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GMaP Gas Quality

Knowledge Share

January 2020
Version 1.0
GMaP gas
quality Contents page
Introduction and
overview >
01 Introduction and Overview 03
Gas quality
information >
02 Gas Quality Technical Information 07
Gas quality
regulations &
agreements >
03 Gas Quality Regulations & Agreements 12

Gas quality
Industry impacts >
04 Gas Quality Industry Impacts 18

05 The Future of Gas Quality 22

The future of
gas quality >
06 Supporting Information 25
information >

National Grid 2

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GMaP gas
quality Introducing the gas
knowledge quality knowledge share
Introduction The Gas Markets Plan (GMaP), is Gas quality isn’t just an important
and overview >
an output initiative from the Future topic today. It has a vital role to play
of Gas programme. It aims to in facilitating the introduction of low
Gas quality facilitate the energy transition, carbon gases and supporting the
technical whilst also continuing to drive energy transition for the future.
information >
consumer value in a collaborative
Gas quality and collegiate way over the 2 to We hope you find this guide concise
regulations &
agreements > 10-year time horizon. and easy to follow, we want this
information to be accessible for new
Gas quality A key benefit of the GMaP is that it customers wishing to enter the gas
Industry impacts > provides a platform to share market.
information on topics where the
industry have highlighted that If you have questions, or any
The future of additional clarity would be useful. thoughts on how we can improve
gas quality > this document please email us at:
In this first ‘knowledge share’ we
have looked at the topic of gas
information > quality. Gas quality and its
associated rules and regulations are
of paramount importance for the safe
delivery and consumption of gas in
homes and businesses across the
UK today.

National Grid 4
GMaP gas
quality Gas quality
knowledge Important now
Introduction Natural gas is a vital energy The composition of gas has a direct
and overview >
source that millions of people in influence on the amount of energy
the UK rely on everyday. supplied, used and billed on.
Gas quality
technical Natural gas is used to generate Gas requires stringent legislation
information >
electricity, powers our industry and and constant monitoring to ensure
Gas quality heats our homes and workplaces. safe supply and utilisation to protect
regulations &
agreements > end consumers.
The most common form of natural
Gas quality gas used in the UK is predominantly In 2018:
Industry impacts > made up of methane.

However, natural gas is not a uniform 22m

The future of entity. Different factors impact the gas customers in
gas quality > composition and the amount of the UK
energy each molecule releases.
information >
of households are
using gas for heat

National Grid 5
GMaP gas
quality Gas quality
knowledge Important in the future
Introduction The introduction of low carbon ▪ By maximising the amount of
and overview >
gases to the energy mix could help gas recoverable from UK
meet legally binding policy targets Continental Shelf (UKCS) it has
Gas quality in a cost effective manner. knock on UK wide economic
technical benefits.
information >
Facilitating this transition will need
Gas quality changes to legislation to remove ▪ By improving the
regulations &
agreements > restrictions on the types of gas that competitiveness of the UK gas
can enter the UK networks. market for global Liquid Natural
Gas quality Gas (LNG) due to reduced
Industry impacts > With the UK having an increasing processing costs.
dependence on imported gas
supplies, there is the potential that ▪ Facilitating the decarbonisation
The future of expanding the allowed composition of of gas networks to achieve net
gas quality > gas entering the network, could have zero.
positive impacts:
However, it is important to highlight
information > that widening the gas specifications
could be challenging for certain
large end users.

and bioSNG

National Grid 6
Gas Quality

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GMaP gas
quality What is natural gas and
knowledge where does it come from?
2020 Figure 1: Indicative gas composition
Introduction and In its most basic form natural gas There are two commonly used terms
overview >
is a colourless odourless related to the make up of natural Methane
compound made up from chemical gas. These are:
Gas quality substances with different Gas composition which is the
technical characteristics.
information > specific chemical make-up of the
gas mixture and
Gas quality The most common form of natural
regulations &
gas used in the UK is predominantly Gas quality which refers to the
agreements >
made up of methane. However it physical and chemical properties of
also contains a range of other the gas, when it changes states (i.e. Natural gas is
Gas quality
Industry impacts > compounds (see figure 1). when it releases energy). predominantly made up of
Natural gas arrives into UK from The two terms are directly related to
The future of many different sources, such as each other. The composition of a
gas quality > offshore gas fields in the North Sea, molecule of gas will have a direct
direct pipelines from countries such impact on the amount of energy it
as Norway, Belgium and the releases..
information > Netherlands, and globally from large
LNG tankers.
Ethane Others C02
Once the gas arrives onshore, the
National Transmission System (NTS)
and Distribution Networks (DNs) Nitrogen
transport it to the different end users
(power stations, industrial users,
National Grid businesses and homes) that use it. 8
GMaP gas
quality Important gas quality
knowledge terms
Introduction and There are a number of key Specific Gravity (SG) or Relative Wobbe Index / Wobbe Number
overview >
technical terms that are important Density
to understand when discussing The Wobbe index defines the amount of
Gas quality gas quality. Specific Gravity is a ratio of density heat/energy that an appliance will
technical of a gas compared to the density of output within a standard period. It is a
information >
The following slides, will give an air. measure of the interchangeability of
Gas quality overview of the terms calorific value, gases and is used to compare the
regulations &
agreements > specific gravity and Wobbe index. The higher the specific gravity of the energy output of gases with different
molecule, the heavier the gas, the compositions.
Gas quality They will also show an illustrative more slowly it moves.
Industry impacts > example of how these specific gas Regardless of the composition of a
quality terms interact and what Both CV and SG are crucial factors gas, if two gases have the same Wobbe
impact this has on the gas allowed when determining the Wobbe index. index number they will deliver the same
The future of into the UK. amount of energy to the appliance.
gas quality >
Calorific Value (CV) There are other key factors that impact
the UK approach to gas quality
information > Calorific Value is the amount of standards. These are outlined in the
energy that a given quantity of gas Gas Safety (Management) Regulation
releases during combustion. Calorific (GS(M)R) and can be found in the HSE
Value is usually quoted in megajoules guide to GS(M)R1.
per cubic metre (MJ/m3).

National Grid 9
1 https://w
GMaP gas
quality Different type of gas Spotlight
share There are predominantly two types of gas that enters the UK. These are termed “lean” and
2020 “rich”. In certain circumstances additional processes are required to bring gas in-line with the
Introduction and legal specifications. These processes are referenced below.
overview >

“Lean Gas” “Rich Gas”

Gas quality
information > Lean gas has a higher concentration of Rich gas has a higher concentration of
Gas quality methane and ethane in its propane and butane which results in
regulations & composition, which results in lower SG higher SG and CV values.
agreements >
and CV values.
This type of gas is found in the
Gas quality
Industry impacts >
This gas is typically found in the northern North sea area, and via LNG
southern North sea, the east Irish sea imports
and via biomethane production.
There are circumstances where rich
The future of
gas quality >
Where it is not possible to blend gases gas is required to be made leaner. In
an additional process of adding this process nitrogen an inert gas is
propane may be required in order to added to dilute the rich gas. This
Supporting enrich a lean gas, this process is process has a financial cost.
information >
primarily required at biomethane sites.
For LNG that is procured on the global
The process adds an additional cost to market, this additional cost, combined
biomethane production along with the with other EU markets having wider
environmental implications of adding a gas quality specifications has a market
fossil fuel into a green process. attractiveness implication for the UK.

National Grid 10
GMaP gas
quality Illustrative example of “Lean gas”, contains a low concentration of
knowledge how CV and SG impact larger molecules which causes a lower CV and
share specific gravity, which results in it falling out of
2020 Wobbe the allowed Wobbe range
Introduction and
overview > The following
illustrative example,
shows the relationship
Gas quality Calorific Specific
between calorific value, Wobbe
technical Value Gravity
information > specific gravity and
Gas quality
Wobbe, and how it
regulations & impacts whether a gas
agreements > “Lean Gas” 38.3 MJ/m³ 0.552 51.5 MJ/m³ of
is in an acceptable
safety range.
Gas quality
Industry impacts >
The calculation to derive
the Wobbe figure is CV In
“Comingled Gas” 39.3 MJ/m³ 0.598 50.8 MJ/m³
divided by 𝐒𝐆. Spec
The future of
gas quality >
Allowed Wobbe range is
47.20MJ/m³ to Just
Supporting 51.41MJ/m³ “Rich Gas” 40.2 MJ/m³ 0.618 51.1 MJ/m³ in
information > Spec

“Rich gas”, contains more larger molecules “Comingled gas”, contains a blend of rich and
which causes a higher CV and specific gravity, lean gas to produce a CV and SG values which
nearly resulting it to fall out of the allowed allow it to comply with the allowed Wobbe range.
National Grid Wobbe range 11
Gas Quality
Regulations &

| [Insert document title] | [Insert date]

GMaP gas
quality Gas quality, billing &
knowledge ‘capping’
Introduction and Gas quality plays a fundamental This means that there is a cap on This regulatory requirement reduces the
overview >
role in how end users are billed. what a CV for a charging zone can potential of end users cross subsidising
be. other end users within a specific
Gas quality Most GB domestic customers and charging zone.
technical industrial customers are billed on the The energy of the gas that physically
information >
basis of a daily CV average for their enters a charging zone is called the Please see the supporting information
Gas quality specific charging zone applied to the Measured Energy, whilst the for a worked example of how a charging
regulations &
agreements > volume of gas consumed. This is energy of the gas billed on the zones billing CV is calculated.
called the Flow Weighted Average FWACV is called the Billed Energy.
Gas quality Calorific Value (FWACV). The difference between the two
Industry impacts > energy values is called CV
There are currently 13 FWACV Shrinkage.
charging zones in Great Britain.
The future of National Grid have responsibility for
gas quality > The rules relating to this process are the procurement of CV Shrinkage.
setout in law via the Gas (Calculation Therefore National Grid are
of Thermal Energy) Regulations incentivised to try and ensure the
information > (CoTER). CV of the gas entering a zone is as
uniform as possible.
In order to stop the end user being
unfairly penalised by the averaging However, the introduction of
process (i.e. paying for excessive embedded biomethane sites within a
amount of energy they haven’t used), charging zones means that not all
CoTER introduces the concept of CV the gas that flows into a charging
‘Capping’. zone can be monitored by National
National Grid Grid. 13
GMaP gas
quality Biomethane production and target calorific values Spotlight
Introduction and Biomethane is produced through a Therefore the DNs set a Target CV
overview >
process of anaerobic digestion of for the biomethane sites to aim to
organic waste. Biomethane sites meet. The target CV is more aligned
Gas quality can connect to the NTS, or directly with those expected CVs entering
technical into a distribution network. from the NTS.
information >
Gas quality Sites that directly connect into a This process requires the addition of
regulations &
agreements > distribution network need to be taken propane and has costs and
into account for the purposes of environmental implications for the
Gas quality producing a billing CV. biomethane site.
Industry impacts >
Biomethane traditionally produces a National Grid have no control over
leaner lower CV gas, which if left the CV of the gas entering the
The future of unchecked would most likely cause charging zones from a embedded
gas quality > ‘capping’ of the FWACV. biomethane site. Any CV Shrinkage
these sites cause is still captured via
the existing CV Shrinkage
information > mechanism.
and bioSNG

Biomethane and Biomethane and and bioSNG

bioSNG in industry bioSNG in transport

National Grid 14
GMaP gas
quality Gas quality regulations
Introduction and Safety is of absolute paramount GS(M)R applies to the transportation
overview >
importance to operation, delivery of natural gas through pipes to
and utilisation of gas due to its domestic and other consumers.
Gas quality combustible nature.
technical Why is GS(M)R important? It
information >
To operate the gas system safely and places strict limits on the quality of
Gas quality reliably the delivery of gas has to be gas entering the network, and an
regulations &
agreements > within certain pre-determined limits obligation on transporters to only
as set out in legislation and convey gas in their networks that
Gas quality contractually. conforms to these limits.
Industry impacts >
Key documents are GS(M)R and Future of GS(M)R? There is
specific Network Entry Agreements currently an industry wide review of
The future of (NEAs) underpinned by the Uniform GS(M)R being undertaken by IGEM
gas quality > Network Code (UNC). which hopes to remove the
specification from primarily
Gas Safety (Management) legislation and expand some of the
information > Regulation current parameters.

What is GS(M)R? GS(M)R was

introduced as a statutory instrument,
to ensure the safe use and
management of the flow of gas
through the gas network in Great
National Grid 15
GMaP gas
quality Gas quality agreements
Introduction and There are a number of contractual Directly connected entry sites to the
overview >
entry and exit agreements which distribution networks have
determine the types of gas allowed connection agreements called ‘LDZ
Gas quality to be input to or off taken from the System Entry Agreements’.
technical network, such as Network Entry
information >
Agreements (NEAs). Why are agreements important?
Gas quality These agreements cover other gas
regulations &
agreements > quality limits in addition to GS(M)R
What are NEAs? These are specific components. They aim to
operational agreements between the ensure the safe running of the
Gas quality
Industry impacts >
transporter and the delivery facility system.
operator which define the technical
arrangements, including the gas
To change a gas quality parameter
quality limits at a specific entry point
The future of within an NEA normally requires an
onto the system.
gas quality > enabling UNC modification (as
detailed in section I of the
Storage Connection Agreements Transportation Principal Document
information > (SCA) and Interconnection in the UNC).
Agreements (IA) also cover gas
quality specifications for those types
This ensures UNC market
of specific sites.
participants have the ability to
engage in the process and
highlight any potential impacts.

National Grid See the support information 16

indicative specifications
GMaP gas
quality Gas quality and the
knowledge European Union
Introduction and Since 2007, the European body for It was not possible for member
overview >
Standardisation (CEN), has been states to agree on a harmonised
working to produce a gas quality range for Wobbe index.
Gas quality standard for the whole of Europe.
technical CEN has continued to work on
information >
In 2015 CEN published EN 16726 proposals for Wobbe index which
Gas quality which established ranges for a and these are expected to conclude
regulations &
agreements > number of gas quality properties, in 2020.
including carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Gas quality
Industry impacts > However, the adoption of this
standard in individual countries is
voluntary because there is currently
The future of no legal framework that bind member
gas quality > states to comply with it.

information >

National Grid 17
Gas Quality

| [Insert document title] | [Insert date]

GMaP gas
quality How gas quality impacts
knowledge transporters
Introduction and Gas transporters are legally The National Grid Control Room
overview >
obligated not to convey any gas in also monitors the CV of gas entering
their networks that does not charging zones from the NTS to try
Gas quality conform to the GS(M)R to minimise the differential between
technical specifications. billed and measured energy, which
information >
results in CV Shrinkage.
Gas quality The National Grid Control Room
regulations &
agreements > constantly monitors gas quality at all Distribution Network Control Rooms
entry points against limits defined in also monitor the gas entering their
Gas quality each Network Entry Agreement. network ensuring those entry sites
Industry impacts > that directly flow onto the
If a GS(M)R parameter is breached Distribution Network provide gas
by a terminal, the flow can be that meets legal requirements
The future of curtailed to try and prevent that gas
gas quality > reaching the NTS

information >

National Grid 19
GMaP gas
quality How gas quality impacts
knowledge shippers
Introduction and GB Shippers could be impacted by Shippers could be impacted by a
overview >
gas quality specifications in a number of high level gas quality
range of ways depending on their developments, including:
Gas quality commercial positions:
technical • The cost and competitiveness of
information >
Entry: If an entry delivery facility LNG entering the UK market.
Gas quality operator delivers off specification gas
regulations &
agreements > and is curtailed that would impact a • Maximising recovery of UKCS
shipper. It would leave them with a reserves
Gas quality shortfall of gas on their entry portfolio,
Industry impacts > which would require the shipper to • Encouraging further biomethane
procure additional gas from development and supply.
alternative sources or potentially face
The future of an energy imbalance charge. • Facilitating the introduction of
gas quality > hydrogen and other low carbon
Exit: If gas is taken of the system gas on the network.
outside the quality range, a plant
information > operator may refuse the gas causing
a shipper imbalance on their exit
side. In a worst case, this could
cause plant damage, leading to an
extended outage and loss of
transportation revenue for the

National Grid 20
GMaP gas
quality How gas quality impacts
knowledge end users
Introduction and Changing the gas quality ranges Industrial users: These users
overview >
would have different impacts on traditionally have a strong focus on
different types of end users. plant efficiency to drive positive
Gas quality economic outcomes. Certain
technical It is important to understand the industrial users are more sensitive to
information >
potential challenges these end users changes in gas quality than others,
Gas quality may face if gas quality ranges are so consistency of gas quality could
regulations &
agreements > changed minimise excess costs for these
Gas quality Gas fired power stations: These
Industry impacts > users require limited rates of changes Underground Storage: Storage
in CV and Wobbe. Onsite equipment sites are potentially sensitive to
is tuned to operate within a Wobbe changes in carbon dioxide and
The future of band to maximise efficiency and oxygen levels as the additional
gas quality > minimise emissions. Significant and moisture could cause corrosion and
rapid gas quality fluctuations could site damage.
impact on revenues and component
information > life span. Domestic users: Domestic
appliances are typically less
sensitive to fluctuations in gas
quality. These appliances are
covered by Gas Appliance
Regulation (GAR).

National Grid 21
The Future
of Gas

| [Insert document title] | [Insert date]

GMaP gas
quality Gas quality, future
knowledge opportunities and net zero
Introduction and Low carbon gases can play a As outlined in the Enabling the Gas Figure 2: Net zero energy demand in
overview >
significant role in enabling the Markets Plan document, gas quality 2050
energy transition to meet the net will be a key focus area in 2020.
Gas quality zero target in an economical and
technical efficient way. ▪ We will explore and document
information >
existing initiatives in the gas
Gas quality This was highlighted in National quality area.
regulations &
agreements > Grid’s 2019 Future Energy Scenarios
Net Zero sensitivity, where in 2050 ▪ We will provide
Gas quality 47% of energy utilised in the recommendations for future
Industry impacts > sensitivity was for the creation of projects, whilst continuing to
Hydrogen engage with industry Gas and electricity inputs
stakeholders to drive consumer produce 324TWh of
The future of We know gas quality standards will value. hydrogen
gas quality > need to change, therefore it is vital
that an agile and transparent process
is developed to change the gas
information > quality standards in an inclusive and
customer focused way.

Total energy demand: 896TWh

National Grid 23
GMaP gas
quality Hydrogen future?
Introduction and Hydrogen provides a unique It is widely expected that this
overview >
opportunity to decarbonise our restriction will need to evolve over
heating, transport and industrial time, as the technical feasibility of Hydrogen in Hydrogen
processes which would help in hydrogen is proven. Transport in heating
Gas quality H2
technical reaching the Net Zero target by H2
information > H
2050. There are primarily two ways 2

Gas quality hydrogen could be produced,

regulations & Hydrogen in Consumer
agreements > This is because when hydrogen is commonly known as: digitisation
burnt at source it produces energy
Gas quality and water, without emitting Blue Hydrogen: This is where
Industry impacts > carbon. hydrogen is created through Carbon
Capture Usage
industrial processes such as steam and Storage
The gas industry is currently going methane reformation (SMR), and
The future of through a period of intense innovation where the excess carbon emissions
gas quality > in demonstrating the safety and created would then be captured,
technical feasibility of hydrogen at used or stored (CCUS)
different blends.
Supporting Electrolysis Steam
information > Green Hydrogen: This is where Reforming
The current amount of hydrogen hydrogen is created via a process of + –

allowed in the gas composition by law electrolysis (combination of H2

is 0.1% (with exemptions for renewable electricity and water). If

innovation projects). This is a renewable electricity is used in this
historical legacy from the move from process, then the generation and
town gas to North Sea gas. use of hydrogen is completely
carbon free
National Grid 24
GMaP gas
quality Flow weighted average
knowledge calorific value example
Introduction and The example on the following 2 Measured: Each directed offtake Hence, in the example below instead of
overview >
slides shows how the FWACV is into a charging zone has a a 39.6 Billed CV, a ‘Capped’ Billed CV
calculated for a charging zone. It measured volume and a measured of 39.4 is applied which is 1.0 MJ/m³
Gas quality has representative calorific values, CV specific to the gas flow through above the lowest measured CV of 38.4.
technical but with lower volumes and energy that offtake during a day. A The difference is called CV Shrinkage
information >
for simplicity. calculation (1) is then applied to (e.g.500****) which National Grid takes
Gas quality define the measured energy of each responsibility to procure.
regulations &
agreements > There are two ways gas is supplied to offtake.
a charging zone, via offtakes from the
Gas quality NTS, or via directly connected sites Billed: The total volume for the
Industry impacts > within a charging zone (typically charging area (e.g. 8,500*) and the
biomethane sites). For this example total energy for a charging area (e.g.
the term “offtake” relates to both the 93,528**) is then calculated (2) to
The future of above ways gas can enter a charging define an ‘uncapped’ CV (e.g.
gas quality > zone. 39.6***). The maximum daily CV
average for the charging area
Offtakes are designated as either permitted by the regulations is equal
information > “Directed” or “Non-Directed” by to 1.0 MJ/m³ above the lowest
Ofgem. Directed offtakes use the CV measured daily CV average of the
of the gas that pass through the on- inputs into the charging area.
site equipment, whilst non-direct
offtakes have a CV attributed to them
from a nearby directed offtake.

National Grid 26
GMaP gas
quality Flow weighted average
knowledge calorific value example
2020 continued
Introduction and
overview >
Offtake / Direct Measured Measured CV Measured Energy Billing Energy CV Shrinkage
Billed CV (MJ/m³)
Connect Volume (m³) (MJ/m³) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh)
Gas quality
information >
A 500 38.4 5,333 39.4 5,472 -139
Gas quality
regulations & B 4000 39.2 43,556 39.4 43,778 -222
agreements >
C 3000 40.1 33,417 39.4 32,833 583
Gas quality
Industry impacts > D 1000 40.4 11,222 39.4 10,944 278

8500* 38.4 93,528** 93,028 500****

The future of
gas quality >

Volume x CV / 3.6 =
Supporting LOWEST SOURCE CV: 38.4 Calculation 1
information >

CHARGING ZONE CV Energy / Volume x

39.6*** Calculation 2
(UNCAPPED): 3.6 = CV

National Grid 27
GMaP gas
quality Gas ten year statement &
knowledge gas quality
2020 Table 1: Gas quality specification
Introduction and For entry agreements to the NTS Param eter Quality requirement
overview > Hydrogen
National Grid provides an indicative Sulphide
Not more than 5 mg/m3
specification that is usually Total Sulphur Not more than 50 mg/m3
Gas quality acceptable at most locations in its Hydrogen Not more than 0.1% (molar)
technical *Oxygen Not more than 0.001% (molar)
Gas Ten Year Statement (GTYS).
information > Hydrocarbon
This specification encompasses, but dew point
Not more than -2°C at any pressure up to 85 barg
Gas quality it is not limited to, the statutory Water dew point Not more than -10°C at 85 barg
regulations &
agreements > requirements set out in the GS(M)R. Wobbe Num ber
The Wobbe number shall be in the range 47.20 to 51.41 MJ/m3
(real gross dry)
Incom plete
Gas quality The Gas Ten Year Statement 2019 com bustion Not more than 0.48
Industry impacts > document can be found here factor (ICF)
Soot index (SI) Not more than 0.60
. dioxide
Not more than 2.5% (molar)

The future of The gas shall not contain solid, liquid or gaseous material that might interfere w ith the integrity or operation
gas quality > Containm ents of pipes or any gas appliance, w ithin the meaning of regulation 2(1) of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use)
Regulations 1998, that a consumer could reasonably be expected to operate.
Organo halides Not more than 1.5 mg/m3
Supporting Radioactivity Not more than 5 becquerels/g
information > Gas delivered shall have no odour that might contravene any statutory obligation. The odourisation
requirements in GS(M)R do not apply w here the gas is at a pressure above 7 barg.

The delivery pressure shall be the pressure required to deliver natural gas at the delivery point into our
entry facility at any time, taking into account the back pressure of our system at the delivery point, w hich
w ill vary from time to time. The entry pressure shall not exceed the maximum operating pressure at the
delivery point
Betw een 1°C and 38°C
Tem perature
*Requests for higher lim its w ill be considered
National Grid 28
GMaP gas
quality GS(M)R Schedule 3, Part 1
2020 Table 2: GS(M)R Schedule 3, Part A specification
Introduction and The following table shows the Content or Value
overview > Characteristic
ranges and characteristics of
allowed gas in the UK. hydrogen ≤5 mg/m3;
Gas quality sulphide
technical content
information >
total sulphur ≤50 mg/m3;
Gas quality content
regulations & (including
agreements > H2S)

Gas quality hydrogen ≤0.1% (molar);

Industry impacts > content

oxygen ≤0.2% (molar);


The future of im purities shall not contain solid or liquid material w hich may interfere w ith the integrity or operation of pipes or any
gas quality > gas appliance (w ithin the meaning of regulation 2(1) of the 1994 Regulations) w hich a consumer could
reasonably be expected to operate;

Supporting hydrocarbon shall be at such levels that they do not interfere w ith the integrity or operation of pipes or any gas
information > dew point and appliance (w ithin the meaning of regulation 2(1) of the 1994 Regulations) w hich a consumer could
w ater dewpoint reasonably be expected to operate;

WN (i)≤51.41 MJ/m3, and

(ii) ≥47.20 MJ/m3;

ICF ≤0.48

SI ≤0.60

National Grid 29
GMaP gas
quality Glossary
2020 Abbreviation Name Abbreviation Name
Introduction and
overview > Carbon Capture, Usage and Institution of Gas Engineers and
Storage Management

Gas quality CO2 Carbon Dioxide LDZ Local Distribution Zone

information > Calculation of Thermal Energy
CoTER LNG Liquid Natural Gas
Gas quality
regulations & CV Calorific Value NEA Network Entry Agreements
agreements >
DNs Distribution Networks NTS National Transmission System
Gas quality
Industry impacts > National Grid’s Future Energy
FES SCA Storage Connection Agreement
Flow Weighted Average Calorific
FWACV SG Specific Gravity
The future of Value
gas quality >
GMaP Gas Markets Plan SMR Stream Methane Reformation
Gas Safety Management Transportation Principle
Supporting GS(M)R TPD
information > Regulations Document (part of the UNC)
National Grid’s Gas Ten Year
GTYS UK United Kingdom
HSE Health and Safety Executive UKCS UK Continental Shelf
IA Interconnection Agreement UNC Uniform Network Code

National Grid 30
The information contained in this document is provided by National Grid Gas plc (“National
Grid”) in good faith. However, no warranty or representation or other obligation or
commitment of any kind is given by National Grid, its employees or advisors as to the
accuracy or completeness of any such information or that there are not matters material to
the arrangements and matters referred to therein other than is contained or referred to in
this document. Neither National Grid nor its employees or advisors shall be under any
liability for any error or misstatement or as a result of any failure to comment on any
information provided by National Grid. Other than in the event of fraudulent misstatement or
fraudulent misrepresentation, National Grid does not accept any responsibility for any use
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