipated by the 4 Ω resistor in 5 s will be
(a) 5 J (b) 10 J (c) 20 J (d) 30 J
9. An electric kettle consumes 1 kW of electric power when operated at 220 V. A fuse wire of what rating must be
used for it?
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A (c) 4 A (d) 5 A
10. Two resistors of resistance 2 Ω and 4 Ω when connected to a battery will have
(a) same current flowing through them when connected in parallel
(b) same current flowing through them when connected in series
(c) same potential difference across them when connected in series
(d) different potential difference across them when connected in parallel
11. Unit of electric power may also be expressed as
(a) volt ampere (b) kilowatt hour (c) watt second (d) joule second

SUB: CHEMISTRY CLASS – X Date: 15.04.2024

1 When carbon dioxide gas is passed from lime water
(A) Calcium hydroxide is produced. (B) White precipitates of CaO are produced.
(C) Lime water turns milky. (D) The colour of lime water disappears
2 When dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with zinc metal, which of the following is needed for the identification of
excreted gas ?
(A) Lime water (B) Red litmus paper (C) Burning ribbon (D) pH paper

Narayan Vishwa 4th floor, Behind Bharat Petrol Pump, Nr. Bhaikaka Statue, Vidhyanagar Station Road, Vidhyanagar – 388120
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(M) 9054460449, 9054461449
3 Silver articles are kept in open for long time, due to formation of which substance it becomes black?
(A) H2 S (B) AgS (C) AgSO4 (D) Ag 2 S
4 Oil and fat containing food items kept for long time, due to which process it becomes stale ?
(A) Oxidation (B) Corrosion (C) Reduction (D) Hydrogenation
5 Produced due to burning / Combustion of Methane.
(A) CO2 (B) H2 O (C) CO2 and H2 O both (D) Neither CO2 nor H2 O

SUB: MATHS CLASS – X Date: 15.04.2024

Q1. Find the Zeroes of the following quadratic polynomials and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the
a) 5𝑥 2 − 29𝑥 + 20 b) 2√2𝑥 2 − 9𝑥 + 5√2 c) 3√3𝑥 2 − 19𝑥 + 10√3
2 2
d) 𝑥 − 𝑥 − 72 e) 𝑥 − 2 f) 𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 g) 𝑥 2 − 9

Q2. Form the Quadratic polynomials whose zeros are:-

1 1 1 1 1
a) 3 ± √2 b) −√2 and √2 c) and d) -5 and -3 e) 3 and f) ,
3 4 5 𝑎 𝑏

SUB: BIOLOGY CLASS – X Date: 15.04.2024

1. Virus is .....
A) Living B) Non living C) A connective link between non living and living D) Eukaryotes
2. Enlist different types of heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
3. Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from
A Water B chlorophyll C carbon dioxide D Glucose
4 What processes would you consider essential for maintaining life?
5 What do you mean by autotrophic mode of nutrition?

SUB: ENGLISH CLASS – X Date: 15.04.2024

❖ Underline the determiner in each sentence and state what type it is.
1. Vamika went swimming with her sister.
2. Those birds are flying in formation.
3. Can you pick a card and give it to me?
4. The stray cat I fed is now refusing to leave.
5. This book is very interesting to read.
❖ Fill in the blanks with the correct determines.
I have ____ problem. ____ shoes are not fitting me. I just bought them at ____ famous store you recommend
yesterday. Now I don't know who to give them to. Do you think they might fit ____ younger sister? They are
very similar in size to shoes we bought her last month.
❖ Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.
1. Maya____ tomorrow from Delhi. (Come)
2. I saw that the policemen ______ the thieves. (Chase)
3. The patient ____ before the doctor came. (Die)
4. I certainly _____ my colleagues if I had been there. (Help)
5. It was _____ since 9 o'clock. (Rain)
6. I was ____ food when he came in. (Cook)
7. The police ____ four thieves last night. (Catch)
8. The Hindus ______ their dead. (Cremate)
9. Delhi _____ on the bank of the Yamuna. (Stand)
10. NH-1 _____ to Amritsar. (Lead)

Narayan Vishwa 4th floor, Behind Bharat Petrol Pump, Nr. Bhaikaka Statue, Vidhyanagar Station Road, Vidhyanagar – 388120
Page # 2
(M) 9054460449, 9054461449

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