RTP 3NPV-3 Assessment

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Ready-to-progress assessment

1. Fill in the missing numbers.

900 700 600 400 200

370 390 420 440

2. Estimate to fill in the missing numbers.

3. Estimate and mark the position of these numbers on the number line.
600 200 480 840 762 195

3/Unit 2/RTP 3NPV–3/ncetm.org.uk 2021

Ready-to-progress assessment

4. Fill in the missing numbers.

100 100 10 10
less more less more
 800   390 

100 100 10 10
less more less more
 100   800 

previous next
multiple multiple
of 100 of 100
 630 

previous next
multiple multiple
of 100 of 100
 347 

previous next
multiple multiple
of 10 of 10
 492 

previous next
multiple multiple
of 10 of 10
 347 

3/Unit 2/RTP 3NPV–3/ncetm.org.uk 2021

Ready-to-progress assessment

5. Look at lines A, B and C. Can you estimate how long they are by comparing them
to the 1,000cm lines?

A= B= C=

6. Estimate the mass, in grams, shown on this weighing scale.

3/Unit 2/RTP 3NPV–3/ncetm.org.uk 2021

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