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VAJA 1. Vstavi Past Continuous!

a) Ben……………......................…………………………..(meet) his girlfriend at the disco.

b) Why is John taking his coat? - ............…………………………….(he/walk) in the rain?

c) Tim is positive his parents…………….............……………………..(not let) him go out.

d) George……………………..……..(study) art at college. His place has just been booked.

e) My flight…………………….............................……(be) at 6 p.m., so I am leaving now.

f) This time tomorrow Mary……………………..............................……..(jog) in our park.

g) The boys…………………....................………………………….(feed) my dog tonight.

h) …………………..the bank……………..............................……..(open) in the afternoon?

i) If I………………………….(not be) angry, I……………….......…………(not mind) it.

j) Listen to the crowd! They………….....................................………………….(go) crazy.

k) People…………………................................…………….(certainly/mind) your apology.

l) Don't interrupt the board! They………………...............…………(have) an appointment.

m) I have a feeling somebody…………………....................……………(lie) to me about it.

n) The man…………………………….............……………….(not meet) his wife in Brazil.

o) After school…………………………..(finish), students…….................……..(go) home.

p) Look at the stairs! They……....................................………………………(collapse) fast.

r) Mike…………………...................………..(go) to mexico next week. It's been arranged.

s) Sally………………………............……..(not be) here us tonight, so I can't call you then.

t) The perfomance…………………(not finish) at 6 p.m., it...............……….(end) at 5 p.m.

u) I have decided- I…….........................................……………………………(feed) the cat.

v) I'm positive Mary……………..…......……..……….……………..(call) me on the phone.

w) Michael……………………….……..………………..(have) a dentist next Friday at 8 p.m.

x) Nobody……………………………..…...…………..(have to) read the book by next Friday.

y) What time…………………..………(the film/finish)? It………..………..(finish) at 10 p.m.

z) Tonight at 6 o'clock the children…………......……..….………………….(lie) on the beach.

.) ………………………… Michael……...............…..…(meet) three of his friends at the pub?

.) Children guess your apology………….……..……......….…………..…..(not be) necessary.

.) I hear you've bought a new yacht.-.…………..…………...…….(You/take) it to the seaside?

.) Why……………………..(Mary/move) the piano? – She.………...………….…….(play) it.

.) The ladies usually…………………………………………......………..(read) books at night.

.) Have the men got any plans for next week?- They…………....….………(swim) in the lake.

.) Mrs. Taylor has decided – she……………………………...……(not make) lunch for you.

.) I think the news……………………………………………..……....(seem) shocking to her.

.) Tomorrow at 6 o'clock everybody………………………….……….....(write) letters to you.

.) As soon as the boys are here, Tom…………………………….……...………….(see) them.

.) ……………………the bus…………………………………….. (leave) the station at 6 p.m?

.) Look! The men…………………………………………………..…….………..(fly) a plane.

.) Michael is here. – Right. I……………………………………….......………..(go) with him.

.) His sister is in town. – What great news! I............................................................(talk) to her.

.) The performance………………………(not start) at 8 a.m, it…………..…..(start) at 6 p.m.

.) Mr. Brown………….………………...(play) golf at the golf course. Everything is arranged.

.) Michael……………………………….……………..………..(not mind) if Julia cries a lot.

.) The boys……………………………….…………………………………....(see) us tonight.

.) Mrs. Brown……………………………………….(not visit) her aunt from Australia soon.

.) What ……..(the ladies/do) with the ladder? – They……………..……………(climb) on it.

.) Nobody………………………………………………………..(steal) her bike by three days.

.) Mary……………………………………...……….(travel) by boat tomorrow at ten o’clock.

.) I see you have a new house.- I……………....…..……………………………….(live) in it.

.) The bus……………………………………….....…..(leave) the station at 6 p.m. tomorrow.

.) My friends……………..……………....…..(study) maths in Spain. They’ve just booked it.

.) Dr. Taylor…………………………………..…………(have) a meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m.

.) Next week at 10 o’clock everybody…………………………….(probably/swim) in the sea.

.) I’m not certain anybody………………………….…………(not return) home since 5 p.m

1. Vstavi Past Continuous!

a) I can see Jim has brought some things. –He…………………..…….(make) a new garage.

b) At 8 p.m. in the evening Tim…………………..................…………….(sleep) peacefully.

c) ………………… Tim……………....(meet) his sister at the airport this week at 6 o'clock?

d) Dr. Taylor is the top expert- - That's great! He……………………..(lead) all the activities!

e) My sister……………........…………………………………….....(study) French by winter.

f) Children…………………….……(not make) some pocket money by helping their parents.

g) Tim………………(study) with his brother when he…......……………………(be) home.

h) I hear you have bought a yacht. - …………...…………………………(you/travel) a lot?

i) Unless women……………………(not learn) it, they…………………........(look) angry.

j) This time tomorrow everybody………..……………………………(leave) for the beach.

k) The performance……………………….....…………………….(finish) at 6 p.m. tonight.

l) The team is great. – They………………….............……………………….(score)a goal.

m) Ladies brought some interesting things from the market.- Have they? I...…..(see) them.

n) That's perfect! –I……………………………………........….…(tell) my friends about it.

o) That is John's decision- he………………………………...............…..(learn) these facts.

p) Look! His counsin…………………………..................……...………(fall) off his horse.

r) The birds………………………………………………......…(not fly) off by the evening.

s) Where are my pills?-Don't worry, I………..........…....…….………..(get) them for you.

t) I'm sorry you can't come on Thursday- the children……………(come) to my house then.

u) The women think everybody…………………………….........………..(send) their mails.

v) I have a feeling the earthquake…………….................…………………..(hit) this town.

w) …………………. the boss……………….……..(have) a meeting? Don't interrupt him!

x) Tom……………………..............…….................………..………..(already/call) the vet.

y) Nobody……...............………………...…….(sit) here. The place is completely booked.

.) This time next Friday my friends…........................………………………………(play) golf.

.) I…………………...................................……………………..(write) a maths test tomorrow.

.) Everything is here. – Are they? I hope they………………................……………(enjoy) it.

.) Ben………………………………………............................(meet) his girlfriend at the disco.

.) Why is John taking his coat? - ……………..................……………….(he/walk) in the rain?

.) Tim is positive his parents……………………………..................……..(not let) him go out.

.) George…………………........………..(study) art at college. His place has just been booked.

. ) My flight……………………............................……(arrive) at 6 p.m., so I am leaving now.

.) This time tomorrow Mary……………………..............................……..(not jog) in our park.

.) …………………… the boys………………….....……………….(feed) my dog by tonight?

.) The bank……….................................................……………………..(open) in the afternoon.

.) If I………………………….(not be) angry, I…..............………………………(not mind) it.

.) Listen to the crowd! They……………………..........................................……….(go) crazy.

.) People………………………………........................................(already/mind) your apology.

.) Don't interrupt the board! They………..................………..…………(have) an appointment.

.) I have a feeling somebody…………………………..........................……(lie) to me about it.

.) The man…………………………......................……………..…….(meet) his wife in Brazil.

.) After school…………………………..(finish), students…….....................……..(go) home.

.) Look at the stairs! They……........................................………………………(collapse) fast.

.) …………………… Mike………...................(go) to mexico next week? It's been arranged.

.) Sally…………………............................……...(not see) us tonight, so I can't call you then.

.) The performance…………………(not finish) at 6 p.m., it……................….(end) at 5 p.m.

.) I have decided- I……………...........................................……………………(feed) the cat.

.) The boss………….…………….......................……..(have) a meeting. Don't interrupt him!

1. Past Simple ali Past Continuous?

2. Past Simple ali Past Continuous?

3. Past Simple ali Past Continuous?

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